
  1. 公司位于江西赣州经济技术开发区金坪工业大道。

    Ltd is located in Ganzhou Economic & Technical development zone , Jiangxi province .

  2. 金坪引水隧洞围岩变形稳定性评价

    Stability evaluation of the deformed surrounding rock in the aqueduct tunnel at Jinping Hydropower Plant

  3. 四川野生马蹄金坪用特性研究

    Turf Quality of Wild Dichondra in Sichuan

  4. 金坪引水隧洞埋深较大,部分洞段岩体强度较低,洞室开挖后由于二次应力的作用围岩有可能产生变形,因此合理的评价隧洞围岩变形稳定性问题具有重要的工程意义。

    Secondary stress after excavation could result in deformation of the surrounding rock at Jinping hydropower plant because of deep embedment of the aqueduct tunnel and low compression strength of rock .

  5. 西南区野生马蹄金坪用景观价值评价与抗寒性研究不同遮荫强度对西南地区野生马蹄金形态特征的影响

    Evaluating the Turf Landscape Quality and Study on Cold Resistance of Native Dichondra Repens in the Southwest of China ; Shade Intensity on Morphological Charateristics of Wild Dichondra repens of Southwest China