
  • 网络long beam
  1. 移动荷载下离散粘弹性点支承长梁的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of long beam on discrete viscoelastic supports subjected to moving loads

  2. 含缺陷半无限长梁在阶跃载荷作用下的塑性动力特性及失效分析

    Dynamic plastic response and failure analysis of a notched semi-infinite long beam subjected to step-loading at free end

  3. 移动荷载下Kelvin地基上无限长梁的稳态响应

    Steady-state response of infinite beam on Kelvin foundation under moving loads

  4. 考虑水平摩阻力的Winkler地基有限长梁非线性受力分析

    Nonlinear analysis of finite-length beams on Winkler foundation with horizontal resistance

  5. 采用变长梁单元的柔性平面连杆机构的KED分析

    A Kineto-Elastodynamic Analysis of Planar Linkage Mechanism Using Variable-Length Finite Beam Elements

  6. 然后对空间变量和时间变量分别进行Fourier变换和Laplace变换,利用逆变换褶积积分,得到了弹性地基无限长梁一般动力问题的解析解。

    By using Fourier transformation for space variable , Laplace transformation for time variable and convolution theorem for their inverse transformations , a general solution for dynamical problem of infinite beam on an elastic foundation is obtained .

  7. 移动车辆作用下弹性基础无限长梁的动力响应

    Dynamic responses for elastic base infinite beam under action of vehicle

  8. 弹性地基无限长梁动力问题的一般解

    General Solution for Dynamical Problem of Infinite Beam on an Elastic Foundation

  9. 有限长梁的B-样条小波解

    B - spline wavelets solution of finite - length beam

  10. 孤波在弹簧基础上长梁内的传播

    Solitary waves along a beam on an elastic foundation

  11. 匀速运动的线源荷载激励下无限长梁动力分析

    Dynamic Analysis to Infinite Beam under a Moving Line Load with Uniform Velocity

  12. 模拟无限长梁的功率流强度测量

    Measurement of Power Flow Intensity in Simulating Infinite Beam

  13. 混凝土长梁损伤的逐段反演

    Inversion in Segments for Damaged Long Concrete Beam

  14. 均布荷载作用下文克勒无限长梁解析解的探讨

    Discussion of Analytical Solution of the Infinite Beams on Winkle Foundation under Uniform Distributed Load

  15. 双轴与单轴对称工字钢长梁的优化设计方法

    The study on the optimal section for I-steel long beams of double and single stalk symmetry

  16. 移动荷载下无限长梁稳态响应和临界速度分析

    The Steady-state Responses and Critical Velocities of the Infinite Beams on a Viscous Foundation for a Moving Load

  17. 进一步又导出了有限长梁在任意载荷作用下、受任意支承的梁弯曲振动的频率响应。

    Further , the frequency of limited long beam under any loads and any suports is derived also .

  18. 土质地基上受集中力作用的有限长梁内力分析

    Analysis of Internal Force Calculation of Beams with Finite Length Bearing Several Point Loads and on Soil Foundation

  19. 浅谈π型长梁放顶煤工作面摧垮型冒顶的原因及预防

    The Cause of Destructive Face Fall in Releasing Coal with π Shaped Long Beam and How to Prevent it

  20. 经过大量的理论研究和多次实验,提出了无限长梁的新模型。

    Through a lot of studies of theory and experiments , the author presents a new model of infinite beam .

  21. 根据波的传播及叠加原理导出了无限长梁在任意载荷下的频率响应。

    Based on propagation of wave superposition principle , the frequency response of non-limited long beam under any loads is derived .

  22. 研究双轴对称工字钢短梁(1~5米)和长梁(5~10米)的优化截面设计和最大弯矩设计。

    This research studied optimal section and bending moment design for the double symmetric I-steel short beams ( 1-5m ) and long beams ( 5-10m );

  23. 将轨枕视为连续弹性基础上的有限长梁,对轨枕进行了受力分析,建立了钢轨轴向力和轨枕变形曲线的关系。

    Sleeper is regarded as a finite long beam on continuous elastics base . The relation between rail forces and sleeper displacement is established by analysis of sleeper forces .

  24. 提出了运用变长梁有限元建立弹性受控五杆机构系统模型及其运动微分方程,采用转移矩阵法直接求解弹性受控五杆机构实现给定运动的动态误差;

    It advances the theory of establishing the system model and its differential equations of the controlled five-bar mechanism by adopting the theory of the variable-length rod finite element .

  25. 用此方法求解弹性地基上的有限长梁,从结果对比可以看出其解具有良好的精确性和收敛性。

    The finite-length beam on elastic foundation is solved by the wavelet Galerkin finite element method . In comparison with the analytical results , the solution has better accuracy and convergence .

  26. 为了使理论结果能尽可能准确地反应实际情况,就土质地基上受多个集中力作用的有限长梁的内力计算方法进行了对比分析。

    For making the theoretic results close to the fact , two methods used to calculate the internal force of beams with finite length bearing several point loads and on soil foundation were compared .

  27. 编制了平面有限元程序,模拟计算了岩基上长梁和太浦河泵站工程的温度徐变应力场,得出一些对工程设计和施工有益的结论。

    A 2-D FEM program is designed to simulate and compute thermal-creep-stress field in a long beam on batholith and Taipu River Pumping Station . Some conclusion available in designing and construction are presented .

  28. 建立损伤混凝土长梁的一维波动方程及其反演模型,模拟混凝土结构在瞬态波场中的无损检测手段和方法。

    The equation of one-dimensional wave motion and the model of inverse problem for damaged long concrete beam are established in this paper . Non-destructive inspection in transient wave field for concrete structure is simulated .

  29. 在考虑管道长度特征的前提下,把管道近似地看作长梁或薄壳,然后以含裂纹零维度单元模型(即垂直于裂纹面方向的单元尺度为零)计算出裂纹对管道动态特性的影响。

    This paper treats a pipe as a beam or as a thin shell . Then , the effect of cracks on the dynamic characteristics of pipes is calculated by means of the model of zero dimension element with crack .

  30. 有限长Timoshenko梁弹性碰撞接触瞬间的动态特性

    The characteristics of Timoshenko beam during the process of elastic impact and contact