
  1. 陈晨还提到了自己一段不开心的经历,四年级时她写了一篇以“升旗仪式”为主题的作文。

    Chen referred to her own bitter experience as a fourth-grader .

  2. 这个问题也困扰着陈晨。

    That question has also perplexed Chen Chen .

  3. 陈晨说:我们却花了七个小时的时间,缓慢地向上攀爬。

    But it took us seven hours to crawl our way up , said Chen .

  4. 陈晨表示,一名登山者一定不能让自己的家人担忧。

    According to Chen , a mountaineer must avoid causing his or her family anxiety .

  5. 25岁的陈晨就读于中国地质大学(武汉校区)的户外专业。

    Chen is a 25-year-old outdoor recreation major at China University of Geosciences , Wuhan campus .

  6. 当陈晨还在读大一时,她的父亲被确诊为多发性骨髓瘤,生命垂危。

    When Chen was a freshman her father was diagnosed with multiple myeloma , a fatal disease .

  7. 陈晨说:我几乎不和父母谈登山的事,更不用说其中的危险了。

    I hardly talked about mountain climbing with my parents , let alone the danger of it , said Chen .

  8. 在征服世界最高峰之后,陈晨正在考虑以后做一名职业登山者。

    Following her trip to the top of the world , Chen is considering professional mountaineering as her career in the future .

  9. 尽管一步走错都可能要付出生命代价,但你不能让父母为此饱受煎熬。陈晨说道。

    One wrong step could cost you your life , but you cannot have your parents haunted by that , said Chen .

  10. 陈晨说:我整个大学生活都在学习忍耐,而恰巧这正是一名优秀登山运动员所应具备的。

    I learned endurance throughout my college life , which , by chance , is what a good mountaineer requires , said Chen .

  11. 张晓的母亲陈晨(音译)说,她理解老师的用意,但建议老师换一种方式给出建议。

    Zhang 's mother , Chen Chen , said she could see the point of the teacher 's advice but suggested a different approach .

  12. 因此陈晨的大一生活并非无忧无虑,她靠在当地的一家运动俱乐部中做兼职来赚取学费以及生活开销。

    Instead of enjoying a care-free freshman year , Chen took a part-time job in a local sports club to support her tuition and expenses .

  13. 当脱下臃肿的羽绒服以及装有冰爪的登山鞋后,陈晨是位留着娃娃头的窈窕少女。

    When she removes her puffy down jacket and climbing boots fitted with crampons , Chen Chen is a slim woman with a pageboy haircut .

  14. 此次珠峰探险队的总指挥董范曾三次成功登顶珠峰,而他表示,正是陈晨那份无人能比的意志力使她登上了世界最高峰。

    But according to Dong Fan , director of this Qomolangma expedition who has been to the top three times , it is Chen 's unrivalled mental strength that got her to the summit of the world .

  15. 陈晨还提到了自己一段不开心的经历,四年级时她写了一篇以升旗仪式为主题的作文。

    Chen referred to her own bitter experience as a fourth-grader . She described the weather , the attendee , who was chosen to raise the flag and so on in a writing assignment on the topic of Raising the flag .