
  1. 在开发初期实施了以地质综合研究为基础、亮点、AVO等为核心的气藏地震勘探描述、以气藏工程研究为主要手段的滚动勘探开发一体化技术,以提高钻井成功率。

    Progressive exploration and development is put in practice during initial phase , based upon gas reservoir characterization and gas reservoir engineering research as major measure , to enhance drilling success ratio .

  2. 开展三维油藏描述,加深对油层的认识,使钻井成功率由60%提高到82.5%;

    The 3D reservoir description is developed , it deepened the reservoir understanding , the drilling success ratio 60 % increases to 82.5 % .

  3. 地质研究与地震相结合,是提高储集层预测精度和钻井成功率的技术关键;

    Integrating geological research with seismic interpretation is the key technology for improving the precision of the reservoir forecast and the ratio of successful drilling .

  4. 由此认为,借助多属性分析技术对河道砂体进行预测,可大大提高勘探精度,提高钻井成功率。

    Therefore , with the help of multi - attribute analysis technique to predict channel sands , exploration accuracy and drilling success ratio can be greatly improved .

  5. 好消息是:由于勘探钻井成功率达57%,雪佛龙的石油与天然气产量增加了7%。

    The good news : Production of oil and gas jumped 7 % , thanks in part to a 57 % success rate on its exploratory drilling .

  6. 本文所做的工作对保护油气层,提高钻井成功率,降低钻井成本以及对欠平衡钻井中预防事故的发生具有重要意义。

    This will help to protect reservoir , improve drilling success rate , reduce drilling cost and prevent accidents during under balanced drilling , is of great significance .

  7. 应用神经网络进行油气预测,对提高储层预测的精度,进一步提高钻井成功率起到重要作用,也必将产生较大的经济效益和社会效益。

    Appling neural network to petroleum-gas prediction plays an important role in improving the accuracy of reservoir prediction and further improving the success rate of drilling , will also have greater economic and social benefits .

  8. 通过山2段气藏精细描述,先后优选开发目标区块6个,提供开发井位120余口,已实施井钻井成功率达到了85%以上,应用效果良好。

    On the basis of P 1s 2 gas reservoir fine description , 6 development target tracts were optimized and more than 120 development well sites were provided early or late . The success ratio of the drilled wells was over 85 % , thus achieving a excellent result .

  9. 用地震资料预测储层参数可以为勘探和开发提供有价值的信息,可以提高钻井的成功率和布井的准确性。

    By predicting reservoir parameters with seismic data we can have valuable information for exploration and development , which is beneficial to increase the success rate of drilling and the accuracy of well distribution .

  10. 而地震反演在精细油气勘探研究工作中所起的作用越来越重要,它能较真实地反映地下的地质构造和储层的岩性特征,大大提高钻井的成功率。

    The seismic inversion plays a more and more important role in the research work of delicate oil-gas exploration . The technology can actually reflect underground geological structured and reservoir rock character , and can greatly raise the percentage of drilling hits .

  11. 复电阻率法在油气勘查上,主要用于检测、评价工作区域内的局部圈闭或异常是否含油。提供钻探靶标,提高钻井的成功率,降低勘探、开发风险和成本。

    Complex resistivity method is mainly used to test and evaluate whether local trap or anomaly within a study area bears oil , to provide drilling target , to improve drilling success ratio , and to reduce the risk and cost of exploration and development .

  12. 海拉尔盆地开发钻井过程中提高钻井成功率的做法及取得的认识

    The Understanding and Methods of Enhancing the Success Rate of Drilling during the Drilling in Hailar Basin

  13. 构造的不确定性、储集层的非均质性及钻井过程中的各种工程因素,都使水平井的钻井成功率受到影响,新开发区块更是如此。

    Structural uncertainty , reservoir 's anisotropic and various engineering factors in drilling can influence the success rate of drilling horizontal wells , especially in new development zone .

  14. 新的技术措施,加快了钻井进度,钻井周期从三个月降低到一个月;钻井成功率由36%提高到100%。

    Taking new technical measures sped up the drilling program , the well period reduced from three months down to one , the rate of well succeed increased from 36 % up to 100 % .