
  • 网络sales competition;sales contest
  1. SDRC需要了地方政府为处理设备的建筑和操作邀请投标,而且要求地方政府完全开放部门在市场上销售竞争。

    The SDRC required local governments to invite tenders for the construction and operation of disposal facilities , and called for local governments to fully open the sector to market competition .

  2. 矿产品的质量、价格及供货的可靠性是确定市场销售竞争能力的主要因素。

    Quality , price and reliability of minerals products constitute major factors in determining their marketing competitive capability on markets .

  3. 在此之后,谷歌,亚马逊也加入销售竞争,根据纽约邮报的报道,这场销售战持续升温。

    Apparently , the negociation was heated accroding to the NewYork Post , both google and Amazon were bidding for these rights .

  4. 当经济进一步陷入衰退和消费紧缩,公司为了能在销售竞争中取胜将不得不谨慎的给商品定价。

    As economies fall deeper into recession and spending shrinks , firms will have to compete harder for sales by pricing their wares keenly .

  5. 但是市场上代金卡销售竞争仍旧十分激烈,零售商们使出浑身解数,想出了很多新花样来吸引顾客,他们甚至在某种程度上扩展了“卡片”这个单词的定义。

    " Still , the market for gift cards is so competitive that retailers are offering new bells and whistles to draw shoppers in , even stretching the definition of " card .

  6. 后WTO时代如何应对成品油终端销售市场竞争

    How to Face Market Competition of Terminal Sale of Petroleum Product in WTO Age

  7. 与募资近7200万美元,采用传统电视广告宣传和实体店销售的竞争对手Birchbox不同,Ipsy表示自己的订购者主要来自潘广泛的社交覆盖面。

    And unlike rival Birchbox , which has raised almost $ 72 million in funding , and which has forayed into traditionalTV advertising as well as brick-and-mortar retail , Ipsy says that its subscribers are predominantly a product of Phan 's massive social reach .

  8. 投机资本家来和复印机销售员竞争。

    Venture capitalists came to compete against copier salesmen .

  9. 面对来自电子销售的竞争唱片总量急剧下降。

    Total music recordings are down considerably due to the competition from digital sales .

  10. 卷烟销售的竞争已逐渐向下延伸到零售终端竞争。

    The competition in cigarette sales has been gradually extended to the retail end .

  11. 在市场经济条件下,汽车销售行业竞争日趋激烈。

    Under the conditions of market economy , auto sales increasingly fierce competition in the industry .

  12. 有限的市场和激烈的竞争,迫使很多企业参与到降价和各种销售促进竞争中来。

    Limited market and intensive competition force many enterprises to join the war of price reduction and all kinds of sales promotion .

  13. 这家客户当时再也无法忍受窃取其技术并将产品销售给竞争对手的中国供应商。

    The client had lost patience with the Chinese supplier , who was ripping off its technology and selling the product to a competitor .

  14. 药品广告是消费者获取药品信息、选择用药的重要途径,也是药品经营企业提高企业知名度,促进销售的竞争手段。

    Drug advertisements are an important way for both the consumer to know and choose drugs and the drug enterprises to boost sales and gain popularity .

  15. 第四部分对成品油销售企业竞争状况以及顾客需求进行了详尽的分析,并构建出成品油终端市场顾客需求模型;

    The fourth part analyses the competition state in readymade oil enterprise and customer 's demand , and sets up a customer demand model in the readymade oil market .

  16. 钢铁工业的全球化竞争主要是成本竞争、产品质量竞争和销售服务竞争,其中成本竞争无疑是最关键的。

    The main compete in global steel industry is cost competition and product quality competition and sales severing competition in which cost competition is the key point without fail .

  17. 从我国彩票业整体利益出发,改革福利、体育两个部门的彩票管理体制,通过立法,在保证所有权、监督权统一的前提下,实行销售权竞争的彩票管理模式。

    Considering the whole interests of the lottery industry of our country , reform the present lottery management system of both the welfare department and the physical education department .

  18. 非价格竞争是现代市场营销竞争的发展趋势,实施非价格竞争有五种策略:产品创新竞争策略,名牌商标竞争策略,包装竞争策略,销售服务竞争策略,促销宣传竞争策略。

    Non-price competition represents the trend of modern marketing competition . It includes five competition strategies & product innovation , brand names and trade marks , packaging , sales service and product promotion .

  19. 随着我国电脑行业的持续稳定发展,不同品牌的商品的之间的产品质量、功能的差异性越来越小,这就造成商品销售的竞争也日益加剧。

    Along with continuous and stable development in PC industry , difference of product quality and function become less and less among commodities with different brand , which make competence stronger and stronger .

  20. 第二章对竞争情报的概念和竞争情报对于企业的重要性进行了阐述,解释了在IT行业电子产品销售中竞争情报应用的必要性。

    The second chapter of the concept of competitive information and the importance of competitive intelligence for enterprises is discussed , explained in the IT industry sales of electronic products , the necessity of competitive intelligence in application .

  21. 但同时,百度等行业巨头高调宣布进入市场参与竞争,同时,传统零售厂商也纷纷推出在线销售直面竞争,淘宝面临巨大挑战。

    But at the same time , Baidu and other high-profile industry giants announced that they entered the market . Meanwhile , traditional retail companies have also introduced online sales . In such situation , Taobao faces enormous challenges .

  22. 由于通信产品和营销方式的特殊性,经销商之间的竞争已从单纯的产品、市场的竞争转向信息和时间的竞争,经销商只有不断提高企业管理的效率和水平才能在终端销售的竞争中占据优势。

    Because of the particularity of communications products and marketing , competition among dealers has been transformed from products and market competition into information and time competition . Only by constantly improving the efficiency and level of business management can the dealers gain a competitive advantage in terminal sales .

  23. 亚马逊很可能凭借此举在音乐销售中取得竞争优势,因为该服务能够抢走iTunes的用户。

    This could give Amazon an advantage in music sales , since the storage offering could lure customers away from iTunes .

  24. 论我国油品销售市场的竞争

    A discussion on the competition in china 's oil market

  25. 日本销售业市场竞争战略创新管窥

    A Personal View of the Marketing Competition Strategies of Japan 's Sales Industry

  26. 在目前的成品油销售终端的竞争中,大有得终端者得天下之势,但过高的终端开发费用使企业(尤其是两大石油集团)资本负担沉重。

    But the overhigh development expense of sales end burden the two petroleum enterprises .

  27. 掌握及时准确的销售数据、竞争对手的情报,对于各级决策层都是很有意义的。

    Timely and accurate sales data and competitive intelligence are very meaningful to decision-makers .

  28. 本文主要探讨销售策略对竞争战略的支持作用。

    This thesis is intended to discuss how sales strategy is conducive to competition strategy .

  29. 白酒销售市场的竞争状况及竞争结构分析;

    The analysis on the situation and structure of competition in the sale market of the spirit .

  30. 开放市场条件下成品油销售企业的竞争对策探讨

    Probing into Countermeasures to Cope with the Competition Among Oil Products Sales Enterprises Under the Market Opening Condition