
  • 网络Arabic Culture
  1. 前阿拉伯文化中全球化因子演进史略

    Brief History of Evolution on " Globalization Factor " in Former Arabic Culture

  2. 范奥斯塔延对大学里学习过的历史和阿拉伯文化很感兴趣,这让他投身于这份工作。

    Mr Van Ostaeyen got into this work through his interest in history and Arabic culture , which he studied at university .

  3. 阿拉伯文化的西传和西欧的文艺复兴西欧航空心理学协会

    The westerly transmission of Arab culture and the Renaissance in West Europe

  4. 在阿拉伯文化中这是一种传统。

    That it 's a tradition in Arabic cultures .

  5. 在阿拉伯文化中,鞋底被认为是肮脏的。

    In Arab culture , the soles of shoes are regarded as unclean .

  6. 阿拉伯语中的礼貌现象在阿拉伯文化的影响下,也具有其独特的特色。

    Polite phenomena in Arabic have its uniqueness shaped by the Arabic culture .

  7. 实话讲,阿拉伯文化是广阔和多元的。

    Now to be sure , the Arab world is vast and varied .

  8. 起初的工作是对希腊和阿拉伯文化的直接反应。

    The initial work was a direct response to the Greek and Arabic literature .

  9. 创建一个“阿拉伯文化背景下的现代国家”。

    To create " a modern state within the context of Arab culture " .

  10. 另外,现在豪赫同时正在深入研究阿拉伯语与阿拉伯文化。

    Garcia is also researching on the Arabic language and culture at the same time .

  11. 整个展馆设计都体现了传统阿拉伯文化和现代都市的完美结合。

    The exhibition design reflects traditional Arab culture and the perfect combination of modern city .

  12. 发展阿拉伯文化计划

    Plan for the Development of Arab Culture

  13. 阿拉伯文化中心精于发掘西方世界和中东的文化联系。

    The Institut du Monde Arabe specialises in exploring cultural links between the Western world and the Middle East .

  14. 而相反的,拉丁或是阿拉伯文化的人,彼此站得很近,他常?/s>

    People in Latin or Arab cultures , in contrast , stand very close to each other , and touch each other often .

  15. 以中国、印度、阿拉伯文化为代表的东方文化在有关妇女地位方面有许多共同特征。

    Abstract represented by chinese , Indian and Arabic cultures , Oriental cultures as a whole , had many common characteristics concerning women ? S status .

  16. 外形似帆船的迪拜帆船酒店代表着迪拜的航海传统,它是被建来展现宏伟阿拉伯文化巅峰的。

    The Burj Al Arab , shaped like a sail to represent Dubai 's nautical heritage , was created to represent the pinnacle of majestic Arabian culture .

  17. 几个世纪以来,他们中的许多人一直在维护自己的语言和身份,同时他们的祖国也成为主要阿拉伯文化的一部分。

    Through the centuries , many of them have maintained their own language and identity , while also becoming part of the largely-Arab cultures of their home countries .

  18. 随着中东国家在国际事务上的角色越来越重要,现在我们正急缺那种精通阿拉伯语和阿拉伯文化的人。

    With the growing importance of the Middle East in international affairs , there is thus an extreme shortage of workers who are versed in Arabic language and culture .

  19. 来自阿拉伯文化院的专家纳西夫▪凯告诉我们,宠物鹰耗价2000迪拉姆(544美元)到70000迪拉姆(19058美元)不等。

    Cultural expert Nasif Kayed , from The Arab Culturalist , told CNN falcons can cost anywhere between 2000 dirhams ( $ 544 ) and 70000 dirhams ( $ 19058 ) .

  20. 中世纪盛期英国经验科学思想的萌发首先得益于阿拉伯文化的传播,阿拉伯文化为中世纪的西欧提供了经验观察和实用的哲学、科学方法。

    The germination of Britain , s experience scientific thought is first benefit from the spread of Arab culture which provides experience observation , practical philosophy and the scientific method for Western Europe .

  21. 墨西拿是希腊人在公元前8世纪建立的,从那时起,这座城市就有着罗马文化、阿拉伯文化等丰富的文化结构。

    Founded by the Greeks in the 8th century B.C. , the city has since been inhabited by many cultures including the Romans and the Arabs , making for a rich cultural fabric .

  22. 每个课程单元都从一篇名为大同世界反思的文章开始。戈尔斯塔先生表示,该主题涉及范围从单亲家庭,到保护热带雨林,再到探讨阿拉伯文化。

    Each unit of curriculum starts with a chosen essay , called a " One World Reflection . " The subjects have ranged from single parenthood to protecting rainforests to exploring Arab cultures , says Mr. Goldstein .

  23. 也就是说,他们喜欢让彼此保持一只手臂的距离。而相反的,拉丁或是阿拉伯文化的人,彼此站得很近,他常互相碰触。

    In other words , they like to keep each other " at arm 's length . " People in Latin or Arab cultures , in contrast , stand very close to each other , and touch each other often .

  24. 阿拉伯城市文化背景专家组会议

    Expert Group Meeting on the Cultural Context of the Arab City

  25. 保护阿拉伯国家文化财产区域中心

    Regional Centre for the Preservation of Cultural Property in the Arab States

  26. 文明冲突、文明对话、发展模式&9·11与阿拉伯思想文化

    Civilization Conflict and Dialogue with Development Pattern ── 9.11 and Arabic Thought and Culture

  27. 阿拉伯企业文化及管理特色

    Arabic Company Culture and Management Characteristics

  28. 阿拉伯游牧文化和中国古代的农耕文化分别在阿拉伯语和汉语中留下了印记。

    The ancient Chinese farming culture and Arab nomadic culture have both exerted great effect upon the Chinese language and Arabic language .

  29. 2010年05月22日作为中国与阿拉伯国家文化交流的一部分,中国舞剧《月上贺兰》将在埃及和卡塔尔上演。

    2010-05-22 A Chinese dance drama called " The Moon Over the Helan Mountain " will be staged in Egypt and Qatar as part of the cultural exchanges between China and Arabic countries .

  30. 从文字系统的视角来看世界的话,世界有五大主要文化圈:汉字文化圈、阿拉伯字母文化圈、印度字母文化圈、斯拉夫字母文化圈和拉丁字母文化圈。

    If we see the world from the perspective of the writing system , the world has five major cultural circle : Chinese character cultural circle , the Arabic letters cultural circle , India letters cultural circle , Slavic letters cultural circle and Latin letters cultural circle .