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  • 网络long axis;Major axis;LONG SHAFT;Semimajor Axis
  1. 本文利用三维J积分的定义导出了半椭圆表面裂纹前缘任意点处沿长轴和短轴方向J积分之间的关系。

    According to the definition of three-dimensional J-integral , the relationship between J-integrals along the major axis and along the minor axis of half - elliptical surface crack is established .

  2. 通过对3种星座构型,6种轨道半长轴,46°~66°之间轨道倾角的对比计算,以回归周期内星座CV值作为指标确定了初选卫星星座。

    Through the comparative calculations on three kinds of configuration , six kinds of semi major axis and orbital inclination between 46 ° ~ 66 °, the original configurations are designed based on the constellation CV values in repeat period .

  3. 我们知道其相对轨道运动的主要半长轴a和周期p。

    The major semiaxis a and p of the relative orbital motion are known .

  4. 基于三维实体造型的长轴类锻件锻模CAD系统的研制

    Development of CAD system of axial forging die based on 3D solid modeling

  5. 有5例平片显示骨折线,常规CT无明显骨折线,行鼻骨长轴位得以显示。

    Cases fractures were displayed by X-ray and long-axis CT but not in normal CT scan .

  6. 利用VC对长轴类零件的锻模设计

    Utilize VC to Adjust the Transverse Spare Part Forging Dies and Design

  7. 淀粉颗粒具有明显的偏光十字,呈X型;偏光十字清晰,多沿长轴方向拉伸呈X形;

    Obvious birefringence were observed and most of them showing in X shape stretching along the long axis .

  8. 分别连接根管口至K型锉偏离根管长轴点,测量两连线的夹角,即根管交叉角度。

    Two straight lines were drawn from the canal orifice to the point where the file deviated from the canal .

  9. 极震区等震线呈椭圆形,长轴方向为NE,与震中区的黄地-梅村头断裂展布方向基本一致,余震沿该断裂分布,并自NE向SW方向迁移。

    The aftershocks were distributed along the fault and migrated from NE to SW .

  10. 计算结果表明,潮汐作用使轨道周期较小的Ba星系统的能量减小,所以系统轨道的半长轴和轨道偏心率减小;

    The results show that tidal friction diminishes the total energy of binaries systems with shorter orbital periods .

  11. 针对中低轨道卫星,对平面内卫星半长轴a、偏心率e和近地点幅角ω联合调整,以及平面外轨道倾角调整等进行了理论推导。

    The theory derivation for in-plane maneuver on semimajor axis , eccentricity and perigee argument and out-plane maneuver on orbit inclination was presented in this paper .

  12. 从心电图Q波至左室长轴开始缩短以及Q波至长轴缩至最短时的时距;

    Time intervals from the onset of the Q wave to the onset of shortening and from Q wave to the minimum long axis ;

  13. 结果:EC一般呈梭形,核区较隆起,长轴与血流的方向一致。

    Results : Generally ECs were fusiform , and their long axis are consistent with the direction of the blood flow .

  14. 本文通过一种典型元素,详细说明了热体积模锻直长轴类锻件计算机辅助设计(CAD)中,截面面积计算的数学解析方法。

    Through an analysis of a typical element , this paper introduces in detail a mathematic method to calculate the cross section area in CAD of straight long Shaft forgings .

  15. 目的检测风湿性二尖瓣狭窄患者(MS)左心室长轴的收缩和舒张功能,观察二尖瓣置换术后左心室长轴收缩和舒张功能的变化,进一步探讨其临床意义。

    Objective To detect the alteration of left ventricular long-axis systolic and diastolic function in patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis ( MS ) and investigate its clinical significance .

  16. 基于RISC策略的长轴装配误差分析

    Risc - based Assembly Error Analysis

  17. SI模式下心尖长轴观定性观察健康人、冠心病和扩张性心肌病患者左室各节段的彩色分布;

    Color bands on left ventricular walls of healthy subjects , patients with CAD and dilated cardiomyopathy ( DCM ) in apical view were observed in SI mode .

