
  1. 对于金融交易,成本法并非有效,研发成本经常不能真实反映出专利的价值。

    The Cost approach is not really useful for financial transactions , R & D costs do often not really reflect the value of a patent .

  2. 金融缺口和交易成本最小化:中小企业融资难题的成因研究与政策路径&理论分析与宁波个案实证研究

    Financial Gap and Minimizing of Transaction Cost : A Study on Financing Issue of Small-and-Medium Sized Enterprises

  3. 此外,交易成本是对利润的一种抵减,国内外从事金融资产交易的成本不同对金融资本的利润影响也不同,从而会对资本流动产生相应的影响。

    In addition , as a deduction to profits , transaction cost can affect financial capital movements .

  4. 国际金融和商品交易的成本将会上升。

    International financial and merchandise transactions would become more expensive .

  5. 金融中介通过降低交易成本、缓解信息不对称所导致的逆向选择和道德风险对国际贸易的发展产生促进作用。

    By reducing the costs of transaction and relieving the adverse selection and moral hazard caused by information asymmetry , financial intermediary has played a catalytic role in the development of international trade .

  6. 二是从政策和制度上帮助商业金融机构降低从事农村金融业务的交易成本和风险。

    Secondly , relative policies and systems should be laid down to help those commercial and financial units to decrease the exchange cost with much less risk in village financial dealing .

  7. 通过构建个人综合理财服务平台整合金融服务资源,有利于降低金融市场交易成本,提高个人理财服务效率,充分开拓个人理财市场。

    An integration of financial service resources through constructing personal comprehensive financial operation service platform is beneficial for lowering transaction cost in financial market and improving personal financial operation efficiency .

  8. 是基于各金融部门行业共性的特点建立统一的市场组织形式,将金融机构之间的交易成本内部化,进而提高全社会的资金配置效率。

    It is to constitute unitive market organization , and to make the dealing cost between financial institutions interior based on different financial institutions ' commonness , in order to improve the capital collocating efficiency of the whole society .

  9. 目前,我国金融市场寻租行为盛行,严重破坏了金融市场正常的运行环境,增加了金融交易成本,加剧了金融风险和腐败行为的滋生。

    Nowadays , rent-seeking behavior is popular in China 's financial market . It seriously breaks the financial market orders , increases more transaction costs , brings more the financial risks and corruption .

  10. 从横向上看,农村正规金融供给存在着种种缺陷,究其原因主要是我国金融管制过于严格、农村金融交易成本较高、农村金融市场缺乏风险分担机制等。

    From the horizontal perspective , the formal finance supply in rural area has various shortcomings , mainly because of the strict financial controls and high cost of rural financial transactions and lack of the risk-sharing mechanism on the rural financial market .