
  • 网络Harmonic component;THD
  1. 提出基于谐波分量Bode图集表示的三维谱图自动识别算法和振动故障瞬态诊断策略。

    An automatic identification method and a strategy for fault diagnosis are discussed based on the waterfall diagram represented by the Bode diagram set of harmonic components .

  2. 由于PWM脉冲电压频率高、上升沿陡,含有较多的谐波分量,使传感器耦合出来的信号包含了很多干扰,导致局部放电信号的分析比工频正弦条件下更加困难。

    Pulse-width modulation ( PWM ) pulses have fast rise-time , high frequency and many harmonic components which may be coupled as interference by PD sensor . Thus it is more difficult to extract PD signal under PWM condition than sinusoidal wave condition .

  3. 半波对称FFT算法针对半波对称性信号只含奇次谐波分量的特点,在算法流程中省去了偶次谐波分量部分。

    The algorithm of half-wave symmetric FFT omits the even harmonics because the half-wave symmetric signals only have odd harmonics .

  4. 相对常见的方波PWM调制,显著降低了绕组电流的谐波分量,提高了运行的稳定性。

    Compared with the square wave PWM modulation , this modulation significantly mend harmonic component of the winding current and improve the operational stability .

  5. 该文提出的整数N进小波变换和分数小波变换,可以提取信号的任何整数次和分数次谐波分量,具有比二进小波变换更强的信号处理能力和灵活性。

    In this paper , both integer N wavelet transform and fractional wavelet transform are presented . Compared with dyadic wavelet transform , they possesses stronger abilities on signal processing and flexibility .

  6. SPWM调制是提高逆变电源电压利用率和减少谐波分量的重要方法。

    SPWM modulation is the important way to improve the invert power supply voltage efficiency and reduce the harmonic component .

  7. 研究结果:XLPE电缆的水树的劣化使得损耗电流中谐波分量增加。

    Research results : Degradation of XLPE cable by water trees gives rise to harmonics in the loss current .

  8. 基于谐波分量法XLPE电缆水树老化测试系统的研究

    Study on Measuring System of Water Tree in XLPE Cables Based on Measurement of Harmonic Distortion in Loss Current

  9. LC型无源滤波器能滤除逆变器开关频率附近的谐波分量,但会引起系统振荡;

    LC passive filter can filtrate the harmonic components whose frequencies near the switching frequency of the inverter , but power system oscillation may be caused .

  10. 由于直流供电电源纹波的影响,电压控制SPWM逆变电路的输出谐波分量幅值较大。

    Because of the ripple of the DC power supply , the output harmonic amplitude of the voltage controlled SPWM inverter is higher .

  11. 解答由主部x0(只包含一个基波分量)和一、二阶修正量x1、x2(三次、五次谐波分量及基波分量的修正量)组成。

    The solution is composed of the main oscillation x0 ( includes one resonant-frequency component only ) and 1st - , 2nd-order corrections x1 , x2 ( 3rd , 5th harmonics and correction of the fundamental-frequency component ) .

  12. 当直流供电电源电压大范围波动时,电压控制SPWM逆变电路的输出电压有幅值波动大、谐波分量大、动态响应较慢等缺点。

    When the input voltage of DC power supply change randomly , the output voltage controlled by double-voltage SPWM will change too , and the dynamic response is slow .

  13. 为了正确辩识系统侧和用户侧在公共耦合节点(PCC)处所贡献的谐波分量,正确地认识公共耦合接点处的谐波,提出了一种新的谐波成份分析方法和改进的等效诺顿模型。

    To identify the harmonic contribution of utility and customer on PCC correctly , this paper proposes a new decomposition way of harmonic component and an advanced Norton model .

  14. 对老化前后XLPE电缆测试表明:损耗电流谐波分量能够反映电缆水树老化程度的检测,且较为敏感。

    The test results of before and after aged XLPE cables show that harmonic component in loss current was able to reflect the extent of water tree aged cable , and more sensitive .

  15. 同时PWM逆变器因死区的存在,在低速以及调制频率很高时,死区特性将会导致逆变器输出电压含有很大的谐波分量,使转矩发生很大的脉动,甚至可能导致系统不稳定。

    In the case of low speed and high regulation frequency , the dead time characteristics of the PWM inverter may cause output voltage containing lots of harmonics , which introduces great ripples to its torque , and even makes the system unstable .

