
juǎn bǐnɡ
  • Pancake;roll-up
卷饼 [juǎn bǐng]
  • [roll-up] 有馅或无馅的一种圆筒形多层饼

  • 火腿卷饼

  1. 还包括貌似健康的艾米厨房(Amy'sKitchen)的墨西哥玉米卷饼以及“健康就是财富”(HealthIsWealth)的鸡块(天生解冻者,你完蛋了,你辉煌的日子结束了)。

    That includes virtuous-enough-seeming Amy 's Kitchen burritos and Health Is Wealth chicken nuggets . ( Die , born defrosters . Your glory days are over . )

  2. 向豆奶印度拿铁、卷饼、蔬菜意大利面和OverflowingBucketO的炸薯条(波士顿常见的一种酒吧食品)说再见吧。

    Say goodbye to the soy chai lattes , burritos , pastas primavera and Overflowing Bucket O ' Fries ( a genuine bar food item spotted in Boston ) .

  3. 我拍照,随后画了两个陌生人和朋友的种类繁多,从制造商的DJ到卷饼咖啡师。

    I 've photographed and subsequently painted a wide variety of both strangers and friends , from DJs to baristas to burrito makers .

  4. 在T5和T7,洛杉矶非常出名的洛特里亚烤肉店(LoteriaGrill)供应煎玉米卷、辣椒肉馅玉米卷饼和面卷饼。

    In Terminals 5 and 7 , Loteria Grill , which is also popular around town , serves tacos , enchiladas and burritos .

  5. 去年,苹果公司宣布在最新9.1版本系统中加入了墨西哥卷饼和玉米煎饼的emoji表情符号。这让众多苹果用户喜出望外。

    Apple users were ecstatic to learn that the taco and burrito emojis were included in the 9.1 update last year .

  6. 墨西哥是吧?再去吃个卷饼怎样?

    Mexico , huh ? Want to go get that burrito ?

  7. 斯卡曼德先生喜欢苹果馅饼还是薄酥卷饼

    Hey , Mr. Scamander , you prefer pie or strudel ?

  8. 我正准备好好享受我的墨西哥卷饼。

    I 'm preparing to try and enjoy this chalupa .

  9. 路边有个卷饼摊,每天早上来卷饼的人很多。

    There roadside burrito stands , burrito every morning to many people .

  10. 你有比这些椒盐卷饼更解饿的食物吗?

    Do you have anything more substantial than these pretzels ?

  11. 就为了免费的墨西哥卷饼和迷你墨西哥帽

    just for the free burrito and a mini sombrero .

  12. 你能吃你的早餐面卷饼,但是也吃一个苹果。

    You can have your breakfast burrito , but eat an apple too .

  13. 你知道在橘子黄油薄卷饼里面有什么?

    You know what 's in the crepe suzette ?

  14. 塔可钟的quesarito是外面裹有油炸玉米粉饼的牛肉卷饼。

    Taco Bell 's quesarito is a beef burrito wrapped in a quesadilla .

  15. 这样我就能把乌鸦从剩西西里卷饼中吓跑。

    That way I can shoo the crows away from the old cannoli .

  16. 他曾用冰冻卷饼贿赂我帮他写论文

    He used to pay me in frozen burritos to write his papers .

  17. 直到今天,我都还没尝过烤鸭卷饼呢!

    To this day I still haven 't got to try duck pancakes !

  18. 想来点酥软的椒盐卷饼吗?

    Want to go get a soft pretzel ?

  19. 没有牛排,没有墨西哥卷饼,没有培根,没有甘蓝菜。

    There is no steak , no burritos , no bacon and no kale .

  20. 你喜欢薄酥卷饼对吧亲爱的

    You prefer strudel , huh , honey ?

  21. 这一个上面还有椒盐卷饼呢

    Oh , look , and this one even has a pretzel in it .

  22. 吃过一个巨型玉米卷饼之后。

    After , like , a huge enchilada .

  23. 将近850个墨西哥卷饼

    an amount equal to roughly 850 tacos .

  24. 他还极力夸赞旅途中吃过的肉馅卷饼、肉菜饭等其它菜肴。

    He also raves about empanadas , paella and other dishes from the trip .

  25. 到家后,我决定晚饭做鸡肉馅玉米卷饼吃。

    When I got home , I decided to make chicken enchiladas for dinner .

  26. 这个食物爱好者称他的一个愿望就是下墨西哥卷饼雨。

    This food fan declared that their one wish would be for it to rain tacos

  27. 终于能专心做肉馅卷饼了。

    Now I can cook my empanadas .

  28. 吉姆:是的,我还要一份烤干酪辣味玉米片和椒盐卷饼。

    Jim : Yes , I 'll also take an order of nachos and a pretzel .

  29. 我要一份申烤鸡肉卷饼,好吗?

    Can1have one chicken taouk wrap ?

  30. 你像是需要一杯血腥玛丽和椒盐卷饼,而不是信息技术部

    Sounds like you need a bloody Mary and a pretzel , not the I.T. Department .