
lìn rónɡ cénɡ
  • leached horizon;eluvial layer;eluvial horizon;eluvium
  1. 而淋溶层和淀积层与整个生态系统距离相对较近,土壤有机碳含量相对较多。

    The leaching layer deposition layer and the whole ecosystem relatively close , relatively high soil organic carbon content .

  2. 因此,土壤有机碳的分布按表层,淋溶层,淀积层,母质层,逐层减少。

    Therefore , the distribution of soil organic carbon by surface leaching layer , layer deposition , parent material , layer by layer reduction . 3 .

  3. 实验结果如下:(1)煤矸石风化物具有两个明显的成土发生层次:风化表层和弱风化淋溶层。

    The result shows as following : ( 1 ) The weathering material of gangue pile has two obvious layers : weathering surface layer and weakly weathering eluviating layer .

  4. 在地下水较深地段,自上而下依次可以分为表聚层、淋溶层和累积层3个层面,其中淋溶层盐分含量低且较为稳定。

    Salt accumulation at the surface soil layer is generally significant . In the deeper sites in the groundwater , Salt distribution in soil profiles in the vertical direction from top to bottom can be divided into three layers : one layer of salt leaching is low and relatively stable .

  5. 中南地区淋溶土的层间羟基物矿物

    Hydroxy interlayered mineral of Alfisol in Central China

  6. 典型的淋溶土有一层淡色表层,但同样可能有一层暗色表层。

    They typically have an ochric epipedon , but may have an umbric epipedon .