  18. 结论:CT扫描对鼻区骨折显示优于X线,CT沿鼻骨长轴位扫描是对常规CT横断面和冠状面扫描方法的又一补充。

    Conclusion : The display by CT scan is superior to that by X-ray in the fracture of nasal region . Long-axis CT scan is a valuable supplementary method to normal CT scan .

  19. 任意长轴对称体绕垂直于一无穷平壁的长轴旋转时的Stokes流动

    The Stokes Flow Around an Arbitrary Prolate Axisymmetric Body Rotating About Its Major Axis Perpendicular to an Infinite Plane Wall

  20. 方法在MR图像工作站上采集垂直于海马结构长轴的颅脑T1加权像,并进行图像预处理。

    Methods T_1 weighted images of brain were acquired in the imaging plane perpendicular to the long axis of hippocampus and were preprocessed on the MR image workstation .

  21. 方法采用冠状切面,左右对称,平行于脑干长轴,由白质前联合位置测量了32例复杂部分性癫痫病人头MRI海马区体积。

    Methods 32 cases of CPE patients were detected with MRI in volume of hippocampal area at anterior white commission paralleled with long axis of stem in symmetric and coronary section .

  22. 结论PWDTI技术可以准确测定右室长轴运动的速度及时间指标,是一种无创性评价右室功能的新方法。

    Conclusion PW-DTI can provide a quantitative , direct and accurate method for assessing RV longitudinal function .

  23. 从中选择24例行二尖瓣置换术的单纯性MS患者比较手术前及术后3个月、6个月左心室长轴各指标的变化。

    In addition , the pre-and postoperative ( three and six month ) left ventricular long-axis function were measured by tissue Doppler imaging in 24 patients with mitral valve replacement ( MVR ) .

  24. 【目的】应用定量骨密度超声仪,测定儿童胫骨中段和桡骨远端的超声波沿骨骼长轴的传播速度(SOS),对儿童的骨骼矿物质密度(BMD)进行监测。

    Using a new quantitative ultrasound system speed of sound ( SOS ) was assessed to monitor bone mineral density of Shanghai children .

  25. 将儿童尸体股骨27根,分成3组(D组、E组、F组),每组9根。于其中段与长轴成45°斜形锯断,制成骨折模型。

    27 cadaveric femurs were taken from fourteen specimens of children and made into a fracture model by sawing them in the mid-shaft with a angle of 45-degree to the long axis of the bone .

  26. 以长轴距为基础的揽胜LSE创造了越野车一系列的“第一次”,包括空气动力系统和电子牵引力控制系统。

    The long wheel base Range Rover LSE showcases a number of'firsts'for an off-road vehicle including air suspension and electronic traction control .

  27. 目的探讨体表超声经胸骨上窝主动脉弓长轴切面在心外科经胸微创动脉导管未闭(PDA)封堵术中的应用价值。

    Objective To assess the value of cardiac surgery transthoracic minimally invasive occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus ( PDA ) guided by ultrasonography at suprasternal long axis view of aortic arch .

  28. 结论PWDTI能准确评价多巴酚丁胺负荷试验中左室长轴局部心肌收缩功能,从而准确无创检测冠心病缺血心肌。

    Conclusions PW DTI combined with high dose DSE can correctly evaluate left ventricular regional systolic function of long axis and detect ischemic myocardium .

  29. 斜压海流的日周期显著,斜压海流的日分潮流的椭圆长轴方向偏NWSE向,日分潮流作顺时针方向旋转;

    The diurnal period of the baroclinic currents is dominant . The diurnal tidal current rotates clockwise and major axis of current ellipse is located along the directions of NW SE .

  30. 任意形状长轴对称体的Oseen流动

    The Oseen Flow Past an Arbitrary Prolate Axisymmetrical Body