
  1. 你能帮我把这个重木盒子拿下(楼梯)来吗?

    Could you help me down ( the stairs ) with this heavy wooden box ?

  2. 将球棍中心掏出来点木头,再以水松木或其他低密度物质充填回去替换那些重木。

    You drill out some of the core of the bat , and replace the heavy wood with light cork .

  3. 把球棒中心挖空,然后用软木代替重木,你就可以轻而易举地把球棒挥得更快,把球打得更远了。

    You drill out some of the core of the bat , and replace the heavy wood with light cork . You can then swing the lighter bat faster , and thus hit the ball further .

  4. 曲线形外表皮采用U形玻璃,更显活泼生动,而方形结构采用重蚁木表达出与图书、文献和书架之间的区别。

    The curvilinear outer skin comes to life with U-GLASS , and the square mass is expressed with wood ( IPE ) that relates to the nature off books , paper , and bookshelves .

  5. 共混塑料的吸水率在三周左右达到最大值,在增重率上,木粉混合物是共混塑料里最高的。

    The weight gain of blends in water bath reached the highest value within three weeks and samples with wood flour had the highest weight gain . 2 .

  6. 作者利用热重分析仪对煤木混合型煤的燃烧失重速率、着火温度、最大燃烧反应速率时的温度等进行了研究。

    By utilizing thermo-gravimetric apparatus , the author studies the weightless speed of burning of the wood-coal briquette , the flame temperature , temperature at the most heavy reaction rate of burning , etc.