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yín pínɡ
  • the screen ;the silver screen
银屏 [yín píng]
  • (1) [TV screen] 电视接收机的荧光屏

  • 银屏内外

  • (2) 又称荧屏

  1. 这是一个不可避免的事实,总有一天辛普森系列的电影会被搬上银屏。

    It seemed inevitable that one day , a simpsons movie would wind up on the silver screen .

  2. 分子证据和新增加的形态证据显示,银屏牡丹Paeoniasuffruticosassp。

    Molecular data and new additional morphological data suggest that the two tree peonies , based on which Paeonia suffruticosa ssp .

  3. 昨天,在英国和美国新年第一天播出之后,BBC探案大剧《神探夏洛克》的最新大电影正式登陆中国大银屏。

    The latest episode of hit BBC detective show Sherlock hit Chinese cinema screens yesterday , following its airing on British and US television on New Year 's Day .

  4. DeniseHuxtable是80年代电视银屏上的一位命运悲惨的少女。

    Denise Huxtable has the unfortunate honor of being a teenager on TV in the ' 80s .

  5. 几周前,XM的妈妈问我们可不可以帮她买一本近来活跃于银屏的演讲者于丹的《于丹〈论语〉心得》,因为她听说这本书通俗又新颖地阐述了中国经典古籍。

    A few weeks ago , XM 's mother asked if we could help her buy a copy of TV lecturer Yu Dan 's Insights on " The Analects ", since she had heard it was a popular new explanation of the Chinese classic .

  6. 从新时期银屏女性形象看妇女解放

    Female Images in New Age 's TV Series and Emancipation of Women

  7. 就我个人而言,我认为他太老了,不适合在银屏上舞来舞去。

    Personally , I think he is too old to dance on TV .

  8. 单独面对着银屏,我就谁的话也不用听了。

    Alone with the small screen , I am answerable to no one .

  9. 有关皮特和朱莉银屏下关系暧昧的传言已经流传了好几个月了。

    Rumors of Pitt and Jolie 's off-screen relationship had been circulating for months .

  10. 净化银屏,媒体先行

    Clean the TV Programs , Media Act First

  11. 我们从电影院的银幕和电视的银屏上看到各种影片。

    From the cinema screen and television screen , we see all kinds of films .

  12. 就像颠覆了银屏的“超级女声”。

    Which has Subversion of the screens .

  13. 银屏里上演的悲剧让人们评估自己的生活状况,细数人生际遇。

    Seeing tragedies on the screen causes folks to examine their own lives and count their blessings .

  14. 银屏之上,赵又廷饰演的正义警察同黄渤饰演的黑帮滑头之间引发了一场化学反应。

    There is sparkling on-screen chemistry between Chao and Huang as the righteous cop and the smart-mouthed gangster .

  15. 由于孩子们不能区分杜撰的故事和事实,所以银屏上的暴力镜头常常导致危险的模仿。

    Scenes of violence on screen often lead to dangerous imitation since children can 't tell invented story from facts .

  16. 周日下午地震发生后,银屏村许多民房的土墙被震塌。

    The earthen walls of many of its homes crumbled during the quake , which hit Sunday afternoon local time .

  17. 银屏罗曼史在现实生活中得到了延续了好几年,现在终于,粉丝们终于高兴地看到他们在现实生活中订婚。

    The on-screen romance sparked several memes over the years - now , fans are pleased to see a real-life engagement .

  18. 你的目光稍一离开银屏,就会错过一个重要的温度变化。

    If you take your eyes off the screen for one instant , you may miss an important change in temperature .

  19. 作为一名独立的制片人,他创作并上演了许多银屏喜剧,在这些喜剧中,他也都扮演了主角。

    As an independent producer , he devised and staged many screen comedies , in which he also played the leading parts .

  20. 救援队在银屏村就遇到了很大困难,这个小村庄有着上千人口,村民主要靠种植玉米和土豆为生。

    Yinping , a village of several hundred people that depends on growing corn and potatoes , represents the challenges rescuers face .

  21. 同样,这类阴谋充斥银屏会导致价值滑坡还是具有更高的艺术旨趣也自然是探讨之列。

    Similarly , such " intrigue " filled screen that will lead to landslide of higher value or artistic endeavors is naturally also discussed .

  22. 尽管有数千官兵和救援人员参加到了大规模的救灾行动中,但救援没有像村民希望的那样快速到达银屏村。

    Despite a massive effort involving thousands of military personnel and rescue workers , aid hasn 't reached Yingping as fast as residents needed .

  23. 功夫熊猫回来啦!肥胖,懒惰却又勇敢和善良的阿宝将于周五在中国银屏上映。

    Kungfu panda is back in action ! The fat , lazy but brave and kind-hearted Po will hit China 's big screen on Friday .

  24. 现年46岁的鲍德温在银屏上经常扮演无辜的,无需保释金释放的角色,但这次罪名一旦成立,他将面临4年的牢狱之灾。

    The 46-year-old , who has pleaded not guilty and was released without bail , could face up to four years in prison if convicted .

  25. 离开银屏之后,她遇到罗纳德·里根,在现实生活中找到了好莱坞式的浪漫爱情,二人于1952年结婚。

    And off-screen , she starred in a real-life Hollywood romance with the love of her life , Ronald Reagan , whom she married in 1952 .

  26. 她曾经拍过一百多部电影,从青春靓丽的玉女到英姿飒爽的女侠,每个形象都成为银屏的经典。

    She starred in more than one hundred movies , and her roles covert almost all the parts from young and beautiful girl to handsome woman warrior .

  27. 网络售票商开展的一项调查显示,59%的影迷称赫敏和罗恩之吻是他们最期待的银屏之吻。

    In a conducted by online ticket seller Fandango.com , 59 percent of fans said the on-screen kiss they most want to see is Hermione and Ron .

  28. 尽管怪兽哥斯拉首次亮相电影银屏时代表的是一种破坏性极强的致命力量,但在后来的影片中,这头喷火野兽回归善良,从其他怪兽手中拯救人类。

    Although Godzilla was a deadly and destructive force in his big-screen debut , the fire-breathing beast returned in subsequent films to save mankind from other monsters .

  29. 而相反,在他1914年首次出现在银屏上则是一个令人厌恶的粗鲁的人物。

    On the contrary , the Charlot that was seen for the first time on screen , in1914 , was a crude and disagreeable car á cter .

  30. 影片巧妙地提及过往的事件,让克雷格之前三部007影片的人物又活跃在银屏上,字幕起初反复提及回忆和怀旧。

    Cleverly referencing events and reviving characters from all three of Craig 's previous 007 films , the script initially riffs on notions of memory and nostalgia .