
  1. 他们还是一个劲儿地问这问那,她就把自己的金项炼扔给了他们,心想这下他们该满足了吧。

    When they pressed her further with questions , she threw her golden necklace down to them , thinking that this would satisfy them .

  2. 金表示这项研究证实了双语可以在大脑中发挥功能性且起到保护作用。

    Gold says the study confirms bilingualism can play a functional , protective role in the brain .

  3. 我利用一切与伙伴谈话的机会,说明必须将加强卫生系统作为疾病战略和资助金的一项明确内容。

    I am using every opportunity to speak with partners about the need to make the strengthening of health systems an explicit component in disease strategies and funding grants .

  4. 在这种转变的过程中,法定公益金作为一项过渡性的制度安排被确立下来。

    In this transformation process , the statutory public welfare fund was established as a transitional arrangement , and it was drawn as a certain percentage from the net profits .

  5. 福岛(Fukushima)危机每天都有新变化,而赔偿金方案和一项补充预算案仍需得到议会的批准。

    The Fukushima crisis takes new turns on a daily basis , while the compensation fund scheme and a supplementary budget still need parliamentary approval .

  6. 资本金比率是一项重要的因素,阿克曼说。

    Capital ratios are an important element , Mr Ackermann said .

  7. 爱迪生的一位名叫德威特·罗伯茨的同事对这一发明很感兴趣,于是支付其100美金来换取这项发明未来收益的部分收益。

    A colleague of Edison named Dewitt Roberts was intrigued by the machine and paid Edison $ 100 for a share in its revenue .

  8. 金表示,这项研究证明了社会关系在灵长类动物群落中的作用可以追溯到几百万年前,至少可以追溯到狒狒和人类共同祖先的时期。

    King said the research supported the idea that the role of social bonds for primates goes back millions of years , to at least the common ancestor of baboons and humans .