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zhá kǒu
  • water-gate;paddle;place near lock gate in canal
闸口 [zhá kǒu]
  • [paddle; place near lock gate in canal] 闸门处的水流通道

闸口[zhá kǒu]
  1. 应用3D虚拟现实仿真辅助集装箱码头堆场闸口规划

    Applying 3D virtual reality simulation to gate planning of container terminal yard

  2. 有官员表示两周前,在电网和密歇根湖附近的一处闸口之间,已发现亚洲鲤鱼的DNA。

    Officials said two weeks ago that DNA from Asian carp had been found between the barrier and a lock near the lake .

  3. 实现RFID数据采集的方式通常有两种:固定式RFID闸口和手持式RFID读写器,其中固定式RFID闸口的数据采集最具有挑战性。

    There are two methods to achieve RFID data collection : fixed RFID portal and handheld RFID readers , in which the fixed RFID portal data collection is the most challenging .

  4. 根据黄埔港区的问题,设计了RFID智能闸口系统以及预约排程系统,并分析了系统的总体的业务流程以及功能需求。

    According to the problems of Huangpu port , design the RFID smart gate system and the appointment scheduling system and analyze the overall business processes and functional requirements of the system . 4 .

  5. 研究黄埔区港联动RFID整体应用架构;提出基于国产RFID、视频识别的不停车智能闸口应用接口规范,并基于此标准开发码头智能闸口。

    Research the Huangpu Port RFID overall application architecture ; Proposed application Interface Specification based on domestic RFID , video recognition and the Smart Gate , and develop the Smart Gate based on this standard .

  6. 最后提出了提高天津港集装箱码头(TCT)闸口通过能力的具体措施,并得出本文的结论。

    Then , Propose the specific measures to improve the Tianjin Port Container Terminal ( TCT ) gate capacity , and draw the conclusion .

  7. 广场闸口在大楼的尽头。

    Past the end of the block are the gates of the square .

  8. 杭州闸口白塔的尺度规律分析

    Analysis of Scaling Rules of Hangzhou Zhakou White Pagoda

  9. 最后对智能闸口系统的特点和应用效果进行分析。

    Finally , the features and applied effect of the system are analyzed .

  10. 然而当前闸口管理系统大都采用人工手动核对,录入信息的操作模式。

    However , most current gate management system rely on manual entry and verify information .

  11. 哪里是登机闸口?

    Where is the boarding gate ?

  12. 事实上,没有什麽地方比香港更适合作为进入中国的自然闸口。

    Where indeed , but right here in Hong kong , the natural gateway to china .

  13. 船闸口门外连接段通航水流条件标准的初探

    An Approach to the Standard of Navigable Flow Condition at the Connection Reach outside the Lock Entrance

  14. 船闸口门外连接段航道船队推轮推力与水流阻力关系

    Relationship Between Current Resistance and Thrust Push of Push Tug at the Transitional Reach Outside Entrance of Navigation Locks

  15. 即使凿通,我们这只怪船,恐怕也不方便在这些有堤堰和闸口的水道间冒险吧。

    and even if it was , a boat as secretive as ours wouldn 't risk a canal intersected with locks .

  16. 因此提高码头闸口的通过能力已成为集装箱专用码头迫切需要解决的问题。

    Therefore , it is an urgent problem for special purpose container terminals to improve the passing capacity of the traditional gate .

  17. 该机构表示他们将想尽办法来阻止亚洲鲤鱼入侵,但没有经过初步研究其可能产生的影响,他们不会关闭相关闸口。

    The agency has said it would consider all options but would not close the locks without first studying the possible effects .

  18. 菲律宾是东南亚国际海运与航空闸口的一个自然的选择,尤其对欧洲和北美洲企业来说。

    The country is a natural choice as an ASEAN gateway of international shipping and airlanes , particularly European and North American businesses .

  19. 交换地址之后,我们巧妙地拿回护照和签证,跳上车子,驶过闸口。

    Then we exchanged addresses , and delicately taking back our passports and visas jumped into our cars and drove through the gate !

  20. 集装箱码头是一个完整的复杂作业体系,闸口在这一体系中的重要性和作用犹如人之咽喉。

    Container terminal is a complete and complex operating system . Gate in this system , is very important as role of the throat of people .

  21. 工作时,控制系统根据料位仪传来的信号自动开启或关闭电动闸板阀闸口。

    When in work , the control system automatically opens or closes the gate of the electric flashboard valve according to the signals sent by the material level meters .

  22. 其次,对集装箱码头闸口作业系统进行分析,得出闸口功能、作业流程及其相关评价指标。

    Secondly , the paper analyses the operating system of the container terminal gate , including the functions of gate , the gate operating workflow and related evaluation indexes .

  23. 智能闸口系统将使用于整个港口行业,会大幅提高港口竞争力和形象,为港口建设提供有力保障。

    Intelligent gate system will be used in the port industry , will greatly improve the competitiveness of the port and image , provide strong safeguard for port construction .

  24. 此系统已开发完成,并部署安装于天津港太平洋国际集装箱码头,在使用过程中,此系统有效提高了闸口作业效率、节省人力、减少集卡车拥堵现象,提升了港口的整体形象。

    During process , this system can effectively improve the gate operation efficiency , save manpower , reduce the collection truck congestion , enhance the overall image of the port .

  25. 然而传统的闸口作业效率低下、错误率高,使得传统闸口的通过能力作为集装箱码头作业的瓶劲问题日益突出。

    However , the traditional gate is inefficient and mistakes often , which has gradually made the passing capacity of the traditional gate a bottleneck in the operation of the container terminals .

  26. 基于智能闸口实现货车车牌、集装箱号自动化识别、自动称重,并自动定位目标堆场。

    Finally , the system implement the lorry license plate automate identification , the container number automate identification , automatic weighing , and automatic target yard based on the Smart Gate . 5 .

  27. 本文第四章对深圳某集装箱码头闸口作业排队系统进行了定量研究,既是文章的重点,又是文章的难点。

    The fourth chapter of this paper is the quantitative research of the queuing system a Shenzhen container terminal gate , which is not only the focus of the article , but also the difficulty of the article .

  28. 然后分析智能闸口系统架构,并对设备管理,闸口管理与动态资源分配,作业监控与异常预警等核心子系统进行了详细设计。

    Then , the architecture of smart gate management system is analyzed . And the key subsystems such as gathering smart devices operation data , gate management and dynamic distribute gate resources , operation monitor and exception warning are designed in detail .

  29. 基于集装箱码头作业区的生产特性,详细论述了海关、闸口信息采集、闸口停时、堆场、交通设施和查验场地等环节对检查桥效率的影响。

    Aiming at the production characteristics of container operation yard , the influences of the links such as customs , gate information collection , waiting time at gate , storage yard , traffic facilities and field for inspection on the checking bridge are expounded in detail .