
  • 网络Quantum information science
  1. 这种现象的重要性已经在量子信息科学的几个重要成果中得到体现。

    The significance of this phenomenon has been shown in several important achievements of quantum information science .

  2. 量子信息科学是基于量子力学与信息科学的结合而发展起来的一门新兴学科。

    Quantum information science is an emerging subject based on the combination of quantum mechanics and information science .

  3. 量子信息科学已经成为物理学和信息学界关注的焦点。

    Quantum information has been a focus in physics and information science .

  4. 量子信息科学的一问世,就引起了物理学家、信息科学家和数学家们的广泛兴趣。

    When quantum information come out , it is interesting for physicist , communication scientist and mathematician .

  5. 类比于经典的情景,量子信息科学的终极目标之一是量子计算机。

    Parallel with it classical counterpart , one of the ultimate targets of quantum information is quantum computer .

  6. 多体纠缠的产生成为量子信息科学的一种基本研究,并引起了广泛的兴趣。

    The generation of multipartite entanglement becomes an essential research of quantum information science and attracts many interests .

  7. 随着量子信息科学的快速发展,人们已经把纠缠态当作一种重要的物理资源来看待。

    The rapid development of quantum information processing has led us to view entanglement as a crucial physical resource .

  8. 量子信息科学是将量子力学基本原理应用于信息论和计算科学的产物。

    Quantum information science resources from the combination of principles of quantum mechanics with information theory and computation science .

  9. 目前,在量子信息科学各领域的研究中,电子学和计算机技术仍是其非常重要的辅助手段。

    Now , electronics and computer is still very important supplementary means for studying fields of quantum information science .

  10. 量子信息科学是一门崭新的科学,它有着巨大的科学意义和学术价值同时它也显示了巨大的潜在应用价值。

    Quantum information is being a new subject , which is an importantly scientific signification and potentially applied value .

  11. 量子信息科学已经成为过去二十年兴起的最令人激动的科学进展之一。

    Quantum information science has emerged as one of the most exciting scientific developments of the past twenty years .

  12. 在高精度测量和量子信息科学中,制备和操纵原子&光子纠缠对具有重要作用。

    The making and manipulation of entangled atom-photon pairs are useful for , e.g. , high-precision interferometry and quantum information science .

  13. 随着量子信息科学和实验手段的不断进步,人们对量子纠缠的研究也日趋深入。

    With the development of quantum information science and experimental methods , the examination of quantum entanglement is becoming increasingly in-depth .

  14. 量子信息科学是最近几年迅速发展起来的新兴学科,由于它潜在的应用价值和重大的科学意义,正引起越来越多的关注。

    Quantum Information Science is a new subject , developing rapidly and attracting more and more attention for its potential importance .

  15. 作为目前最具吸引力的前沿领域之一,量子信息科学已经成为国际学术界研究的热点。

    As one of the most attractive frontiers , quantum information science has become the research focus of the international academic community .

  16. 随着量子信息科学的发展,量子力学的许多基本问题受到了关注,统计热力学中的一些基本问题也从量子力学的角度受到重新审视,并出现了新的研究方向&量子热力学。

    With the rapid development of the quantum information science , a number of fundamental questions about the quantum statistical thermodynamics have been concerned .

  17. 量子信息科学,正是利用了微观粒子所具的量子力学特性,并将它与传统信息科学相结合而产生了一门全新的学科。

    Quantum information science is a new discipline that used of the quantum mechanical properties of micro-particles , and combinate with the traditional information science .

  18. 量子信息科学是信息科学发展的里程碑之一,它是量子力学与信息科学相互融合的产物。

    Quantum information science is another milestone of development of Information science . It is a rising interdisciplinary field that combines quantum mechanics and information science .

  19. 量子信息科学为信息论打开了新的大门,有着许多经典信息论无法比拟的优势,如信息安全,运行速度快,信息容量大等。

    Quantum information science open a new door for the information science , and has some ascendancy , such as safety , fast , lager capability .

  20. 多粒子纠缠态比两粒子纠缠具有更为普遍的构成和性质,是量子信息科学走向应用不可缺少重要资源。

    The multiparticle entangled states have more general construction and properties than two-particle entangled states which make it indispensable for the application of quantum information science .

  21. 量子信息科学是现代量子理论与信息科学相结合的产物,它主要研究量子通信与量子计算。

    The combination of modern quantum theory and information science yields a new subject of quantum information , which mainly involves quantum computation and quantum communication .

  22. 我们生活在一个信息的时代,量子信息科学的发展对传统的信息科学提出了巨大的挑战。

    There is no denying that we live in a world surrounded by information , quantum information has put forward great challenge to the orthodox information science .

  23. 量子信息科学与技术是指量子力学信息科学和计算机科学相结合而成的学科,它的最基本要素是量子纠缠特性。

    Quantum Information Science and Technology refers to a subject combined by quantum mechanics , information science and computer science , the most basic element is quantum entanglement property .

  24. 迄今为止,量子信息科学发展迅速,人们提出了相当多的重要理论,并且相关的实验研究也取得了巨大进步。

    At present , quantum information is being developed so rapidly , and people had put forward plenty of significant theories , and make some great improvements in correlative experiments .

  25. 在量子信息科学中,量子态是信息的载体,量子信息的加工处理归根到底是一种量子态的操纵过程。

    In quantum information science , quantum state is the carrier of quantum information ; the processing of information depends on quantum state and its manipulation in the final analysis .

  26. 量子信息科学的诞生为未来信息科学的革命性变革提供了可靠的物理基础,为信息科学在21世纪的发展提供了新的原理和方法。

    The naissance of quantum information provided with reliable physical foundation for future revolution of information as well as new principle and method for development of information in 21 century .

  27. 量子信息科学是量子力学和信息科学相结合的产物,它最重要的特点是以量子态为信息载体。

    A combination of quantum mechanics and information science yields a new subject : quantum information science . A notable feature of this subject is that the carriers of information are quantum states .

  28. 同时,用压缩光源制备的纠缠态是量子信息科学的重要基础,是量子通信和光学精密测量的基本工具。

    In the meantime , using squeezed lights to generate and control entangled states is the basis in quantum information science and one of the fundamental tools in quantum communication and quantum measurement .

  29. 目前量子信息科学中,人们对量子通信和量子计算作了广泛深入的研究,新兴的领域如量子对策等也在兴起,在这些研究中理论和实验都取得了重大进展。

    Nowadays , there are some investigations of quantum communication and quantum computation in quantum information science . The new domain as quantum countermeasure is also developing fast , and theoretical and experimental researches have great evolution .

  30. 量子信息科学这门交叉学科的产生和发展,极大地丰富了原有的量子理论本身的内容,深化了量子力学基本原理的内涵,并进一步验证了量子论的科学性。

    Its birth and development have greatly enriched the content of the original quantum theory , have deepened the connotation of the basic principles of quantum mechanics , and have further verified the scientific of the quantum theory .