  16. 构建嵌入式操作系统uclinux并在此基础上生成嵌入式电网参数监测系统。该系统可以实时测量电网频率、三相电压、电流有效值和各次谐波分量。

    Modified embedded system-uClinux and realize an embedded Power Parameter Monitor system which can measure the frequency , 3 phase voltage , current and harmonics and other parameters such as active power , reactive power etc.

  17. 针对非工频电源的频率测量问题,设计了基于Hanning窗的数字滤波器算法,有效地实现了在含谐波分量情况下非工频电源基波参数的提取。

    Considering the problem of frequency measurement , designed a digital filter based on Hanning window , Realized the fundamental Parameter Extraction under the situation of containing harmonic component effectively .

  18. 从探针电流的二次谐波分量获得了电子能量的分布函数,研究了CO2激光器中N2、He、Xe等添加物对电子能量分布函数的影响,并给出了测量情况下的平均电子能量。

    The distribution function of electron energy is obtained from the second harmonic component of the probe current . The influence of the additives N2 , He , Xe on the electron energy distribution in CO_2 laser mixtures are studied , and the average electron energy is obtained .

  19. 而变频启动装置由于采用可控硅(SCR)整流再逆变原理,其输出电压电流波形差,致使输出效率低、力矩小;另外,谐波分量大,不能满足国家相关标准要求。

    Unfortunately , the SFC provides output voltage and current wave forms of a poor quality and consequently low torque and efficiency due to using Silicon Control Rectifier ( SCR ) for the converter design , which cannot meet the requirements of the relevant state standard .

  20. 对MOA交流伏安特性进行分析,发现随着电压升高,阻性电流谐波分量增长幅度明显比基波分量增长幅度大,但阻性电流基波分量增长稳定。

    Through the analysis of MOA AC V-I characteristics , it is found that with voltage increasing , the harmonic contents of resistive current is increasing bigger than that of first-harmonic , and the increasing of the magnitude of first-harmonic is well-proportioned .

  21. 在互高阶累积量Yule-Walker基础上,首先将信号的特征空间分解为信号子空间与噪声子空间,再构建特征多项式,计算出各次谐波分量的幅值与频率。

    Based on the cross-high-order cumulant Yule-Walker , first the feature space is decomposed as signal and noise subspace , then the characteristic polynomial is constructed , and the amplitude value and frequency of each order are calculated .

  22. 该方法应用一个多层前馈神经网络(MLFNN),对当前采样时刻和上一采样时刻的三相电流采样值进行分析计算,得出三相电流的谐波分量。

    It analyses and calculates the three-phase current of current sample time and of the last by a multi-layer feedforward neural network ( MLFNN ), then the harmonic components of the three-phase current are got .

  23. 胎心音的主要频率范围集中在60~180Hz,因此在对信号进行A/D采样之前,应先设计滤波电路,滤除50Hz工频的谐波分量以及母体噪音。

    The major frequency range of the fetal heart sound focus on 60 ~ 180 Hz . Before sampling the fetal heart sound , it is need to design filter circuit to percolate the syntonic of 50 Hz power frequency and the noise of the matrix .

  24. 一种基于滑动窗口的电量谐波分量递推算法

    A recurrence algorithm for harmonics calculation based on a sliding window

  25. 该方法可以实现快速的检测出谐波分量,并补偿无功功率。

    This method can inspect the harmonic component and reactive power immediately .

  26. 剔除非二次相位耦合的谐波分量。

    And non - quadratic phase coupling harmonic components can be eliminated .

  27. 无线电引信自差机状态灵敏度与谐波分量的关系

    Relationship fo state Sensitivity with Harmonic Components in the Radio Fuse Autodyne

  28. 利用谐波分量提高动态光谱法的信噪比

    Increasing SNR of Dynamic Spectrum Method Using Harmonic Waves

  29. 谐波分量主要由于水树的非线性电压-电流特性引起。

    Harmonic components arise as a result of nonlinear voltage-current characteristic of water trees .

  30. 优波功率变换中谐波分量的提取

    The Method of Picking up the Harmonic Component in Wave Optimizing and Power Converting