
  • 网络arvada;AVADA
  1. 从第一部《哈利?波特》开始,已经过去二十年,短期内好像没有人要和他永别。(译者注:AvadaKedavra为阿瓦达索命咒)

    Twenty years on from that first book , it looks like no-one 's going to be saying " Avada Kedavra " to Harry Potter anytime soon .

  2. 这样翻译貌似也对,因为他和哈利的魔法联系使得他被下达“阿瓦达索命”(死咒,三大不可饶恕咒之首)后还奇迹般的活下来了。

    The translation seems appropriate , since Voldemort was stopped from dying after being magically linked with Harry while trying to cast the killing curse avada kedavra on him 。

  3. 法塔赫一个不太知名的自称为“阿瓦达旅”的分支组织声称对这次袭击负责,并且表示这是对哈马斯使用暴力手段在一年前占领加沙地带进行的报复。

    An unknown offshoot of Fatah , calling itself the " Awda Brigades " claimed responsibility for the attack , saying it was revenge for the violent Hamas takeover of Gaza a year ago .