
  • Adger【英格兰人姓氏】&L【Edgar】的变体
  1. 阿杰:他们一开始就不该入侵的。

    Ajie : They should have never invaded in the first place .

  2. 阿杰:不然就是干脆从伊拉克撤军。

    Ajie : Either that or withdraw from Iraq altogether .

  3. 浣熊阿杰说篱笆后面住著一种叫做人类的贪婪生物。

    Racoon RJ says that over the hedge live greedy creatures called humans .

  4. 阿杰:在伊拉克的战争或许会变得更糟。

    Ajie : The war in Iraq is probably going to get worse .

  5. 阿杰:这张更糟哩。

    Ajie : This is even worse .

  6. 如果敌人突破阿杰达比亚,那么班加西以及托卜鲁克以西的一切据点便都岌岌可危了。

    If the enemy broke through to Agedabia , Benghazi and everything west of Tobruk were imperilled .

  7. 两个坐隔壁的同事在看网络上的照片阿杰:看看这些照片。

    Two neighboring office workers are looking at pictures on the internet Ajie : Look at these pictures .

  8. 一个月后,男友的爸爸前来台北,要收拾阿杰的生前遗物。

    One month later , Jie 's father , saying he is coming to Taipei to pick up what Jie left behind .

  9. 不过,当浣熊阿杰以他酷哥的魅力渐渐说服其他动物时,龟毛开始自我怀疑,而不确定到底什麽才是对他的家庭最好的。

    But as RJ 's cool charisma slowly wins over the other animals , Verne begins to question himself and what 's truly best for his family .