
  • 网络Acid spot;sour spot
  1. 对钛及钛合金板材表面酸斑的探讨

    Discussion on Etching Trace on Plate / Sheet Surface of Ti and Ti Alloy

  2. 结果表明:板材表面存在的“酸斑”现象是可以预防控制和妥善解决的。

    Our conclusion is that the " etching trace " on the sheet surface can be preventive controlled and properly settled .

  3. 前言:钛及钛合金薄板在经过碱、酸洗工艺处理后,经长时间放置板材表面经常会出现“酸斑”现象。

    After being chemically processed and laid-aside for a long time , some sheet surface of Ti and Ti alloy would suffer from " etching trace " .

  4. 饲料中不饱和脂肪酸对斑节对虾幼虾存活、蜕皮和生长的影响

    Effect of dietary fatty acids on survival , molting and growth of juvenile tiger shrimp , penaeus monodon

  5. 结论美兰可以抑制变形链球菌的生长、产酸代谢以及菌斑的产酸代谢。

    Conclusion Methylene blue can inhibit the growth and acid production metabolism of Streptococcus mutans and acid production metabolism of i_PGM .