
  • Heavy bass;mega bass
  1. 重低音音箱的分析

    Analysis of Super Bass Loudspeaker Enclosure

  2. 文中从电-力-声类比角度分析了重低音音箱的结构和类比线路。

    The structure of super bass loudspeaker enclosure and its analogy circuit is analyzed in terms of electric - mechanic - acoustic analogy .

  3. 一台安装在驾驶仓内的摄像头拍摄到56岁的丰田章男不断换档提速,汽车音响系统爆发出震撼人心的重低音。

    A cockpit-mounted camera displays the 56-year-old corporate chief shifting into high gear as the bass thunders on the car 's sound system .

  4. 当我回到耀炫目的灯光和无处不在的重低音中,回到我正在角落里喝的酩酊大醉、尔虞我诈且暗中出轨的朋友身边时,她还一个人坐在墙头上。

    I leave her sitting on the wall as I return to the glaring lights and pervasive bass booster , to my drunk and currently-conspicuously-cheating-in-a-corner friend .

  5. 该软件可以提供令人叹为观止的环绕音效、重低音效果,完美营造出不同环境的声场,增益效果非常明显。

    The software can provide stunning surround sound , heavy bass effect , create the perfect environment different from the sound field , gain the effect was very obvious .

  6. 其他测试显示,那些听着重低音做文字练习的参与者选择的措辞更有力,且更希望在辩论中首当其冲。

    In other tests , participants listening to bass - heavy music picked more powerful words when doing word exercises and were more likely to want to go first in debates .

  7. 慢慢开始喜欢重低音带来的那种释放感,慢慢接受带着笑容的图片,慢慢释放我内心那股强压住的灵魂。

    Slowly started to like heavy bass bring a sense of the kind of release , with a smile slowly come to accept the picture , and slowly release my heart was shocked by the strong hold of the soul .

  8. 我的经历:去年,我想买一幅好耳机,重低音,200刀以内。于是我开始在网上搜罗信息。

    My Experience : Last year , I was on the hunt for a nice pair of headphones . I wanted something in the $ 200 price range with a good amount of bass , so I started hunting online .