
zhònɡ nónɡ yì shānɡ
  • 熟语favor agriculture and disfavor commerce
  1. 古代希腊也同古代中国一样重农抑商。

    Ancient Greece emphasized agriculture and limited trade as ancient China did .

  2. 中国古代重农抑商思想成因探析

    On the Chinese Ancient Thought of " Restraining Commerce "

  3. 明代重农抑商政策的演变重农抑商与中国商人的地位

    The Policy of Emphasizing Agriculture while Restraining Commerce and the Status of Chinese Merchants

  4. 我国传统重农抑商思想的文化反思

    Introspection on the Traditional Thought of " Emphasizing Agriculture But Restraining Commerce " in China

  5. 重农抑商是目前公认的中国古代的商业政策。

    " Restraining " is to the commercial policy of the currently recognized in ancient China .

  6. 重农抑商思想嬗变的博弈分析

    Game analysis of the change of the thought of " emphasizing agriculture but restraining commerce "

  7. 清前期重农抑商政策及其法律思想

    On stressing agriculture and business suppression policy in early period of Qing Dynasty and its legal thought

  8. 浅析重农抑商政策的历史作用

    Analysis of the historical function of the policy of " stress - ing agriculture and limiting commerce "

  9. 中国古代专卖制度与重农抑商政策辨析

    The Distinction between Ancient China 's Sale Monopoly System and the Policy Emphasizing Agriculture at the Expense of Commerce

  10. 中国古代就有“重农抑商”的传统思想,但并没有重视对农业的教育。

    China ancient times had the traditional thought that stressed agriculture damped business , but no attention to the agricultural education .

  11. 南方人的保守倾向和重农抑商观念抑制了商业经济的发展。

    And the Southerners were conservative and regarded agriculture as superior to commerce , which restrained the development of commercial economy .

  12. 在重农抑商的年代,商业和商业广告为传统观念所鄙薄。

    In the period of valuing agriculture and belittling commerce , the commerce and the commercial advertisements were despised in traditional sense .

  13. 第四,这一时期的赋税征收体现了重农抑商的政策精神。

    Fourth , the tax levy for the period reflects the spirit of the farmers when business policies , tax used for political services ;

  14. 文章试图通过从制度、制度环境和明中期出现的社会现象入手,对明王朝的重农抑商政策和举措进行分析,以探究其政策的内在逻辑和演变规律。

    The article probes into the inherent logic and the law of change of the policy by analysing the policy and actions of Ming Dynasty .

  15. 中国自古重农抑商,历代王朝从未设立过专门管理工商业的中央机构。

    China stressed agriculture and looked down on commerce from ancient times , All previous dynasties have never set up any central organization to manage industry and commerce .

  16. 唐律对市场的设置有严格的限制,用严厉的刑事法规对市场进行管理,这是中国古代传统的重农抑商政策在唐律中的反映。

    The laws of Tang dynasty strictly stipulated the outlay of market , using the penal code to administrate , which was the reflection of the favour of agriculture over commercials .

  17. 而赖其发展的重农抑商思想也开始向重商思想转变,这又体现在封建官吏和绅商内部蜕变分化,要求改变约开商埠形式,主动吁请开放。

    The emphasis on the agriculture 's development began to change into the emphasis on commerce 's , which was embodied by the internal breakup among feudal officials and gentlemen plus merchants .

  18. 在重农抑商和闭关自守的保守政策下,社会不可能有新的生产关系产生,也不可能让新的力量出现。

    Under the conservative policy of protecting agriculture and constraining business and closing the country to international intercourse , neither the new productive relationship nor the new power could come into being .

  19. 通过法律困辱工商业者、限制私人工商业发展,这是中国古代重农抑商传统的一个重要方面。

    Abstract Harassing businessmen and restricting development of private industries by means of the law is an important aspect in our tradition of " stressing agriculture and neglecting commerce " in ancient China .

