
  • 网络Opioids;Opiates;opioid
  1. 阿片类药物透过血脑屏障的三维构效研究

    Study on 3D QSAR of opioids passing through blood brain barrier

  2. 阿片类药物造成的心理依赖作用提示与学习记忆功能有关。

    Psychological dependence induced by opioids implicates the involvement of learning and memory function .

  3. 136例阿片类药物依赖者SCL-90的评定结果分析

    Assessment and analysis of SCL-90 in 136 opioid addicts

  4. NMDA受体拮抗剂对阿片类药物耐受和依赖的阻断作用

    Blockade of Opioid Tolerance and Dependence by NMDA Receptor Antagonist

  5. SF组术后24h躁动发生率、主诉需要阿片类药物少于F组(P<0.05)。

    The rates of restlessness of group SF were lower than that of group F ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 但FDA指出,多数服用此药的人可以选择几个轻度阿片类药物做等效替代。

    But the FDA noted that many people take the drug and that there are few choices equivalent to the mild opioid .

  7. 结论应用DBS外科方法戒断阿片类药物精神依赖,取得短期满意疗效。

    Conclusion In this study , NAc DBS is used to alleviate opiate drug psychological dependence , and the short-term follow-up showed a satisfactory outcome .

  8. 在PACU病人精确静脉给阿片类药物可以安全的达到满意的镇痛。

    In the PACU , careful titration of small intravenous doses of opioids can safely provide satisfactory analgesia .

  9. 阿片类药物与人体分泌的自然阿片类物质有着相同的效果,就像人体对药物产生的耐药性曲线一样,会遭遇脱稳状态(withdrawalsymptoms),人类的关系也会经历相同的过程。

    Opiate drugs have the same effect as the body 's natural opioids , and just as people build up tolerances to drugs , develop cravings , and suffer withdrawal symptoms , similar processes play out with relationships .

  10. NO-cGMP信号转导系统的上调参与阿片类药物耐受和戒断的生化机制

    Up-regulation of NO-cGMP signal transduction system is involved in the biological mechanisms of opiate tolerance and withdrawal

  11. 既然中脑边缘DA系统在药物精神依赖性中起重要作用,由于NAc是奖赏通路的最后通道,所以在研究阿片类药物依赖的治疗中显得尤为重要。

    Since the DA system of MLDS play an important role in medicine psychological dependence , and NAc is the last channel of awarding system , so it is more important in the therapy of optium dependence .

  12. 方法随访术后反馈动机形成障碍的16例阿片类药物依赖患者,评估手术疗效,分析障碍的类型、程度、持续时间、转归过程,部分复查CT、MRI,总结靶点位置。

    Methods To follow up the 16 patients addicted to opiates who had been suffering motivation-forming dysfunction after operation to analyze the type degree duration and prognosis of this kind of dysfunction and to inspect some of the patients by CT or MRI to summarize the location of the target .

  13. 本实验采用4个实验对盐酸二氢埃托啡(DHE)的精神依赖性潜力进行了较系统的评价,并与其他阿片类药物进行了比较。

    This study was undertaken to systematic assess psychic dependence potential research of dihydroetorphine ( DHE ) by 4 experiments in rhesus monkeys , and compared with other opiate .

  14. 目的··:探讨阿片类药物滥用者使用药物情况。

    Objective : To understand the situation of opioid drug abuse .

  15. 大剂量阿片类药物治疗癌性疼痛回顾性分析

    A retrospective analysis of high-dose opioids analgesics management for cancer pain

  16. 阿片类药物对海马神经递质释放调控的分子机制

    Molecular mechanisms for regulation of neurotransmitter release by opiates in hippocampus

  17. 加巴喷丁联合阿片类药物应用于癌痛的临床研究

    The Clinical Therapeutic Effect of Gabapentin Combined Opioid to Cancer Pain

  18. 阿片类药物依赖及戒断症状的细胞分子机制和治疗

    The Therapy and Cellular-molecular Mechanisms of Opioid Drug Dependence and Withdrawal

  19. 住院海洛因依赖者阿片类药物过量的危险因素分析

    Analysis of Risk Factors of Opioid Overdose in Inpatient Heroin Addicts

  20. 贵州省安顺市阿片类药物滥用情况调查

    A survey of opioids abuse in anshun , Guizhou Province

  21. 对60例女性阿片类药物依赖者的心理调查与分析

    A psychological survey and analysis of sixty cases of female opioid addicts

  22. 我国阿片类药物的药用及滥用史

    History of Use and Abuse of Opiates in Our Country

  23. 长期使用阿片类药物可以导致严重的耐受和成瘾。

    Chronic exposure to opiates eventually leads to drug addiction .

  24. 运用护理程序进行阿片类药物不良反应监控

    Applying nursing program to monitor adverse effect of opioid drugs

  25. 阿片类药物依赖性患者尿标本中吗啡的薄层色谱检定法研究

    Determination of morphine in urine of the opiate addicts by thin-layer chromatography

  26. 阿片类药物替代疗法:安全性和滥用倾向的比较研究

    Opioid agonist substitution therapies : comparative safety and abuse liability

  27. 目的:探讨丁丙诺啡对阿片类药物依赖的治疗作用。

    Objective : To study the efficacy of buprenorphine on opioids dependence treatment .

  28. 脑内组胺与阿片类药物成瘾

    Histamine in brain and drug addiction of opium types

  29. 103例阿片类药物滥用者用药调查

    An analysis of 103 cases of opioid drug abusers

  30. 实验组为均对阿片类药物形成耐受和依赖。

    The study group was those had tolerance and dependence on opioid drugs .