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yuàn luò
  • courtyard;compound;yard
院落 [yuàn luò]
  • [compound] 庭院

院落[yuàn luò]
  1. 曼宁告辞后,我一个人穿过空寂的院落走回房间。

    Manning leaves and I walk back across the deserted courtyard .

  2. 院落式布局在现代公共建筑中的适用性探讨

    Research on Applicability of Courtyard Type Arrangement for Modern Public Building

  3. 我最爱的那家是藕艺(音译),位于茵雅路(InyaRoad)附近一条小巷内绿树成行的院落里。

    My favorite is called Ou Yi , in a tree-lined yard by a side lane off Inya Road .

  4. 斯特凡诺·阿卢菲-彭蒂尼(StefanoAluffi-Pentini)的院落就坐落在教堂旁边,隐没在一道低矮的门后。

    Alongside sits Stefano Aluffi-Pentini 's palazzo , hidden behind a low door .

  5. 秘密艾拉(PassaraRoad,Ella,94-57-222-6333,thesecrethotels.com):艾拉有众多酒店,大都破旧邋遢,这家新酒店却是整洁干净,坐落在镇外一英里处,接待情侣和家庭。院落内风景如画,提供精美的本地食品。

    The Secret Ella ( Passara Road , Ella , 94-57-222-6333 , thesecrethotels . com ) : A sleek new addition to Ella 's many ( and mostly scruffy ) hotels , situated about a mile from town and catering to couples and families . Excellent local food served on a picturesque terrace .

  6. 忆读济南老城区的特征民居院落

    Recall the Particular Residential Courtyards in the Old Area of Jinan

  7. 院落式住宅间距空间积极利用研究

    Research on Positive Utilization of the Courtyard Type Housing Space

  8. 中国传统院落空间在当代语境下的转译

    The transformation of Chinese traditional courtyard space in contemporary context

  9. 清华大学理学院北院院落环境行为调查

    Environmental behavior investigation of north courtyard of science school , Tsinghua University

  10. 湘西民居院落空间特色

    Courtyard Space Features of Residences in the West of Hunan

  11. 山西归来不看院院落深处看文化晋商大院

    The Culture of the Depth Shanxi Business Courtyard & Shanxi Business Courtyard

  12. 他们来到一座教堂前,进了教堂的院落。

    They reached a church , and entered the churchyard .

  13. 中国古代院落布置手法初探

    An Inquiry into the Layout of the Ancient Chinese Courtyard

  14. 兴城古城民居院落空间研究

    Research of space of the folk courtyards of Xingcheng

  15. 中国民居的院落精神

    Spirit of the Yard of China 's Vernacular Dwellings

  16. 晋中传统院落的空间限定与社会意识

    Spatial Definition and Social Consciousness of Jinzhong Traditional Courtyard

  17. 中国传统民居院落的分析与继承

    Analysis and inheritance of Chinese traditional residents ' courtyards

  18. 此外,对家庭院落的墙壁和其它表面进行清理。

    In addition walls and other surfaces in family compounds have been cleaned .

  19. 他们把我们押到了一座土墙式院落。

    They took us to a baked mud compound .

  20. 建筑布局,轴线见长的院落空间。

    The pattern of architecture paying more attention to axes ' courtyard space .

  21. 村庄布局及院落形式对交通噪声衰减的影响

    The influence of village layout and courtyard space form on weakening traffic noise

  22. 监狱院落里发现了一条隧道的入口。

    A tunnel entrance was found within the precincts of the prison camp .

  23. 街区内有五个民居被登入汉中重点民居院落名录。

    In the area five residential houses have logged Hanzhong key residential courtyard list .

  24. 几栋红砖砌的院落还竖在那里,提醒人们这里的过去。

    A few red-brick courtyard houses still survive , a reminder of things past .

  25. 本拉登被击毙时藏身的院落如今成为了一处“恐怖”旅游目的地。

    The compound where Bin Laden was killed has become a ghoulish tourist attraction .

  26. 院落的布局,室内的建筑或装饰都占有相当的文字比例。

    The courtyard and layout , indoor construction or decoration occupies considerable text proportion .

  27. 北京的胡同,实际上就是这大大小小的民居院落之间形成的通道。

    Hutongs in Beijing are in fact alleys formed by houses of different sizes .

  28. 我国传统民居大多采取院落式民居。

    Most residents take traditional Chinese courtyard dwelling .

  29. 传统院落空间与现代建筑创作

    The traditional courtyard-space and modern architecture design

  30. 城市成长中传统街、巷、院落空间的继承与发展研究

    Study on Inheritance and Development of Traditional Street , Lane and Courtyard in City Growth