
jiàn miáo
  • thin out seedlings
间苗 [jiàn miáo]
  • [thin out seedling] 按一定的株距留下作物的幼苗,把多余的苗除掉

  1. 通过对山杏进行种源苗期、林期试验和RAPD分子标记实验,结果表明:种源间苗高、地径、冠幅等性状存在极显著差异,且广义遗传力较高;

    The result of provenance trial and RAPD molecular markers experiment of Armeniaca sibirica showed that the characters such as height , ground diameter and crown , were distinct different among provenance , genetic ability is high .

  2. 环境条件对谷子化控间苗技术的影响

    Influence of different environment conditions on chemical chopping-out of millet

  3. 给植物间苗可以让它们有生长空间。

    Thin the plants to give them room to grow .

  4. 谷子免间苗技术的研究

    The study on no thinning out seedlings of millet

  5. 善于培根、除草、间苗和掌握农时季节。

    Peasants were good at breeding , weeding , intercropping and commanding farming season .

  6. 利用谷子品种间除草剂抗性差异实现谷子免间苗技术研究

    Technology Study on Avoiding Seedling Thinning Using Difference of Herbicide Resistant Between Millet Variety

  7. 我要对这些番茄进行间苗,它们长得太密了。

    I want to thin out those tomato plants since they are growing too close together .

  8. 妈妈在花园里对洋葱进行间苗,今年定会丰收。

    Mother is in the garden thinning out the onion plants ; she should have a good crop this year .

  9. 每一个坑里种植一到两株秧苗,或者当秧苗长出根系以后间苗到这个数量。

    Plant one to two seedlings per hill , or thin your plants to this number once they have taken root .

  10. 苗圃式叶用银杏园必须在种植后的次年春及随后几年间苗调整其密度。

    The density of the nursery type ginkgo garden should be adjusted in the next spring and subsequent several years after planting .

  11. 种源间苗高、地径生长量差异均达显著以上水平。

    The difference in the seedling height among the provenances as well as in the growth of the ground diameter has reached a certain level .

  12. 为了取代谷子生产传统耕作方法中的间苗劳动,作者创新设计了往复式排种器应用在谷子精密播种机上。

    The authors created and designed the reciprocating sowing machines in order to take place of the thinning out seedlings work-the traditional agricultural method of grain production .

  13. 因为播种质量问题,间苗时,小苗太多,成穗率低,造成单位面积穗数低,致使产量没有达到目标产量。

    Because of the quality in sowing , there were too many young plants and the rate of coming into ears was rather low , which led to lower yield than target yield .

  14. 研究结果表明,该排种器基本能实现油菜籽精量排种,粒距均匀,不需要大量的间苗、定苗工作。

    The results of the study show that this metering can basically achieve precision seeding of rapeseed , which can save lots of hour and labors , and the seed spacing is uniform .

  15. 结果表明:播期、谷子品种对化控间苗谷种没有影响,土壤墒情、土壤类型对其有一定影响。

    The results showed that date of seedling , millet varieties have no influence but the water content of soil and soil types have some influence on millet thinning out seedlings by chemical controlled .

  16. 应用图象处理技术对蔬菜苗的生长阶段进行分析与判断,为蔬菜栽培中的移栽、间苗等作业提供必要的信息。

    Image processing technology is used to carry out recognition and judgment of the growing stages of vegetable seedlings , in order to necessary information for transplanting and thinning out young shoots in the planting process of vegetable .

  17. 做好中期田间管理,如注意间苗、补苗及其密度,加强中耕除草及壅土,采用综合方法防治病虫害。

    Seventh , do the mid-field management , such as attention to thinning , fill the gaps with seedlings and its density , enhance soil cultivation , weed and obstruct , and integrated approach to combating diseases and pests .

  18. 应用二次回归通用旋转组合设计,研究施磷量、间苗叶龄、密度和施氮量4项栽培措施对谷子叶片光合效率(用净同化率表示)的影响。

    A regression method of common conic substitution was used to study effects of the agro-nomic practices on leaf net photosynthetic assimilation rate of millet ( Setaria italica Beauv ) The agronomic practices included application amount of phosphorus , thinning of seedlings , plant density control .