- chain folding

Self-seeding nucleation leads to the decrease of crystallization active energy and chain folding work , promotes the overall crystallization process of PTT .
DSC results indicated that the crystallization temperature of PTT increased obviously after the process of self-seeding nucleation . The decrease of crystallization active energy and chain folding work indicates that the self-nucleation can greatly promote the overall crystallization of PTT .
The results of isothermal crystallization kinetics study indicates that the crystallization half-time ( t_ 1 / 2 ) of HIPP is longer , while its activation energy (Δ E ) and chain folding surface free energy (σ _e ) are higher , compared with those of iPP .
Appliance of closed gearing chain folded door in ship building
A study of folding sequence of two-dimensional compact proteins
What drives this polypeptide chain to fold up ?
Symmetry studies of chain folding in crystalline polymers
A protein molecule can fulfill their biological function , only when they fold into their specific three-dimensional structure .
It is shown that the twisting deformed structure of helix polypeptide chain is more stable than the uniform helix structure and the static attraction between the extra charges arising from deformation of helix polypeptide chain is advantageous to fold protein chain into the tertiary structure .
Conclusion : Not only local structure of the substitution site but also folding kinetics of the entire α 5 chain may be changed due to Gly → Val substitution in Alport syndrome .
The joining of the amino acids into a chain results in the formation of a polypeptide chain which then folds into the compact , globular three-dimensional structure that is a functional protein .
Zinc finger proteins & One class of transcription factor proteins containing loop-shaped tandem repeating segments that bind zinc atoms .
The chain must fold on itself to allow these cysteines to be in close proximity .
Along with the increase of pressure , the content of random coil was increasing gradually , the stability decreasing owing to the conformation change of disulfide bonds , and tyrosine was buried in the side chain , accordingly the compactly plate sheet structure was to become loose .
By adjusting the sequence of amino acids in polypeptides can effectively control the chain interaction , chain folding modes , and control their assembly into proteins with different structures and living functions .
LCB structure increases the chain folding energy and makes molecular chain fold back more hardly , so it will facilitate the formation of γ crystal .