
  1. 裸婚就是结婚时只花9块钱去民政局登记领证的结婚方式。

    Anaked marriage is a Chinese term that refers to a marriage with the only cost being that of the nine yuan that needed to be paid to the Ministry Affairs Bureau as a legal marriage registration fee .

  2. “裸婚”就是结婚时只花9块钱去民政局登记领证的结婚方式。

    A " naked marriage " is a Chinese term that refers to a marriage with the only cost being that of the nine yuan that needed to be paid to the Ministry Affairs Bureau as a legal marriage registration fee .

  3. 他把钱压在一局上。

    He gamble his money on one spin of the wheel .

  4. 即使你已经在世界上所有的钱,美国宇航局将永远不会让你坐班车。

    Even if you had all the money in the world , NASA would never let you ride the shuttle .