
fánɡ shǔ jiànɡ wēn
  • Heatstroke prevention and cooling;prevent heatstroke and reduce temperature
  1. 四川遂宁大英县,一处度假胜地,人们把黑色的泥巴抹在身上,用来防暑降温。

    People take a dip in a black mud pool at a tourist resort to escape the summer heat in Daying County of suining , sichuan province , china .

  2. 1919年修建的阿尔贝·萨罗学校(LyceeAlbertSarraut)沿外修建了走廊,利于防暑降温。

    the 1919 Lycee Albert Sarraut had hallways along outside walls as a buffer against the heat .

  3. 防暑降温:薄荷茶喷雾

    Beat the heat : Peppermint tea mist

  4. 封闭式猪舍利用地下自然冷源的防暑降温研究

    Method for preventing heatstroke and cooling in the sealed pigs houses utilizing underground cold sources

  5. 及时给工人发放防暑降温的急救药品和劳动保护用品。

    Duly distribute the first aid medicines for heatstroke prevention and labor protection articles to workers .

  6. 为了能够让驾驶员们安全驾驶,工作人员一大早便送来了防暑降温的饮品。

    To ensure a safe driving , the bus company sent cooling beverages to the drivers in the early morning .

  7. 京晶:准备好了吗马克,准备好听一些夏日防暑降温的好方法?

    Dialogue 2 Well , Mark , are you ready to hear some good tips about keeping cool in summertime ?

  8. 针对连日的高温天气,车站出台了防暑降温措施,保证行车安全。

    In recent hot days , the Bus Station has also taken effective measures to prevent sunstroke and ensure road safety .

  9. 最后,王书记向爱登堡一线员工赠送防暑降温物品,并嘱咐企业在炎热夏日工作中应做好降暑降温等工作。

    Wang offered summer cooling items to Edunburgh 's front line workers , and told them pay attention to sunstroke prevention .

  10. 前言:从城市“热岛”形成的原因和时空分布的特征出发,探讨了夏季城市防暑降温所应该采取的措施。

    This paper start from the form reason of urban heat island and the space-time distribution , and expounded the countermeasure on heatstroke prevention & lower temperature in midsummer .

  11. 在高温季节应注意防暑降温,内操人员的操作室、外操人员的休息室设有空调设备,厂内夏季应供给降温饮料,可以预防中暑的发生。

    Air condition has to be installed in all of operation room and crush-room , and drink of sunstroke prevention should be supplied in summer , to prevent sweltering of operators .

  12. 竹编文化在中国源远流长,在日常生活中,人们把竹条编成竹席来防暑降温,把竹条编成竹笼用来装鱼。

    The culture of Bamboo Weaving in China has a long history . In daily life , people weave bamboo into mats to prevent heatstroke , and into baskets to hold fish .

  13. 每个人都在寻找防暑降温的办法,但“热瑜伽”的信徒却在房间里通过一系列的拉伸运动和姿势,让自己大量出汗。那些特殊设计的房间甚至比黑非洲还要热。

    While everyone else is searching for ways to cool off , devotees of " hot yoga " spend class sweating through a series of stretches and poses in a room designed to be even hotter than Africa in the summer .

  14. 受墨西哥暖流的影响,百慕大群岛上气候炎热潮湿。最初英国军队穿着这种短裤来防暑降温。当地人在穿着百慕大短裤时,会搭配及膝长筒袜,夹克以及领带,以应付不同场合的需求。

    Originally worn by the British Military to keep cool on the hot and humid islands that are warmed by the Gulf Stream , they were adopted by the locals who combined them with knee length socks , jacket and tie to wear at any occasion .