
jīn rónɡ fǎ lǜ zhì dù
  • Financial legal system;financial law system
  1. 改革现有的金融法律制度促进西部开发

    Reform the Existing Financial Law System to Promote Western Development

  2. 本文认为必须改革现有的金融法律制度,制定西部开发金融法,促进西部开发。

    This article thought must reform the existing financial law system , west the formulation the development finance law , west the promotion develops .

  3. 加入WTO后过渡期经济特区金融法律制度的创新

    Observations on the Innovation in Legal Systems in the Special Economic Zone in the Transitional Period After China 's Entry to the WTO

  4. 我国农村金融法律制度的演进逻辑与路径创新

    Rural Financial System 's Developing Logics and Path Innovations of China

  5. 论我国金融法律制度的完善与创新

    On the Perfection and Innovation of the Legal System of Finance in China

  6. 现代金融法律制度变革的潮流&新法案下的美国金融监管制度及其启示

    On the Reform of Modern Financial Legislation System

  7. 经济效益与经济安全的互动与衡平贯穿金融法律制度始终。

    The interaction and balance between economic benefit and economic security run the financial legal system through .

  8. 通过农村金融法律制度的创新可以推动农村金融的发展,促进新农村的建设。

    Innovation of rural financial legal system may impel the development of rural finance and improve the new rural construction .

  9. 第三章是基于金融法律制度视角来对我国普惠金融基础设施建设的绩效进行评价。

    The third part empirical research the importance of our inclusive financial infrastructure construction based on a system performance perspective .

  10. 金融法律制度等正式制度供给的滞后在一定程度上制约了东亚新兴企业债券市场的发展。

    Deficient supply of formal institutions such as financial and legal institutions has confined the development of corporate bond markets to some extent .

  11. 完善我国绿色金融法律制度是一项系统性、综合性的工程,是在已有的基础上进行的开拓创新。

    The improvement of green financial legal system is a systematic and comprehensive project , and it is an innovation based on the existing system .

  12. 因此,不仅需要完善绿色金融法律制度,同时也需要其他相关法律制度的综合支撑。

    Therefore , we do not only need to improve the green financial legal system , but also need to develop other relevant legal system for comprehensive support .

  13. 完善金融法律制度,就是改善金融生态结构,增强金融生态功能,提高金融生态的生产力。

    The improvement of financial legal system is very important for the improvement of financial ecological structure , the buildup of financial ecological functions and the increase financial ecological productivity .

  14. 同时,文章将指出:正因为金融法律制度的演进有着内在的动因和特殊的路径。

    At the same time , the article pointed out : It is precisely because of the evolution of the financial legal system has an inherent motive and special path .

  15. 首先指出《消费者权益保护法》、金融法律制度以及信用卡章程中存在的对消费者的既有保护措施。

    It starts by figuring out the existing protection procedures in the Law on the Protection of Consumers Right , the legal system about Finance and the Terms and Conditions of Credit Card .

  16. 有关部门可以从增设禁止性规定,提高洗钱犯罪成本,建立健全金融法律制度和反洗钱运行机制等方面,加强对金融机构洗钱犯罪的法律规制。

    Prohibitive stipulations may be supplemented to strengthen the legal checking scheme by means of raising the cost of the offense and perfecting finance legal system and operative mechanism against money laundering , etc.

  17. 我国现在正处于一个金融法律制度的整合及与国际对接时期,所以对我国相关有问题金融机构的法律制度进行一个公正与客观的梳理具有非常深远的意义。

    Our country is facing a period of perfection and innovation of financial legal system , so it is of great significance to comment on relevant legal rules for problematic financial institutions justly and objectively .

  18. 我国在内幕交易规制的国际趋同下的立场与对策,为我国入世后金融法律制度的建设,为建设现代化的社会主义市场经济,为祖国的繁荣做出贡献。

    The policy and standing of our country 's insider-trading regulation in the trend of globalization , serving the financial legal system after joining WTO and the modernization of socialist market economy of our country .

  19. 从立法指导思想、金融法律制度的修改和完善、混业经营的推进方式、模式的选择等几个方面入手,进行了深入探讨。

    The legal guidance , the revise and improvement of the Financial law system , the advancing mood of the Mixed Financial Operations , and the alternatives of the mood are all discussed in this part .

  20. 作为在我国银行业占主导地位的国有商业银行将面临着资本实力、金融法律制度、经营管理模式、业务品种、监管方式、人员流动等方面的压力和挑战。如何应对呢?

    The state-owned commercial banks , as the guiding organization in our country 's financial field , will face the pressure from capital strength , financial law systems , management patterns , business assortments and other aspects .

  21. 但是,受金融法律制度、金融管理体制和金融市场发育程度等方面的制约,在国内发展理财业务不可避免地会遇到许多新的问题。

    The restriction of aspects such as finance law systems , finance management system and money market growth level etc , and developing the vocational work personal financing business at home unavoidably to run into many new problems .

  22. 西部由于其地理区位劣势和国家战略部署使其经济发展水平与东部盖距很大,在现有的大一统的金融法律制度下,西部明显处于劣势。

    West because its geography position inferiority and the national strategy deployed causes its economy level of development to be very big with the eastern part disparity , under the existing universal financial law system , west obviously is in the inferiority .

  23. 但是我们必须清醒地认识到,由于受我国金融法律制度、金融管理体制和金融市场发育程度等方面的制约,我国个人理财业务还面临着各种各样的困难和挑战。

    But we have to realize clearly that under the restraints of the financial law systems , the financial management systems and the development of the financial market , our personal financial services still need to face all kinds of difficulties and challenges .

  24. 金融反恐法律制度研究

    Research on Counter - Terrorism Financial Law

  25. 对完善金融监管法律制度的思考

    Proposals for Improving Finance Supervision Regulations

  26. 最后提出完善我国区域经济协调发展金融调控法律制度的对策建议。

    Finally , complete the coordinated development of regional economy legal system of financial regulation Suggestions .

  27. 作为部门行政法律制度建构的一部分,金融监管法律制度在国家经济生活中具有十分重要的作用。

    As part of departmental administrative legal system , financial supervision and management legal system plays a very important role in China .

  28. 在对三国金融监管法律制度进行分析时,也可以发现三种完全不同的金融监管法律制度。

    Three countries in the system of financial supervision and legal analysis , we can find three completely different financial regulatory legal system .

  29. 还呼吁通过各种金融与法律制度,引导企业加强与农户之间的垂直协作关系,以减少企业商品型农业技术供给对价格的弹性,进而提高企业对农户技术服务的质量。

    The vertical cooperation between enterprises and peasant household should be further strengthened through financial and lawful policies to improve the service quality provided by enterprises .

  30. 笔者认为研究一国监管制度之前,先需要了解该国混业经营实践情况以及国家的金融及法律制度发展的传统。

    I believe that before study on the regulatory system of a country , it is necessary to understand the tradition and practices of financial operation in the country .