
  • 网络Achilles' Heel;Achilles’ heel;Achilles heel;achilles'heel
  1. 房地产市场是经济复苏的‘阿喀琉斯之踵’,伯南克不会让借贷成本违背他的意愿增长太高。

    Housing is the Achilles heel of the recovery and Bernanke is not about to let borrowing costs move too far against him .

  2. 所有这一切的关键在于,要认识到欧元区的阿喀琉斯之踵不是公共金融,而是私人金融。

    The key to all this is to recognise that private , not public , finance , has been the Achilles heel of the system .

  3. 最著名的一个就是“阿喀琉斯之踵。”

    A famous one is " Achilles ' heel . "

  4. 最后的服务产业,便是中国经济的阿喀琉斯之踵。

    Finally , the service sector is the Achilles'heels of the Chinese economy .

  5. 他又补充道:毒性往往是药物的‘阿喀琉斯之踵’(译注:指致命弱点)。

    He added , Toxicity is often the Achilles ' heel of drugs .

  6. 而在英语口语中,阿喀琉斯之踵意思就是你的弱点。

    In spoken English , your Achilles ' heel is your weak spot .

  7. 本周,丹麦政治的阿喀琉斯之踵&移民政策重登舞台,又一次成为各派角逐的焦点。

    But this week , the bane of Danish politics immigration returned to shake up the race .

  8. 原子化、碎片化的生存状态,也因此成为了农民利益表达的阿喀琉斯之踵。

    So the living conditions of atomization and fragmentation become Achilles heel of peasants ' interest expression .

  9. 对身体而言,阿喀琉斯之踵就是你脚后跟后面的肌腱。

    On your body , your Achilles ' heel is the tendon on the back of your ankle .

  10. 韩国认为其银行业的阿喀琉斯之踵在于难以满足短期外汇债务的偿债需求。

    South Korea views its banks ' difficulties with meeting short-term foreign currency debt payments as its Achilles heel .

  11. 希腊神话中《阿喀琉斯之踵》出自于荷马的长篇诗作《伊利亚特》。以下就是这个故事的梗概。

    The Greek story of Achilles ' heel is the one Homer tells in the long poem called " The Iliad . " Here is how the story goes .

  12. 委派工作对于领导者来说极为重要,它甚至成了很多有理想、有抱负的经理人的“阿喀琉斯之踵”,可能成就、也可能毁掉一个经理人的事业。

    Delegating is so critically important that for many aspiring managers it literally becomes their " Achilles Heel " - their fatal weak spot that can make or break their careers .

  13. 原因在于,尽管享有呆若死水的名声,但货币市场基金业有一个阿喀琉斯之踵:与银行账户存款不同,货币市场基金没有任何存款保险为其提供担保,投资者还可随时赎回。

    For despite the dull-as-ditchwater reputation , the sector has an Achilles heel : unlike bank accounts , money market funds are not covered by any deposit insurance , and investors can redeem their money at will .

  14. 今日金州主教练史蒂夫-科尔在接受采访时表示,看到考辛斯从破碎的阿喀琉斯之踵中逐渐康复,他很开心。

    Golden State coach Steve Kerr said recently that he is happy with Cousins 's rehabilitation from his torn Achilles , though not to the point that the coach is comfortable putting a timeline on a return .