
  1. 现年43岁的陈天桥和40岁的妻子在1999年创业。根据《胡润中国百富榜》(HurunChinaRichList),他们的身价达到34.3亿美元。

    Mr Chen , 43 , and his wife , 40 , founded their business together in 1999 and have a fortune of $ 3.43bn , according to the Hurun Report 's annual China Rich List .

  2. 根据陈天桥的领英(LinkedIn)个人资料,这家总部位于新加坡的私有投资集团旗下管理着大约80亿美元净资产。

    The privately owned Singapore-based investment group has about $ 8bn in net assets under management , according to Mr Chen 's LinkedIn profile .

  3. 盛大(Shanda)创始人陈天桥和雒芊芊(ChrissyLuo)的这笔捐赠突显中国大陆企业家在全球慈善事业中扮演越来越重要的角色。盛大最初是一家网络游戏开发商,后来转型为一家投资集团,持有LendingClub和美盛(LeggMason)股份。

    The gift by Tianqiao Chen and Chrissy Luo , founders of Shanda - which began life as an online games developer before transforming into an investment group with stakes in Lending Club and Legg Mason - underlines the increasingly prominent role played by mainland Chinese entrepreneurs in global philanthropy .

  4. 但陈天桥表示,其它品牌或许适合。

    But other brands would be fine , Mr Chen says .

  5. 陈天桥提出,游戏的部分设计是让所有角色都可能偶然发现财富。

    Mr Chen cites setting up part of the game so all characters stumble across treasure .

  6. 实际上做市场竞争这个报告是最有说服力的应该还是陈天桥。

    Actually doing the market competition the report is the most convincing should or Chen Tianqiao .

  7. 陈天桥认为不会。

    Mr Chen says not .

  8. 突然积聚的财富让陈天桥有一步登天、失去重心的感觉。

    Suddenly accumulative fortune lets Chen Tianqiao have the have a skyrocketing rise , feeling that loses heart .

  9. 我们认为由陈天桥和唐骏领导的全新的管理团队将带领新浪进入新的阶段。

    We believe a new management team led by Tianqiao Chen and Jun Tang will prepare Sina for the next decade .

  10. 九天科技对外出租聊天室业务,业务用手机号和“陈天桥”一致。

    Empyreal science and technology hires chatting room business to going out , business is mixed with mobile phone date " Chen Tianqiao " consistent .

  11. 榜单上高居第二的陈天桥在接受记者采访时极不情愿地评价:“这就是一个游戏。”

    Chen Tianqiao , the second richest man in the report , commented reluctantly while interviewed by journalists , " it is actually a game . "

  12. 陈天桥深信,允许玩家免费进入,而后向他们出售虚拟商品和服务,他可以获得更多的收入,创造更多收入机会。

    Mr Chen was convinced he could make more money and create revenue opportunities by giving players free access and then selling them virtual goods and services .

  13. 其中他的传奇已经6年了,现在还可以保持这样的势头,这么高的销售,陈天桥本人对市场的认识是比较深刻的。

    One of his legend has been for6 years , can still maintain this momentum , so high sales , Chen Tianqiao 's knowledge of the market is more profound .