
  • 网络Gold
  1. 市长在一次正式的市政招待会上给他颁发了一枚金质奖章。

    The mayor presented him with a gold medal at an official city reception

  2. 她的衣裙上装饰着一枚朴素的金质胸针。

    A simple gold pin adorned her dress .

  3. 那是一个金质花形包头的拐杖。

    It 's a walking stick with a gold head wrought in the form of a flower .

  4. 1990年,乔治·赫伯特·沃克·布什(GeorgeH.W.Bush)授予其国会金质奖章。

    In 1990 , President George H.W. Bush awarded him the Congressional Gold Medal .

  5. 由于推进种族和性别平等的努力,多萝西·海特(DorothyHeight)获得了总统自由勋章和国会金质奖章。

    Dorothy Height received the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold Medal for her work for racial and gender equality .

  6. n.报答;酬谢vt.奖励;奖赏作为回报他的勇敢,这个士兵被授于一枚金质奖章。

    reward As a reward for his bravery , the soldier was given a gold medal .

  7. 据NPR新闻的布拉克顿·布克尔报道,4名遇害者将被追封国会金质奖章。

    As NPR 's Brakkton Booker reports the four victims would be posthumously awarded the congressional gold medal .

  8. 据NPR新闻的黛比·埃利奥特报道,艾迪·梅·柯林斯、丹尼斯·麦克奈尔、卡罗尔·罗伯逊以及辛西娅·韦斯利被追封国会金质奖章。

    NPR 's Debbie Elliott reports Addie Mae Collins , Denise McNair , Carole Robertson and Cynthia Wesley , were named on the congressional gold medal .

  9. 江苏常熟电厂一期工程,4×300MW机组,1999年获得国家优秀设计金质奖。

    Jiangsu Changshu Power Plant Project , Phase I ( 4 × 300MW ) won the State Excellent Design Gold Medal in 1999 .

  10. 作为英国声望最高的建筑奖项英国皇家建筑师学会(RIBA)金质奖章的获得者,贝聿铭是无可争议、众望所归的人选。该学会于本月早些时候向他颁发了这一奖章。

    As the recipient of Britain 's most prestigious architectural honour , the Royal Institute of British Architects ' Gold Medal , awarded earlier this month , Pei was an uncontroversial and popular choice .

  11. 徐如一表示,2007年宝洁的帮宝适(Pampers)“金质睡眠”推广活动带来了一次突破,活动的核心是让妈妈们相信,使用纸尿裤会帮婴儿们睡得更好,“这意味着他们能成长得更快、大脑发育得更好”。

    One breakthrough came with P & G 's Pampers " golden sleep " campaign in 2007 , focused on convincing mothers that using nappies can help babies sleep better , " which means they can grow faster and get more brain development , " says Ms Xu .

  12. 成矿流体运动系统与金质来源和富集机制讨论

    Discussion on gold origin and rich mechanism of ore-forming fluid movement

  13. 奥林匹克的优胜者获得一枚金质奖章作为奖赏。

    The Olympic winner received a gold medal as an award .

  14. 这个游泳队夺得十六块金质奖章中的八块。

    The swimming team mopped up eight of the sixteen gold medals .

  15. 她圆满地完成了中学学业,获得了金质奖章。

    The award of a gold medal had crowned her school education .

  16. 他荣获绘画一等金质奖章。

    He carried off the first - class gold medal for painting .

  17. 两年前,荣获国会金质奖章。

    He won the Congressional Gold Medal two years ago .

  18. 三类矿源岩石组合提供金质。

    The Au is originated from 3 rock assemblages .

  19. 荣获金质奖的产品,质量当然优等。

    A product awarded a gold medal is of course excellent in quality .

  20. 本产品再次荣获金质奖。

    This product was awarded a gold medal again .

  21. 这几名学生在1999年被授予国会金质奖章。

    They were awarded congressional gold medals in 1999 .

  22. 妈妈给我这个金质小匣作为纪念品。

    My mother gave me this Locket as8 keepsake .

  23. 出乎意料的一枚金质奖章。

    A gold medal that was against all expectations .

  24. 山东金质网上审批系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Examination and Approval System Online for Shandong Gold Quality

  25. 杰克被授予金质奖章。

    Jack was decorated with a gold medal .

  26. 金质为多来源,发育于变质岩区。

    Gold is from many sources . development ;

  27. 金质奖章是国会授予的最高荣誉奖章。

    The gold medal is the highest expression of national appreciation congress can give .

  28. 10多年前,国会曾将金质奖章授予纳瓦约族密码员。

    Congress bestowed the gold medal on Navajo code talks over a decade ago .

  29. 那人为了儿子上学,只好把金质奖章卖掉。

    The man parted with his gold medal to pay for his son 's education .

  30. 我大量分赠金质袖链扣。

    I was dishing out gold cufflinks .