
jīn yào shi
  • a golden key;a good method to solve a certain difficult problem;knowhow
金钥匙 [jīn yào shi]
  • [knowhow] 比喻解决问题的好办法,窍门;特指能够打开人们心扉的教育方法

金钥匙[jīn yào shi]
  1. 一把金钥匙&浅论格林童话

    A Golden Key : A Comment on Green 's Fairytales

  2. 金钥匙可以打开每一把锁。

    A golden key will open every lock .

  3. CIMS是开启21世纪经济腾飞之门的金钥匙

    CIMS_The Golden Key to 21 st Century Economy Prosperity

  4. 我曾跟随纽约最好的ESL的老师学习并获得了能够帮助学生成功的金钥匙。

    I studied with a top New York ESL Teacher and was given the golden skills for student to succeed .

  5. 信息技术打开营销市场的金钥匙斯达公司以信息开拓营销市场

    Information technology : a gold key to the door of market

  6. 自学是打开知识宝库的一把金钥匙。

    Self-study is the golden key to the treasure-trove of knowledge .

  7. 有效的阅读是打开人们认知世界的金钥匙。

    Effective reading is the key for people to recognize the world .

  8. 打开量子世界大门的金钥匙&数学方法

    The gold key to opening gate of quantum world-mathematical method

  9. 世界金钥匙酒店联盟成员酒店

    Member Hotels of the Golden Key Motels of the World

  10. 金钥匙一键通服务中心给客人带来了什么?

    What Can Golden Key Service Center Bring to Guests ?

  11. “金钥匙工程”?它是干什么的?

    What is it about ? The golden key project ?

  12. 是的,这把金钥匙看上去并不强大,却非常有用!

    Yes , this'key'is not so powerful but it is really useful .

  13. 有效的物资供应管理是企业盈利的金钥匙。

    Efficient material supply management is the golden key to corporate earnings .

  14. 开启成功之门的金钥匙是艰苦的劳动和坚强的毅力。

    The key to success is hard work and persistence .

  15. 金钥匙,以快乐,健康和财富,太。

    The golden key to happiness , to health and fortune , too .

  16. 金钥匙更让您感受高星级酒店的服务规范。

    Golden Key lets you enjoy super-star normalized service .

  17. 2009年,中国残联党组成员、副理事长程凯到金钥匙中心视察。

    In2009 , Vice-Director of CDPF Cheng Kai inspected Golden Key Research Center .

  18. 合作是打开成功未来的金钥匙!

    Cooperation is the key to a successful future !

  19. 句子中的重读是学会说和听英语的第二把金钥匙。

    SENTENCE STRESS is GOLDEN KEY NUMBER TWO for speaking and understanding English .

  20. 勇夺通往国际市场的金钥匙

    Bravely capture the golden key to open the door of the international market

  21. 他是我们通向成功的金钥匙。

    He is the golden key to success .

  22. 从工程实践中不断发现创新的金钥匙&关于防水技术认知与创新的一些体会

    Golden key to innovation exists in engineering practice

  23. 开启日本市场的金钥匙&日本产品安全认证最新体系

    The Latest Safety Certification System of Japanese Companies

  24. 企业文化企业家成功的一把金钥匙关于企业家如何打造企业文化的探讨

    Enterprise Culture-A Golden Key to Success of Enterprisers

  25. 你可算是打开古墓的关键金钥匙啊一把可以打开古墓大门的钥匙

    You 're the key to this . Literally.The one who opens the door .

  26. 对裂缝分布规律、发育特征的正确认识,是裂缝性油气藏勘探成功的一把金钥匙。

    To evaluate fracture distribution and extension well is key to explore fractured reservoirs successfully .

  27. 金钥匙跨地区服务协作的典范

    Examples of Golden Key Inter-regional Service Coordination

  28. 以金钥匙品牌为纽带&组建中国旅游饭店业的联合舰队

    Linking with Golden Key Brand , Establish Coalition Fleet of China 's Tourism Hotel Industry

  29. 沟通&开启学生心灵之门的金钥匙

    Communication is a golden key to open the spiritual lock of student during scholastic process

  30. 发现了一把小小的金钥匙。

    he found a tiny golden key .