
  • 网络jinhua ham;jin hua ham;Yunnan Ham
  1. 特定比例的各种FAA产生金华火腿滋味和风味特性;

    Jinhua ham characteristic flavor was produced mainly by specific FAA pattern .

  2. GC-O法鉴别金华火腿中的风味活性物质

    Characterization of Odor-active Compounds in Jinhua Ham by GC-Olfactometry

  3. 金华火腿的pH值使其中的谷氨酸以鲜味最强的谷氨酸一钠的形式存在。

    Glutamic acid exists in the form of MSG by the pH value in the ham .

  4. 第一章:分析了三个等级金华火腿的水分、盐分、pH值、总氮及蛋白水解产物。

    Moisture , salt , pH , total nitrogen and proteolytic products were analyzed in Jinhua hams of three quality grades .

  5. 金华火腿生产加工中HACCP的应用

    Application of HACCP system in Jin-hua ham

  6. 然后对其进行PCA分析,结果表明高光谱图像可以较好地区分不同等级的金华火腿。

    The data were analyzed by PCA , and the results showed that hyperspectral imaging can identify different kinds of Jinhua hams well .

  7. 用同时蒸馏-提取器(SDE,simultaneousdistillationextractor)提取金华火腿中的挥发性香味物质,用Vigreux柱将其浓缩,浓缩物用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)进行分离鉴别。

    Using simultaneous distillation-extraction technique , the volatile aroma compounds of Jin-Hua ham were investigated by means of GC-MS.

  8. 在金华火腿加工过程中组织蛋白酶B的活性受加工温度和氯化钠的影响,协调好加工条件和酶活性之间的关系,才能确保生产出质量均一良好的金华火腿。

    The activity of cathepsin B was affected by the temperature and salt content . It is important to control the relationship between the activity of cathepsin B and the condition of processing very well , for the ham quality .

  9. 从发酵香肠、腊肠、金华火腿中,用MRS培养基分离到67株革兰氏阳性菌,用MSA培养基分离到58株革兰氏阳性球菌;

    1.67 stains of Gram-positive and 58 stains of Gram-positive cocci were isolated from fermented sausage , Chinese sausage and ham with MRS agar and MSA agar .

  10. 金华火腿中主要的游离氨基酸为Glu、Lys、Ala、Leu、Val,占游离氨基酸总量的47%。

    The major free amino acids in Jinhua hams were glutamic acid 、 lysine 、 alanine 、 leucine and valine , which accounted for 47 per cent of free amino acids .

  11. 在金华火腿加工过程中,肌内脂肪和皮下脂肪的酸价一直上升,过氧化值、羰基价和TBA值有升有降,但总体呈上升趋势,脂肪氧化程度不断增强。

    During the processing of JinHua ham , AV value kept rising , POV value carbonyl value and TBA value was up and down , but rising totally , the degree of lipid oxidation increased continuously .

  12. 通过对金华火腿传统加工过程中游离脂肪酸(FFA)、硫代巴比妥酸(TBARS)及双烯值和羰基值等的分析,研究其在加工过程中的脂质分解氧化规律及其与温度条件的相关性。

    Lipolysis-oxidation of Jinhua ham and its correlation during traditional processing were studied by analyzing free fatty acids ( FFA ), thiobarbituric acid ( TABRS ), diene value and carbonyl value .

  13. 随机取5条不同等级金华火腿的股二头肌为样品,利用固相微萃取(SPME)和GC/MS系统进行风味成分研究。

    Flavor study of different grades Jinhua ham was carried out under a SPME ( solid phase microextraction ) - GC / MS system , with Biceps femoris as samples that were taken out randomly from 5 Jinhua hams of different grades .

  14. 金华火腿肌肉颜色及呈色物质的研究

    The Investigation on Colours and Pigments in Muscles of Jin-hua Ham

  15. 金华火腿重要香味化合物的分离鉴定及其生成机理初探

    Isolation and Identification of Jin-Hua Ham Flavor and Their Forming Mechanism

  16. 金华火腿传统加工过程中脂质分解氧化及其相关性研究

    Study on lipolysis-oxidation of Jinhua ham and its correlation during traditional processing

  17. 酶法提取金华火腿中的风味前体物质

    Immobilized enzymes Enzymatic extraction of flavor precursor from jinhua ham

  18. 金华火腿现代化发酵工艺中微生物区系研究

    A Study of Microbial Flora of Jinhua Ham from Modern Processing Technology

  19. 传统金华火腿含盐量高。

    The traditional Jin Hua ham has high salt content .

  20. 金华火腿加工过程中二肽酰肽酶Ⅰ的活性变化

    Changes of dipeptidyl peptidase ⅰ activity during the processing of Jinhua ham

  21. 金华火腿加工过程中肌肉肌内脂的水解变化研究

    Changes of Fatty Acid in Intramuscular Lipids during Processing of Jinhua Ham

  22. 醛类、烃类为金华火腿主体成分,在金华火腿风味中具有较高比例。

    The main flavor components of Jinhua ham were aldehydes and hydrocarbons .

  23. 金华火腿关键香味化合物的鉴定及其形成途径初探

    Key Odorants of Jinhua Ham Headspace and Their Formation Pathway

  24. 金华火腿挥发性风味物质的研究

    The Investigation on the Volatile Flavour Compounds of Jin-hua Ham

  25. 肌肉非蛋白氮和游离氨基酸在金华火腿加工过程中的变化

    Muscle Changes of Non-protein Nitrogen and Free Amino Acids During Jinhua Ham Processing

  26. 不同等级金华火腿风味特点研究

    Studying on Flavor Characteristics of Different Grades Jinhua Ham

  27. 金华火腿中杂色曲霉的生长预测模型

    Predictive Growth Model of Aspergillus versicolor in Jinhua Ham

  28. 金华火腿发酵成熟现代工艺及装备研究

    Modern process and equipment for fermenting-ripening of Jinhua ham

  29. 金华火腿传统工艺过程挥发性风味物质的分析研究

    Analysis and Research on Volatile Flavor Compounds of Jinhua Ham during Traditional Processing

  30. 金华火腿风味物质研究及其风味基料的研制

    Research on Flavor Components of Jinhua Ham and Preparation of Its Flavoring Base