
  • 网络Non-invasive
  1. NF(923)铵盐复配钻井液处理剂的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Drilling Mud Additives Compounded with NF_ ( 923 ) Ammonium

  2. 钻井液处理剂璜化高分子化合物降解放出H2S的途径研究

    Study on the approach of h_2s released from degraded sulfonated polymer of drilling mud conditioning agent

  3. 研究了江汉油田常用钻井液处理剂和pH值对钻具腐蚀的影响,评价了5种缓蚀剂的抗氧、抗温及抗复合盐性能。

    The influence of mud additive and pH value on corrosion of drilling tools in this drilling fluid system are analysed . The properties of 5 corrosion inhibitors are evaluated .

  4. 抗温抗盐降滤失钻井液处理剂PSC-Ⅱ的研制和现场应用

    Research and Field Application of Anti-Heat Salt-Resistant and Filtrate Loss Decreasing Treating Agent PSC - ⅱ for Drilling Fluid

  5. 耐温抗盐钻井液处理剂SIOP的合成研究

    Synthesis of Heat Resistance and Salt Tolerance SIOP Copolymer Additive for Drilling Fluid

  6. 纳米乳液RL-2是通过物理和化学方法制备的一种新型的钻井液处理剂,具有纳米材料的特性。

    Nanometer-emulsion RL-2 was a new drilling fluid additive prepared by physical and chemical methods . It had the characteristic of nanophase materials .

  7. 结果表明,钻井液处理剂SIOP热稳定性好,降滤失能力和耐温抗盐能力强。

    The experimental results showed that the SIOP polymer had very good capacity of depressing filter loss , heat stability , heat resistance and salt tolerance .

  8. 室内实验表明,ABP在海水中具有良好的造浆性,很高的热稳定性,以及与海水钻井液处理剂PAC141,SK-Ⅱ等极好的配伍性。

    Indoor experiment results show that ABP has good yield , high thermal stability and good compatibility with treating agent of sea water drilling fluid , such as PAC 41 , SK_ ⅱ .

  9. 最后对ETA和阳离子淀粉在油田化学品,如钻井液处理剂、油田水处理剂、粘土稳定剂以及其他方面的一些应用性能进行了评价。

    Finally , the application of ETA and cationic starch in the oil field chemicals , namely oil based drilling fluid treatment agent , water treatment agent in oil field , clay fixing agent and other uses are evaluated .

  10. 在此基础上,通过进行金属离子络合反应及磺化反应等一系列改性反应,对接枝共聚物进行改性合成出油田用钻井液处理剂MGBM-1。

    Based on this and through a series of modification reactions such as metal complexation and sulfonation , a new drilling fluid additive MGBM-1 is prepared under the laboratory conditions .

  11. 国外钻井液处理剂调查

    A survey on commercial additives for drilling fluids in markets abroad

  12. 栲胶类钻井液处理剂的应用及前景

    Application and prospect of quebracho ( tannin ) as drilling fluid additive

  13. 天然材料改性钻井液处理剂研究与应用

    Study and Application of Natural Material Modified Drilling Fluid Additives

  14. 含阳离子基团的钻井液处理剂研究进展

    Study Progress of the Drilling Fluid Agent with Cation Group in China

  15. 高温高密度油基钻井液处理剂性能研究

    Treating Agent Performance of Oil-based Drilling Fluid of High Temperature and High Density

  16. 选用对油气层损害小的钻井液处理剂。

    Select the suitable treating agent to drilling fluid .

  17. 提出了聚合物钻井液处理剂的发展方向。

    The developing trend for the polymer drilling fluid additive is also proposed .

  18. 规范钻井液处理剂标准的重要性

    Importance of Normalizing the Standard for Driling Fluid Conditioner

  19. 柴油润湿法配制钻井液处理剂溶液的试验研究

    Experimental Study of Preparing Drilling Fluid Treating Agent Solution with Diesel Wetting Method

  20. 纳米钻井液处理剂的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Drilling Fluids Nanometer Additive

  21. 在室内考察了作为钻井液处理剂的乙基葡糖苷的应用性能。

    The performance properties of EGlu as drilling fluid additive are investigated in laboratory .

  22. 国内近5年钻井液处理剂研究与应用进展

    Advances in Preparation and Uses of Drilling Fluid Additives in China in Recent 5 Years

  23. 氧化剂对无铬木质素磺酸盐类钻井液处理剂作用效能的影响

    Effect of oxidizers on the acting efficiency of chrome free lignosulfonates in the drilling fluids

  24. AM/AMPS/MAA/HMOPTA四元共聚物的合成及作为钻井液处理剂的性能

    Synthesis and Properties of AM / AMPS / MAA / HMOPTA Copolymer as Drilling Fluid Additive

  25. 介绍国内水溶性聚合物钻井液处理剂的研究与应用情况。

    The research and application of water soluble polymer drilling fluid additive in China are reviewed .

  26. 改性淀粉可作钻井液处理剂,原油破乳剂,水泥浆添加剂和堵水调剖剂等。

    Modified starch can be used as drilling fluid additive , oil demulsifier , cement slurry additive and water-plugging / profile-modifying agent and so on .

  27. 降滤失剂作为重要的钻井液处理剂,其耐温抗盐能力直接影响到水基钻井液的性能。

    As an important drilling fluid additives , fluid loss reducer for high temperature and high salinity has a direct impact on the performances of water-based drilling fluid .

  28. 结果表明,无机-有机聚合物Siop-C作为钻井液处理剂,其热稳定性好、降滤失能力和抗温抗盐能力强。

    The results showed that Siop - C polymer used as drilling fluid additive had very good heat stability , the capacity of depressing filter loss , heat resistance and salt tolerance .

  29. 纳米钻井液处理剂具有超强吸附、降低摩阻以及细微堵孔的能力,能更好地稳定井壁和保护储层。

    Nano drilling fluid additives have stronger adsorption , low friction and ability to seal micro fractures , and can be used in stabilizing bore hole and preserving the permeability of the reservoir formations .

  30. 超低渗透钻井液关键处理剂的研制及应用

    Development and application of a key agent for ultra-low invasive drilling fluid