
jiàn pán shǒu
  • Keyboard
  1. 该公司的创意总监——听好了哦——是杜兰杜兰乐队(DuranDuran)的键盘手尼克·罗兹(NickRhodes)。他非常熟悉美容产品。

    The company 's creative director is - wait for it - Nick Rhodes , Duran Duran 's keyboard player , who 's no stranger to beauty products .

  2. 奈特莉和29岁的Klaxons乐团键盘手2012年5月订婚,大约他们首次被发现公开在一起的一年之后。

    Knightley and the Klaxons keyboard player , 29 , got engaged in May 2012 , about a year after they were first spotted publicly together .

  3. 他仍在一个本地乐队里担任键盘手,以免技艺生疏。

    He still plays keyboards for a local band to keep his hand in .

  4. 自卡拉OK机1971年问世以来,已发展成为产值达数十亿美元的行业。卡拉OK由日本一名俱乐部键盘手井上大佑发明,当年他在为一位想在公司旅游时一展歌喉的顾客提供音乐伴奏时突发奇想,发明了卡拉OK机。

    Karaoke has turned into a multibillion-dollar industry since being invented in 1971 by Daisuke Inoue , a Japanese club keyboardist looking to provide music for a customer who wanted to sing on a company trip .

  5. 爵士键盘手奇克·科瑞亚(ChickCorea)获得两项格莱美奖,现年73岁的他的事业生涯中一共获取了22个格莱美奖项,与U2乐队和史蒂夫·旺德(StevieWonder)打成平手。

    The jazz keyboardist Chick Corea won two Grammys , bringing his total career take to 22 & tying Mr. Corea , 73 , with U2 and Stevie Wonder .

  6. 据国外媒体报道,因出演《加勒比海盗》和《傲慢与偏见》闻名全球的英国女星凯拉·奈特利(KeiraKnightley)近日已与其摇滚乐队Klaxons键盘手男友詹姆斯·莱顿(JamesRighton)订婚。

    Actress Keira Knightley is engaged to marry her rocker boyfriend James Righton . The actress 's spokesperson confirmed she had accepted the Klaxons rocker 's proposal following a 15 month courtship .

  7. U2乐队于1976年在爱尔兰的都柏林成立,当时的成员波诺(主唱兼吉他手)、亚当·克莱顿(贝斯手)、“刀刃”(原名戴维·埃文斯,吉他手、主唱兼键盘手)和小拉里·穆伦(打击乐/鼓手)至今仍在一起。

    U2 was formed in 1976 , in Dublin , Ireland . The members were , and still are , Bono ( vocals and guitar ) , Adam Clayton ( bass ) , The Edge ( guitar , vocals and keyboards ) and Larry Mullen Jr. ( percussion / drums ) .

  8. 在绘画之余,他还是利物浦当地的乐队“野天鹅”的键盘手。

    Quinn was also the keyboard player in the Liverpool band The Wild Swans .

  9. 电子键盘手常为选择适当的音色而感到困惑。

    Keyboard players are often dumbfounded when it comes to choosing an appropriate sound on the electronic keyboard .

  10. 吉他手加西亚和键盘手桑德斯两人在1970年开始就在一起合作。

    With Garcia on guitar and Saunders on keyboard , the two began picking together on a regular basis in 1970 .

  11. 这一切也许会使游客感到困惑不解。电子键盘手常为选择适当的音色而感到困惑。

    This may all be very confusing to the visitor . Keyboard players are often dumbfounded when it comes to choosing an appropriate sound on the electronic keyboard .

  12. 通过这种方式,键盘手会以“风铃”的名义邀请陌生人赴约,并设定约会的具体地点和时间,然后告知酒吧老板。

    In this way , the keyboard player would ask for a date with the stranger under the name of " Fengling ," setting up a specific place and time and reporting it to the pub owner .

  13. 两个乐团除了都有实力派的主唱能够身兼作曲、唱歌、吉他、钢琴,键盘手更是为乐团歌曲注入音乐性和丰富性的最大功臣。

    Beside the strong leaders of both bands , who can compose , sing , play guitar and play piano , the Keyboardists are the main characters that inject the melodic senses and enrichment into their songs .

  14. 事实上,风铃在最开始时并不用亲自和自己的“顾客”聊天,起先会有很多被称为“键盘手”的年轻男孩在网上联系顾客。

    In fact , Fengling did not have to chat with her " customers " in person in the very beginning ; instead , many young boys , dubbed " keyboard players " would contact the customers via the Internet initially .

  15. 带有梨状身体和弯颈和格状键盘的手拨乐器。

    A plucked instrument having a pear-shaped body , a usually bent neck , and a fretted fingerboard .

  16. 将触屏键盘一分为二成左右手键盘以使拇指输入更便捷已经是老生常谈了。

    Divvying up an onscreen keyboard into left - and - righthand sides to make for easier thumb-typing is a very old idea .