
  • 网络Anti-falsification
  1. 文中阐述了药品包装设计的重要性、防伪性及科学性,为药品的包装设计提供了思路。

    The importance , anti-falsification and scientificalness were discussed and the train of thought for packaging design of the medicines was provided .

  2. 生物特征作为人类个体的内在属性,具有较强的稳定性、防伪性和唯一性。

    As the intrinsic attribute of individuals , biological features show strong stability , anti-falsification property and uniqueness .

  3. 传统的身份识别技术,如:密码等,由于防伪性比较差,已经不能适应现代社会对身份识别的要求。

    But traditional identity recognition technologies such as password etc.

  4. 制备的荧光纤维,荧光强度高,荧光牢度好,在水中能很好的分散,在紫外光或激光下,能发出闪亮的红光,防伪性和抄造性能皆很好。

    Fibers prepared had high fluorescence intensity , good fluorescence fastness , and high quality dispersion in water .

  5. 介绍了高档涂布白纸板彩色纤维添加系统的工艺及控制系统的设计情况,通过彩色纤维的添加增强了涂布白纸板的防伪性。

    In order to enhance the anti-counterfeiting function of superb coated paperboard , the technological process and control of color fiber adding system are designed .

  6. 随着现代社会工业化和信息化的迅猛发展,条码技术的应用越来越广泛,对其防伪性的要求也越来越高。

    With the rapid development of industrialized and information in modern society , barcode technology has been applied more and more widely , and its security requirements have become more sophisticated .

  7. 图案制作:能在有机玻璃,电子元器件上雕刻名称、格等字样及各种图案,并具有永久性和防伪性。

    Engraving Pictures : This machine can engrave name , specification , type and other words or graphs on electric apparatus . The engraved words and graphs are permanent and they can avoid forging effectively .

  8. 由于虹膜的生理特点优势,使得虹膜识别具有更高的准确性与防伪性,被认为具有潜在广阔的应用前景的一种身份识别方式,成为研究热点。

    Iris recognition has a higher accuracy and defensive , which dues to its advantage of the physiological characteristics . Therefore , iris recognition is considered to be a research hotspot , which has broad application prospects .

  9. 二维条码具有密度高、信息量大、可靠性高、纠错能力强、可表示多种信息、保密防伪性好、使用成本低廉等诸多优点。

    2D Barcodes have the advantages of high density , large information capacity , high reliability , excellent capability of error correction , ability of storing multiple information , high confidentiality , ability of anti-counterfeit and low cost .

  10. 其中,上转换应用于防伪具有隐蔽性强、持效性强、低成本和便于实施加密防伪等优势。

    Among which , the application of up-conversion in anti-counterfeit techniques have some advantages , for example , strong concealment , long availability , low cost and convenient for encryption .

  11. 对整个防伪系统的安全性进行了分析论证;

    Analyzing the security of this Preventing - forgery system ;

  12. 数字签名技术可以为用户提供数据完整性、可验证性以及抗抵赖和防伪造等安全性保护。

    The digital signature technology can provide users with data integrity , verifiability , resistance to denial and anti-counterfeiting security protections .

  13. 又由于热红外图像与人脸面部的血管分布有关,具有唯一性、抗干扰性、具有防伪装防欺诈性。

    Also the infrared image is in connection with vascularity of the face , which is unique , strong in anti-interference performance and anti-fraud .

  14. 主要分析当前各种数码防伪技术的安全性,提出一种新型的基于数字密码锁的数码防伪技术。

    In this article , the authors mainly analyse the security of digital anti-counterfeit and then propose new digital anti-counterfeit that is based on digital cipher lock technology .