
  • 网络aske;Usk;Julie Ask
  1. 一到那里,阿斯克和他的许多同谋立即被逮捕,并以叛国罪审判处死用来以儆效尤。

    Once there , Aske and many of his conspirators were arrested , tried for treason and put to death as a warning to others .

  2. 阿斯克以南盛行的似乎是一种完全不同的方式。

    South of the Usk , a completely different approach seems to hold sway

  3. 阿斯克勒庇俄斯你了解所有事情的因果!

    How quickly thou understandest the reason of things , Asclepios !

  4. 哦,阿斯克勒庇俄斯,这个原因是什么?

    What is the reason of this , O Trismegistus ?

  5. 哦,阿斯克勒庇俄斯,事物的原始法则是什幺?

    What , O Trismegistus , are the primordial principles of things ?

  6. 我是阿斯克维斯,苏珊?阿斯克维斯。

    My name 's askwith , Susan askwith .

  7. 是的,阿斯克勒庇俄斯,就象我愿意告诉你的一样,世界是好的。

    Yes , the world is good , Asclepios , as I will inform thee .

  8. 我和阿斯克见过三次。

    Asako and I met three times .

  9. 哦,阿斯克勒庇俄斯,所有个体外观通用的物质是这些法则?

    These principles are , then , O Trismegistus , the universal substance of all individual appearances ?

  10. 接着,阿斯克勒庇俄斯走开一会儿及为我们的对话找寻另外的一个听者。

    Bur first , Asclepios , go away for a little while and look for another hearer for our discourse .

  11. 哦,阿斯克勒庇俄斯,意志是映像的结果,就意志来说意志是它自己、一个意愿的行动。

    O Asclepios , Will is the result of reflection , and to will is itself an act of willing .

  12. 夸雷亚雷拉去年夏天从阿斯克利来到桑普多利亚,而他的所有权是西耶那和乌迪内斯所共有的。

    Quagliarella joined samp last summer from ascoli , although his sporting rights are co-owned by both the Genoa club and udinese .

  13. 阿斯克勒庇俄斯,我请求你展示你全部的关注和全部心灵的激情;

    I desire , O Asclepios , that thou mayest bring to this exposition all the attention and all the ardor of thy mind ;

  14. 然而,自从去年夏天与阿斯克利合同到期到现在为止还是自由身,他目前仍在寻找新东家。

    However , he is currently a free agent after his contract with Ascoli ended last summer and is still looking at his options .

  15. 但是,迈克阿斯克尔先生的布道或许仅仅是仓促间为掩饰背后的现实政治而做的官样文章。

    Perhaps , however , Mr MacAskill 's moralising is merely rhetorical chaff , thrown up to disguise the realpolitik that lay behind the release .

  16. 哦,阿斯克勒庇俄斯,除我感知的外,你急切地想了解以何种方式天堂和居住在天堂的那些神能够成为人类渴望和崇拜的对象;

    But I perceive , O Asclepios , that thou art anxious to know in what manner heaven and those who inhabit it can be the object of the aspiration and adoration of man ;

  17. 医药神阿波罗,阿斯克勒庇俄斯(希腊神话中的医神),阿克索(希腊神话中的健康女神)及帕那刻亚(希腊神话中代表完全治疗的女神)诸神为证,鄙人在此宣誓,愿以自身能力、判断力所及,遵守此约:

    I swear by Apollo , the healer , Asclepius , Akso , and Panacea , and I take to witness all the gods , all the goddesses , to keep according to my ability and my judgment , the following Oath and agreement :