
fēng qū
  • frontal zone
锋区[fēng qū]
  1. 东亚天气系统与行星锋区活动相关特征的数值试验

    Numerical experiments on correlation between the East-Asian weather system and the activities in the planetary frontal zone

  2. 西路第一阶段期间,高空急流、锋区和地面蒙古低压是沙尘暴爆发的主要天气系统,属于蒙古低压型;

    The first stage of west route sandstorm belongs to Mongolian low type , of which the influential systems are the upper jet , frontal zone and Mongolian low .

  3. 因此可以确定,S1和M1两站位于盐度锋区。

    Therefore , sites S1 and M1 are located in the frontal area .

  4. 锋区900hPa以下是一个大气弱对流不稳定区,向上气层变为潮湿中性直至400hPa,等θse线基本上呈垂直分布;

    The stability conditions of the front zone turn into the moist neutral above 900 hPa from the weak convective unstable under 900 hPa ;

  5. 位势不稳定和条件性对称不稳定共存使得在θe高值区域的垂直上升运动和在θe面(梅雨锋区)上的斜上升运动得以产生和维持。

    Potential instability that exists with conditional symmetrical stability make the vertical ascend movement in θ e big value area and slope ascend movement in θ e surface ( Meiyu front area ) produce and maintain .

  6. 从年平均的纬向平均温度和盐度的断面分布可以看出,温跃层深度呈W型分布,在亚极地海区有一个梯度比较大的盐度锋区。

    It is shown from the annual mean zonally averaged temperature and salinity distributions that the thermocline depths show a W-shaped pattern , and there is a salinity front in the subpolar sea area .

  7. 东北冷涡南部锋区斜压扰动及有利的潜在不稳定层结为MCS产生提供了环境条件。

    The synoptic environment to MCS generation were provided by baroclinic disturbances and favorable potential instable layer of south front zone located on the northeastern cold vortex .

  8. 同时,低层在40°N附近有明显的东西向锋区配合锋生变形场逼近鲁西北一带的潜在不稳定区,该冷涡会造成山东大范围降雹。

    Meanwhile in the low level there is a obvious east west frontal zone around 40 ° N with deformation field of frontogenesis , which approaching to the potential unstability area in northwest of Shandong province , the cold vortex will cause a large area hail shooting .

  9. 高空急流及其下方的Ferrel环流起到了高层动量下传和加强低层锋区的重要作用;

    High jet and Ferrel circulation are the main reason that momentum spreaded downward from higher level and frontal zone strengthened on lower level .

  10. FNL资料分析表明,在锋区内存在1个较大的水平温度梯度带,水平风切变明显。

    According to the FNL ( Final Analysis ) data , the cold front was found to have a typical horizontal and vertical structure with a maximum temperature gradient and obvious wind shear .

  11. 利用穿过海洋锋区断面的实测CTD数据,确定了锋面的宽度、所在的位置以及陡度等特征参数,建立了海洋锋区声速计算理论模式。

    In this paper , the observed CTD data along a section through the oceanic front area are used to determine the front characteristic parameters such as width , location and steepness of oceanic front , and a theoretical sound speed computation model in oceanic front area is established .

  12. 同时有很强的湿度锋区,大气处于不稳定状态。

    The air is rather unstable near the moisture frontal zone .

  13. 能量锋区为产生强对流提供了能量条件。

    Energy front has offered energy condition to produce severe convection .

  14. 锋区斜压性相当弱等。

    The baroclinicity is very weak within the Mei-Yu front zone .

  15. 杭州湾锋区浮游植物现存量和初级生产力

    Phytoplankton standing stock and primary production in the front of Hangzhou Bay

  16. 低温雨雪冰冻天气过程锋区特征分析

    Analysis of the frontal characteristics of the cryogenic freezing rain and snow weather

  17. 磁层顶极尖区的理论探讨长江口河口锋区及邻近水域渔业

    Fisheries status in estuarine front zone of changjiang ( yangtze ) river and adjacent waters

  18. 海洋锋区的三维声线轨迹分析

    Three-dimensional ray tracing in ocean front region

  19. 浙江沿岸上升流锋区特征及其成因的初步探讨

    A preliminary investigation of thr cause and characteristics of the upwelling front zone off Zhejiang

  20. 我国南方春季双层锋区锋生过程的分析

    The analyses on Formational Mechanism of double-level frontal zones in spring over South of China

  21. 这两个种类的生物量高值分布在温度或潮汐锋区。

    The high density of these two species distribute in the tidal front or temperature front area .

  22. 阻塞高压活动加强,通常会在雨带北部维持为大气能量锋区。

    An atmosphere energy front and matter front maintain in north of rain belt when blocking strengthen .

  23. 海洋锋区的一种声速计算模式及其在声传播影响研究中的应用

    A Sound Speed Computation Model in Oceanic Front Area and Its Application in Studying the Effect on Sound Propagation

  24. β中尺度深对流类暴雨发生时梅雨锋区的南北温差很小。

    The meso - β - scale rainstorms occur when the temperature contrast in the Meiyu front is small .

  25. 该地区的逆湿层可能与上述比湿锋区有关。

    The humidity inversion in the lower layer may be related to the specific humidity front over the areas .

  26. 北方冷空气底部锋区南压,青藏高原上偏南气流发展是甘肃南部火灾环流形势之一。

    Cold front moving southward and south wind developing is one of fire circumfluences at the south of Gansu .

  27. β近似下,在等压面上的锋区可变换成孤立子。

    By β - approximation , the frontal zone on an isobaric chart can be changed into a soliton .

  28. 根据对36个历史个例的高低空环流形势的分析,建立了4种强冰雪冻害的天气概念模型:冷涡型、深槽型、浅槽型、锋区平直型;

    Based on studying the upper and lower air circulation of 36 weather processes , four synoptic models are given .

  29. 计算所得的上升流、沿岸急流、温度的锋区结构与一些观测事实接近。

    Numerically results of the upwelling ( downwelling ), coastal jet and temperature front zone are favorable to the observations .

  30. 大暴雪发生在较强的能量锋区、高湿区和水汽通量辐合区内。

    Torrential storm occurs in stronger frontal zone of energy , high humid region and water vapor flux convergence region .