
zhǎng xiàng
  • looks;appearance;features
长相 [zhǎng xiàng]
  • [features] 相貌;容貌

长相[zhǎng xiàng]
  1. 他开玩笑地损了一下她的长相,言语很是刻薄。

    He made a very unfair crack about her looks .

  2. 戴维英俊的长相和完美的举止总是让她对他的缺点视而不见。

    David 's good looks and impeccable manners had always made her blind to his faults

  3. 她与她母亲在相同的年龄时长相酷似。

    She closely resembled her mother at the same age .

  4. 他对自己的长相没有信心。

    He 's very insecure about his appearance .

  5. 他长相不怎么样。

    He was not a prepossessing sight .

  6. 我只依稀记得他的实际长相。

    I have only a hazy memory of what he was really like

  7. 他长相英俊,为人正直,风度翩翩。

    He was handsome , upright and chivalrous .

  8. 他们让人明显感觉是一对无牵无挂只求长相厮守的夫妻。

    They certainly gave the impression of a carefree couple who delighted in each other 's company

  9. 她会拿自己的长相开玩笑。

    She would joke about her appearance

  10. 这对夫妇长相奇特。

    They were an odd-looking couple

  11. 大概过了一个小时,一个长相非常俊美的男人在舞池里向我走过来。

    About an hour later a really fit guy came up to me on the dance floor .

  12. 他对别人的长相过目不忘,他确信自己以前没有见过她。

    He 'd a good memory for faces , and he was sure he hadn 't seen her before

  13. 我们对异性的吸引程度更多的来自内在的自信,而不是长相。

    Our level of attraction to the opposite sex has more to do with our inner confidence than how we look

  14. 据说她丈夫长相丑陋。

    It was said that her husband was an ugly man .

  15. 那个姑娘体形很美,但长相一般。

    The girl has a good figure but a plain face .

  16. 她专爱揭短处,挑人长相。

    She was always ready to catch people on the raw and hold them up to ridicule .

  17. 看她们的长相好像是姐儿俩。

    They look like sisters .

  18. 它们长相可爱,让人很想抱一抱。

    They looked very cuddly .

  19. 正如米安·拉姆齐所说:"我们需要根据人们的行为而不是他们的长相来判断他们。"

    As Meaghan Ramsey says , " We need to judge people by what they do , not what they look like . "

  20. 漂亮服务员经济指数(HotWaitressEconomicIndex)指通过计算长相出众的人从事服务员职业的人数来预测经济形势的指数。

    Hot Waitress Economic Index is an index that indicates the state of the economy by measuring the number of attractive people working as waiters / waitresses .

  21. Eyebroccoli指长相普通,没什么姿色的人。这个词是eyecandy的反义词,eyecandy一词最早出现于20世纪80年代,指外表很有吸引力的人或者用于吸引大众注意的特殊效果。

    Eye broccoli of eye candy , a phrase that first starting appearing in print in the mid-1980s and refers to visually appealing persons or effects used to draw mass attention .

  22. 他们可能长相一样,但想法却非常不同!

    They might be identical , but they think very differently !

  23. 他们刻意地忽视孩子长相上的缺点。

    They ignore the shortcomings of their baby ’ s looks on purpose .

  24. 因为通常都认为长相出众的人在经济形势良好的时候,想找份高薪的工作并不困难。

    It is assumed that attractive individuals do not tend to have trouble finding high-paying jobs during good economic times .

  25. 乙:亲爱的,那是啦啦队效应,如果你单个来看她们,你会发现她们长相都很一般。

    B : Honey that 's the cheerleader effect , if you see them individually you will realize they are just plain Janes .

  26. 每个男人大概对“邻家女孩”都有自己特定的形象记忆,不过,总体来说,邻家女孩就是甜美可爱的姑娘,她们可以跟你成为很好的朋友,长相出众却不张扬。

    Every guy may have his specific girl-next-door prototype , but in general , girl next door is cute and sweet , usually makes a really great friend , she may be very attractive , and is modest about it .

  27. 这就是p轨道的长相。

    That is what a p-orbital looks like .

  28. X射线激光器&新兴的短波长相干光源

    X Ray Laser New Short Wavelength Coherent Radiation Sources

  29. 洛丽塔坚称自己的长相和身材绝不是通过手术或者节食得来的,照片也没有ps过。

    Lolita maintains that her striking looks were achieved without plastic surgery , dieting or Photoshop .

  30. 多通道低频超宽带SAR/GMTI系统长相干积累STAP技术研究

    Research on Long Coherent-Processing-Interval STAP Techniques for Low Frequency Multi-Channel Ultra-Wide Band SAR / GMTI System