
  • 网络ardennes;Arden;ardenne;Aden
  1. 我们可以朝北到布鲁日或者阿登森林去嘛。

    We could go up to Bruges , or to the Ardennes .

  2. 希特勒在阿登森林的赌博的决定性转折点是在圣诞节的前一天发生的。

    The definite turning point in Hitler 's Ardennes gamble came on the day before Christmas .

  3. 杨百翰大学(BrighamYoungUniversity)的经济学家C·阿登·波普三世(C.ArdenPopeIII)是研究空气污染对健康的影响的权威专家,他指出,准确的污染监测仪器直到20世纪80年代才出现。

    C. Arden Pope III , a professor of economics at Brigham Young University and a leading expert on the health consequences of air pollution , noted that accurate pollution monitors have existed only since the 1980s .

  4. 西雅图礼仪专家阿登&12539;克莱斯(ArdenClise)称,电子设备逐渐主宰了我们的生活。

    Electronic devices are taking over our lives , says Arden Clise , an etiquette expert in Seattle .

  5. 她与丈夫及两个孩子住在美国内华达州阿登市。

    She lives in Arden , Nevada , with her husband and two children .

  6. 敌军万万没料到他会攻击阿登,其险峻又树林茂密的地形,逼得坦克只能沿狭道前进。

    The steep and densely wooded terrain forces his tanks to stick to the narrow tracks .

  7. 阿登以前一天能赚到60美元,但是现在,这一数字降到了零。

    Aden previously earned around $ 60 a day ; he says that number is now down to nearly zero .

  8. 二战中德国最高陆军元帅,他指挥了攻克波兰的战役并领导了阿登尼斯反击战。

    German field marshal in World War II who directed the conquest of Poland and led the Ardennes counteroffensive ( 1875-1953 ) .

  9. 在肯尼亚独特的东部海滩上,阿比特·阿登会向游客出租他红色装束的大骆驼,他以此赚钱为生。

    Abdi Aden makes his living by charging tourists to ride on his large , red-costumed camel on Kenya 's picturesque eastern coast .

  10. “真混,”我说,“干嘛到斯特拉斯堡去呢?咱们可以上布鲁日,或者到阿登森林去嘛。”

    " Hell ," I said ," why go to Strasbourg ? We could go up to Bruges , or to the Ardennes . "

  11. 第二次世界大战期间,坦克大决战是1944年盟军和德军在比利时阿登森林的一场决定性的战役。

    In World War II , the Battle of the Bulge was a decisive encounter occurring in1944 between the Allied troops and the Germans in the Ardennes Forest in Belgium .

  12. 这一研究成果发表在《柳叶刀》医学杂志网络版上,其研究对象包括了剑桥大学阿登布鲁克医院和比利时列日大学校医院的病患。

    The study – which was published in an online edition of The Lancet medical journal – involved patients at Addenbrooke 's Hospital in Cambridge and University Hospital of Liege , Belgium .

  13. 尽管他承认阿登攻势并没有“获得预期的决定性胜利”,但是他声称这一战役已经带来了“整个形势的转变,而在两个星期以前没有人相信这种转变是可能的。”

    Although he admitted that the Ardennes offensive had not " resulted in the decisive success which might have been expected ," he claimed that it had brought about " a transformation of the entire situation such as nobody would have believed possible a fortnight ago . "