
  • 网络travertine;tufa
  1. 四川黄龙沟天然水中的深源CO2与大规模的钙华沉积

    Deep-source co_2 in natural waters and its role in extensive tufa deposition in the Huanglong ravines , sichuan , China

  2. 根据研究,钙华的形成是由于泉水中的CO2分压高于周围空气的CO2分压,CO2从水中逸出,因而导致碳酸钙发生过饱和并产生沉淀的结果。

    According to previous researches , tufa results from the supersaturation of calcium carbonate , as the partial pressure of CO_2 in the spring water is higher than that in the atmosphere and CO_2 outgases from the water .

  3. 关于四川黄龙钙华CO2成因的讨论

    A Discussion on Genesis of CO_2 in the Huanglong Travertine , Sichuan

  4. 云南石林地区钙华的ESR测年及其地质意义

    ESR dating and its geological significance of travertine in the stone forest , Yunnan Province

  5. ASoftSunset柔和的日落这张极好的照片显示了反衬在橙红色天空里的钙华塔,背景是内华达山脉里玫瑰色的薄雾。

    This stunning shot shows the towers ' reflections against the salmon pink sky , with the periwinkle haze of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the background .

  6. 从气体成分、泉口出露地质特征、CO2动态变化规律等,对黄龙钙华的热成因论进行了讨论,认为黄龙地区不具备喷出幔源气体的地质结构。

    This paper discusses hydrothermal genesis of the Huanglong travertine based on gas competent , dynamic change in CO_2 and geological features of springs , and believes there is no geological structure related to the extrusion of mantle-derived gas .

  7. 对兰坪-思茅盆地中-新生代沉积岩、石炭纪玄武岩、铜矿石、铜矿物、铜矿脉石矿物和钙华的REE研究表明,存在三种稀土分布模式。

    There are 3 distribution models of rare earth element according to the REE research of Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary rocks , carboniferous basalt , Cu ore , Cu mineral , gangue mineral and calc-sinter .

  8. 文章报道了响水河河水的现场监测结果,得到响水河河水的Ca2+和HCO-3非常低,这明显与河床中大规模钙华的存在和景区内发育的茂密植被不匹配;

    It was found by in-situ monitoring that the Xiangshui River has a very low concentration of calcium and bicarbonate , which does not match with the huge tufa deposits in the riverbed and the dense vegetation cover in surrounding area .

  9. 钙华沉积机制的研究现状及展望

    The status quo and Prospect of research on travertine precipitation mechanism

  10. 松潘黄龙水循环及钙华景观成因研究

    A study of water circulation and genesis of travertine landscape in Huanglong

  11. 世界自然遗产黄龙钙华景观的地质分析

    Geologic analysis of travertine landscape in the huanglong , world Natural Heritage

  12. 川西北自然风景中钙华景观的形成与发育

    The formation and development of travertine landscape in natural scenery of Northwest Sichuan

  13. 九寨沟黄龙地区广泛发育着钙华滩流、湖泊、瀑布、洞穴与漏斗。

    Travertine funnels widely occur in the Jiuzhaigou-Huanglong area .

  14. 四川九寨沟、黄龙钙华景观保护研究

    On Protection of Travertine Landscape in the Jiuzhai Valley and Huanglong Scenic Spots

  15. 但溶液达到饱和只是钙华沉积的必要条件而非充分条件。

    It is only the necessary condition , but is not the sufficient condition .

  16. 英国钙华苔藓植物区系特征及其主要钙华沉积类型

    The floristic characteristics of tufa bryophytes and the main Travertine Deposition types in UK

  17. 查看更多的这些神奇的钙华塔。

    Check out more of these fantastical towers .

  18. 四川黄龙钙华的形成

    The formation of tufa in huanglong , Sichuan

  19. 中国路南石林地区钙华年代测定及其意义

    Age Measurement and Significance of Calcareous Tufa of Lunan Stone Forest , Yunnan , Chian

  20. 钙华沉积的生物效应

    Bio - effect on Tufa Deposition

  21. 从这钙华年轮上。

    From these calcified growth rings .

  22. 从这钙华年轮上,我们就可以看出地球的变迁。

    From these calcified growth rings , we can find out the evolution of the earth .

  23. 钙华洞穴是由钙华或钙华与碳酸盐岩共同形成的封闭或半封闭的空间。

    Travertine cave is completely closed or semi-closed space formed by travertine or travertine and carbonate rocks .

  24. 黄龙钙华是地壳表层地质作用高寒岩溶形成的产物,即冷成因。

    Therefore , the Huanglong travertine resulted from karstification in high and cold area on crust surface .

  25. 它是钙华表层裸露在空气中经过氧化、风蚀之后形成的。

    It has been formed after the calcified outer layer was exposed to air and became oxidized .

  26. 世界自然遗产-四川黄龙钙华景观的形成与演化

    Formation and Evolution of the Travertine Landscape at Huanglong , Sichuan , One of the World Natural Heritages

  27. 另一种使用的草酸,是在最后的抛光玛瑙,大理石,和钙华。

    Another use of oxalic acid is in the final polishing of onyx , marble , and travertine .

  28. 观众朋友们,现在先请您欣赏一下世界上最大的钙华瀑布的雄姿。

    Ladies and gentlemen , now let 's enjoy the spectacle of the world 's biggest travertine waterfall .

  29. 钙华滩流是九寨沟特色水景之一,其形成主要源于生物作用和钙华沉积。

    Travertine shoal is one of Jiuzhaigou water features , mainly due to its biological role and travertine deposition .

  30. 碳酸盐岩腐岩形成于包气带,由原岩中的碳酸盐溶解后再次沉淀形成,主要由钙华和残余碳酸盐晶体组成。

    Carbonate rock saprolite is formed in zones of alteration and made up of travertine and residual carbonate crystals .