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  1. 这种“阴声阳化”现象在今天安徽方言里尚有遗迹。

    This system has a peculiar phenomenon : Yin rhyme becoming Yang rhyme .

  2. 阴、阳离子化红薯淀粉螯合剂的制备及吸附性能的研究

    Study of the amphoteric sweet potato starch chelate agent ( cccas ) for adsorption of heavy metal ions

  3. 少阴的本是火是热,少阴的标是水是寒,故少阴病可能寒化,可能热化。

    The root cause of Shao Yin is fire and heat , and the symptoms of Shao Yin is water and cold , so Shao Yin disease might has cold transformation or hot transformation .

  4. 对少阴病篇中有关问题进行了讨论,认为:少阴之为病,脉微细,但欲寐是少阴寒化证的脉证提纲;

    This paper presents a discussion on some of the problems in the Chapter on Shaoyin Diseases in Treatise on Febrile Diseases .