  20. 从商鞅及其学派的思想看秦国的抑商我国传统重农抑商思想的文化反思

    A Review of Commercial Restraint in State Qin from the Viewpoint of Ideology of Shanyang and his School ; Introspection on the Traditional Thought of " Emphasizing Agriculture But Restraining Commerce " in China

  21. “路径依赖”在中国古代重农抑商制度的形成、发展中发挥了重要作用。战国时期,重农、抑商思想开始有机结合并有所发展,与其有关的制度建设在秦国取得成功;

    The theory of " following the fixed route " played an important role in appearance and development of the Chinese ancient system of " attaching great importance to agriculture and restraining commerce " .

  22. 本文针对当前学术界普遍对重农抑商政策持否定态度这一情况,提出不同的见解。

    The author of this paper puts forth a different viewpoint on the negative attitude toward the policy of " Stress agriculture and limit commerce ", which commonly existed in the todays academic circle .

  23. 重农抑商政策下的禁榷、官工业等制度安排暗示了洋务运动中的企业制度和技术激励制度的内容;

    The " ban of monopolization ," " officials-run industry " under the policy of " stressing agriculture , restraining business " implied enterprise 's system and technological incentive system in the Westernization movement ( 1861-1894 );

  24. 在以自然经济为主体的农业社会,政府干预商业或商品经济的发展很大程度上是在重农抑商的政策导向下实行的。

    In the agricultural society with the natural economy as the main composition , the government intervenes in business or the development of commodity economy under the orientation of the policy of valuing agriculture and restraining commerce .

  25. 而田野调查是因为明清时期是一个重农抑商、士贵商贱的社会,商人由于社会地位的低微而受到时人的不公正看待和评价。

    The field survey was conducted because the Ming and Qing dynasties was a Restraining Commerce , persons of your cheap business community , businessmen low social status as being unfair when people look at and evaluate .

  26. 这一思想冲击了中国传统的重农抑商的观念,反映了新兴的工商业者的利益,也体现了他超越前人的远见卓识。

    The thought has lashed the idea of regards farming restrains business of Chinese tradition , have reflected the benefits of the burgeoning of industry and commerce , have also embodied him to surmount the foresight outstanding insight of forefathers .

  27. 中国是一个农业大国,自古以来以农为本,重农抑商,农业税收入向为国家财政收入的重要组成部分。

    China is a big country in an agriculture , regarding agriculture as foundation from time immemorial , paying attention to agriculture and suppressing commerce , agriculture revenue from tax having been the important part for the country public finance income .

  28. 而这一进程中所需要、所依靠的既不可能是传统重农抑商的价值观念,也不可能是现代的空想社会主义观念,而是一套建立在社会主义市场经济基础上的新价值伦理观念。

    And this progress impossibly in need , dependes on the concept of value of traditional " the heavy agriculture suppress a company ", and also an impossibly modern cloud-castle socialism idea , but a set of a lately worth ethics idea which establishes the socialism market economy .

  29. 并且宋代一改对商人重农抑商的政策而转变为不抑兼并,出台法律保护商人的利益;从军事背景来看,政府为了应对中央财政对军费的供给不足而发展工商业。

    And Song of the business changed , " Restraining Commerce " into the policy of " no annexation ", the introduction of legal protection of the interests of businessmen ; from the military background , government spending in response to central finance insufficient supply of industrial and commercial development .

  30. 公元前356年和公元前350年,秦孝公任用商鞅进行了两次变法,内容包括鼓励人口增长,重农抑商,废除世卿世禄制度,奖励军功,编制户口,为实现中央集权而建立县制。

    In 356 B. C. and 350 B. C. , Duke Xiao of Qin appointed Shang Yang to reform twice . His measures included : encouraging the population growth , elevating agriculture and downgrading commerce , abolishing the traditional privileges of the nobles , rewarding a person for his military exploit , registering the residents .