
  • 网络Palladium;XPD
  1. Cu是一种调色剂,为了得到彩色钯金首饰,可以选取Cu作为一重要合金元素。

    As a kind of toner , Cu can be selected as a major alloying elements for multicolor palladium jewelry .

  2. 他们热衷于佩戴由18K金或铂金这些传统金属制成的普通婚戒,但钯金这个元素由于价格比黄金和铂金要便宜,所以或多或少会影响黄金和铂金戒指的销售。

    They tend to have plain wedding rings in the traditional metals , 18-carat gold or platinum , although palladium is making a little bit of an inroad into that situation due to price .

  3. 但是,银行界人士与贸易商认为加工采集这两种贵金属的矿物依然供不应求,此举支撑了铂金与钯金的价格。

    However , bankers and traders note that mine supplies for both precious metals remain challenging , supporting prices .

  4. 奢侈品行业另外两种重要的贵金属铂金与钯金的价格也一起在新近创造的历史高位下徘徊。

    The prices of platinum and palladium , two other important commodities for the luxury industry , also remain below recent highs .

  5. 根据网站上的信息,这款戒指是用钯金代替黄金制成的,人们还可以搭配耳环和吊坠,佩戴整套首饰。

    According to the website , the ring , which is made of palladium instead of gold , can also be worn as a set - with matching earrings and pendant .