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  • 网络forest road
  1. 林区公路翻浆产生的原因和防治措施

    The Cause of Forest Road Frothing and Its Prevention Measures

  2. 福建林区公路软基的抛石挤淤处理

    Disposal of throwing stone and squeezing silt of Fujian forest road soft base

  3. 考虑生态环境下林区公路设计原则和方法

    Design Principles and Methods of Forest Roads with Considerations of Environment

  4. 福建省林区公路滑坡的治理

    Harnessing the Apron of the Forest Region Highway in Fujian Province

  5. 对《林区公路工程质量检验评定标准》的探讨

    Study on evaluation standard for quality test of forest highway projects

  6. 浅谈东北部林区公路雪害及其设计要点

    Road Snow Damage And Design Consideration In The Northeast Forest Area

  7. 桥梁和道路工程公司林区公路桥涵设计规范

    Code for design of highway bridge and culvert in forest regions

  8. 林区公路的设计质量普遍偏低,本文论述了造成这一现象的主要原因是在施工图的设计过程中不按行业标准规定执行;

    Design quality of road in forest section is common not high .

  9. 林区公路水毁的调查分析

    Survey and Analysis of Forest - Region Highway Water Destruction

  10. 林区公路线形设计浅谈

    A Brief Talk On Road Line Design In Forestry Area

  11. 林区公路干砌涵石盖板的实践

    Design process of dry - laid culvert in forest roads

  12. 林区公路中线测量计算的微机程序

    Micro-computer Program for Surveying the Central Line of Forest Roads

  13. 林区公路路基边坡崩塌原因与防治

    The Reason and Prevention of Slope Collapse of Forest-region Highway

  14. 试论湘西林区公路工程质量监控

    Quality Supervision and Control of West Hunan Forest Region Highway

  15. 航测在林区公路勘测设计中的应用

    Application of the airphoto in reconnaissance and layout of the forest roads

  16. 福建省林区公路石砌挡土墙的研究

    Studies on the Stone-built Retaining Walls on Forest-Region Highways in Fujian Province

  17. 公路涎流冰防治技术试验研究&林区公路涎流冰的形成及治理

    Experimental Researches on Preventing and Curing the Saliva-ice on Highway

  18. 用成本现值法分析超低等林区公路

    Economic Analysis of Ultralow Class Forest Roads by NPV

  19. 林区公路的管护与交通事故

    On relation between logging road maintenance and road accidents

  20. 林区公路小桥涵位置与型式的选择

    Selection of position and style of small bridges and culverts in forest roads

  21. 林区公路桥涵标准车辆等代荷载桥梁拱脚中预应力等代荷载的计算

    The standard vehicle equivalent loading for highway bridges and culverts in forest regions

  22. 林区公路设计中容许弯沉值的计算分析

    Calculation and Analysis on the allowable rebound deflection for design of forest highway

  23. 论林区公路路基排水问题

    Drainage system of road base in forest areas

  24. 公路路基施工技术规范林区公路路线设计规范

    Design specification of road route for forest highway

  25. 提出了按薄面、强基和稳土基及按应力分布和各层的刚度相适应的原则设计林区公路路面结构。

    The authors present some suitable principles in designing surface structures for forest roads .

  26. 林区公路冰湖的防治

    Prevention on Ice - Lake of Forest Road

  27. 林区公路的路基养护和维修及病害治理

    The subgrade maintenance and repair for forest roads

  28. 大卵石路不平的路面林区公路路面设计规范

    Design specifications of road surface for forest highway

  29. 林区公路路基设计规范

    Design specification of road subgrade for forest highway

  30. 林区公路软土地基稳定与沉降浅析

    Soft Base Stabilization And Settlement Of Forest Road