
  • 网络jinshan lake
  1. 利用二维水流水质数学模型优化金山湖引水方案

    Using Two-Dimensional Flow-Pollutant Mathematic Model to Optimize the Import Water Project of Jinshan Lake

  2. 惠州学院金山湖校区红火蚁疫情调查及其防控

    Epidemic Survey and Prevention of Red Fire Ants on Jinshan Lake Campus in Huizhou University

  3. 金山湖二维水流水质数学模型研究

    The Study of Two-dimensional Flow-pollutant Mathematic Model of Lake Jinshan

  4. 惠州学院金山湖校区药用草本植物资源

    Main medicinal herbs in Golden-mountain-lake campus of Huizhou University

  5. 城市湖泊富营养化的影响探讨&以金山湖为实例

    The Change Trend of The Eutrophication in The Major Lakes & As Example of Jinshan Lakes

  6. 基于固定化氮循环细菌技术的镇江金山湖生态工程效果研究

    Ecological Engineering Experiment for Jinshan Lake in Zhenjiang Base on Techniques of Immobilized Nitrogen Cycling Bacteria

  7. 惠大金山湖校区教工住宅区环境绿化(一期)植物配置设计

    Afforestation Design ( the first period ) for Teacher 's Residential Quarters at Jinshan Lake Campus of Huizhou University

  8. 本文介绍了惠州大学金山湖校区教工住宅区绿化植物配置设计。

    This paper introduces the design of afforestation for teacher 's residential quarters at Jin - shan lake campus of Huizhou university .

  9. 金山湖建成后,镇江市的水环境质量将进一步得到提高,生态系统将逐步完善,可以为国内其它滨江城市的水环境治理提供范本。

    The construction of Lake Jinshan will improve the aquatic environment quality of ZhenJiang City and gradually ameliorate the ecologic system , which can provide model for the aquatic environment management for other cities near rivers .

  10. 运用二维水流水质数学模型,以流速分布均匀性、滞水区面积和置换率为判别标准对规划中的金山湖进行了引水方案的优化。

    Using two-dimensional flow-pollutant mathematic model , the uniformity of the flow-velocity , area of the backwater section and the rate of the water replacement as the criteria , the import water project of Jinshan Lake is optimized .

  11. 金山湖挖建工程是国家十五重大科技专项镇江水环境质量改善与生态修复技术研究及综合示范的依托工程之一。

    " Lake Jinshan " construction project is a part of the significant special technological project of our country 's tenth five-year plan & " ZhenJiang aquatic environment quality improving and ecology restoring technology study and synthetic demonstration " .