
  • 网络Arcadia;Acadia;Arkadia;Arcadian
  1. 他的新剧《阿卡迪亚》和他写过的任何作品一样,错综复杂、构思精巧并且富含典故。

    His new play , Arcadia , is as intricate , elaborate and allusive as anything he has yet written .

  2. 绝对华丽和美丽的PUD是阿卡迪亚学区。

    Absolutely gorgeous and beautiful PUD home in Arcadia School District .

  3. 从阿卡迪亚国家公园一个多树木的山丘能看到鹰湖(EagleLake)。

    Eagle Lake is visible from a wooded hill at Acadia National Park .

  4. 光彩夺目的秋天在荒漠山岛(MountDesertIsland)上的鹰湖蔓延开来了。荒漠山岛是组成缅因州阿卡迪亚国家公园的几个沿海岛屿中的一个。

    Autumn 's grandeur spreads across Eagle Lake on Mount Desert Island , one of several coastal islands that make up Acadia National Park in Maine .

  5. 这个国家公园引人瞩目的垂直地貌——石塔、砂岩谷和陡峭崖壁——每年吸引250万游客前来游览。9.AcadiaNationalPark阿卡迪亚国家公园

    The park 's striking vertical topography - rock towers , sandstone canyons , and sharp cliffs - attracts 2.5 million visitors a year .

  6. 今年秋天,阿卡迪亚国家公园(AcadiaNationalPark)在缅因的斯库迪克半岛开设了一个新的露营地,就在公园最受欢迎的芒特迪瑟特岛(MountDesertIsland)以东。

    Acadia National Park is to begin managing a new campground on Maine 's Schoodic Peninsula this fall , just east of its popular neighbor , Mount Desert Island .

  7. 在2013年的政府征收工作中,阿卡迪亚的道路暂时封闭了,一个受欢迎的附带结果是,人们认识到,步行或坐车游览这个公园是最好的,非盈利组织阿卡迪亚之友的联络协调员艾美·比尔·彻奇(AimeeBealChurch)说道。

    One welcome byproduct of road closures at Acadia during the 2013 government sequestration was the realization that the park was best seen on foot or vehicles , Aimee Beal Church , a communications coordinator at Friends of Acadia , a nonprofit , said .

  8. 黑人英语和阿卡迪亚人的英语也不让人接受。

    Black English and Cajun English may also be less acceptable .

  9. 你们没听说过他最有名的阿卡迪亚杂烩?

    You never heard of roy 's famous Cajun gumbo before ?

  10. 山与海在缅因州的阿卡迪亚国家公园交汇。

    Sea and mountain meet at Acadia National Park in Maine .

  11. 我去的是路易斯安那,所以,食物都是阿卡迪亚风味。

    It was Louisiana , so the food was cajun .

  12. 阿卡迪亚语在阿卡迪亚使用的古希腊方言。

    The dialect of ancient Greek used in arcadia .

  13. 路易斯安那州的卡津人是加拿大境内法语区的阿卡迪亚人的后裔。

    The Cajuns in Louisiana are descendants of the French-speaking Acadians of Canada .

  14. 阿卡迪亚是加拿大新斯科细亚省的早期名称。

    Acadia is an early name for the Canadian province of Nova Scotia .

  15. 《阿卡迪亚人》中低调陈述的语用研究

    A Pragmatic Study of Understatement in the Acadians

  16. 但是课堂上的学习只是在阿卡迪亚学习的一部分。

    But learning in the classroom is only part of the world of education at Acadia .

  17. 黑暗夜色的约旦在缅因州阿卡迪亚国家公园的北极光漩涡上。

    Darkness settles over Jordan Pond in Maine 's Acadia National Park as northern lights swirl above .

  18. 前阿卡迪亚居民肖恩杜拉克(后右)主演的电视剧在目前的韩国电视剧。

    Former Arcadia resident Sean Dulake ( back right ) starring in current Korean TV series drama .

  19. 如果你想找个填写你的生活清单,阿卡迪亚的地方。

    If you 're looking to fill out your life list , Acadia is the place to be .

  20. 这是我最后一次见到他,因为我搬到了阿卡迪亚洛杉矶以东的阿卡迪亚。

    That was the last I saw of him as I had moved to Arcadia , east of Los Angeles .

  21. 在被英国打败之后,约瑟夫·布鲁萨德带领阿卡迪亚人来到了路易斯安那州。而碧昂斯,就是他的后人。

    She is descended from Joseph Broussard , the man who led the Arcadians to Louisiana following their defeat by the British .

  22. 这条小路在美国东海岸非常有名,同时也是阿卡迪亚国家公园中最危险的景点之一。

    The trail is very popular on the East Coast but it 's also one of the most dangerous in Acadia National Park .

  23. 法国殖民者于世纪年代被英国人放逐到路易斯安娜的后裔就叫作阿卡迪亚人。

    French settlers who called the area Acadia were exiled to Louisiana by the British in the1750s and their descends are know as Cajuns .

  24. 他获得了英国诺丁汉大学和加拿大阿卡迪亚大学两所学校的双学士;

    He holds bachelor 's degrees from Nottingham University , Nottingham , England , and Acadia University , Wolfville , Nova Scotia , Canada ;

  25. 两个无家可归的阿卡迪亚猫救出基督教兹维基和他的母亲,王子,长毛虎斑,和弗拉基米尔,俄罗斯蓝。

    Two homeless Arcadia cats rescued by Christian Zwicky and his mother , Prince , the long-haired tabby , and Vladimir , the Russian Blue .

  26. 《生活真奇怪》的故事发生于美国俄勒冈州的阿卡迪亚湾,玩家将操纵青年马克斯o考菲尔德,开始一段包含有五个章节互动剧情的冒险。

    Set in Arcadia Bay , Oregon , players take control of teenager Max Caulfield and embark on an adventure that will span five interactive episodes .

  27. 一同在场的阿卡迪亚服装集团的总裁菲利普·格林爵士就说,布莱尔有初学者的天分,并邀请了布莱尔明年离任后到他的公司工作。

    Sir Philip Green , owner of the Arcadia group , reckoned Blair had some talent for a novice and offered him a job once he quits office next year .

  28. 埃及男子用他的手机拍了阿卡迪亚购物中心,这是抢劫和在开罗成立火灾周日,1月30日图片。

    An Egyptian man uses his mobile phone to take a picture of the Arcadia shopping center , which was looted and set on fire in Cairo on Sunday , Jan.30 .

  29. 狼人:古罗马诗人奥维德在他的《变形记》中描绘了古典神话中狼人的原型——阿卡迪亚王吕卡翁,由于触怒天神宙斯而被变成了一匹狼。

    Werewolf : The original werewolf of classical mythology , Lycaon , a king of Arcadia who , according to Ovid 's Metamorphoses , was turned into a ravenous wolf by Zeus .

  30. 詹娜•布什说,她的“男友”(她不喜欢用“未婚夫”这个称呼)在凌晨四点把她叫醒去登山。在缅因州阿卡迪亚国家公园的卡迪拉克山上,他向她求婚。

    Jenna Bush said her " boyfriend " she doesn 't like the word " fiance " proposed after rousting her at4 a.m.to go hiking on Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park in Maine .