
  • 网络calcic horizon;caliche;calcicborizon
  1. 受粘粒含量影响,黄土性土壤中Cr()运移的速度不同,其顺序为粘化层<犁底层+老耕层<耕层<钙积层。

    The migration velocities of Cr ( VI ) in soil was relevant to contents of clay , and they were in an order : argillic horizon calcic horizon .

  2. 栗钙土钙积层干扰后物理性质的恢复周期

    The Recovery Cycle of Calcic Horizon within Chestnut Soil after Disturbance

  3. 结果表明:1土娄土不同土层对Cr()的吸附量大小顺序为粘化层>犁底层+老耕层>耕层>钙积层;

    The results showed that : ① The absorption amount of different soil layers to Cr (ⅵ) were in an order of argillic layer > plow pan > top soil > calcic layer .

  4. 也可能有一层石化钙积层,脆磐或硬磐。

    They may also have a pertocalcic horizon , a fragipan or a duripan .

  5. 金、铀含矿信息的直接指示元素主要富集在钙积层上方的弱胶结层中,钙积层对大部分元素没有隔挡作用。

    Direction elements of including Au , U ore information are enriched in cemented soil horizon of the top of accumulated layer , which has not blocked the most elements .

  6. 灰钙土的剖面可分为腐殖质层,钙积层及母质层三个发生层段。

    Sierozem sections can be divided into humus , calcium , and the parent material laminated layers .