
  • 网络Acid effect;acidic effect
  1. 通过平衡常数、平衡时物质的浓度及酸效应系数的精确计算,说明T1-58C可编程序计算器在络合反应中的应用。

    This paper explains the application of the programmable complex reaction calculation by the accurate calculation of equilibration constant , balanced material concentration and acid effect coefficient .

  2. 本文以硅橡胶膜为基材研究了与N-2-乙烯基吡咯烷酮(N-VP)或4-乙烯基吡啶(4-VP)共辐射接枝中的酸效应。

    In present work , the acid effect in radiation-induced grafting of N-vinyl-pyrrolidone N-VP or4-vinyl pyridine ( 4-VP ) onto silicone rubber was investigated .

  3. ICP-AES中无机酸效应与OH带强度相关性研究

    A study of the Correlation Between the Effect of Inorganic Acid and the Intensity of band of OH in ICP AES

  4. 上述结果提示:(1)促胰液素的抑酸效应由促进PGI2和PGE释放介导;

    These results indicated that : ( 1 ) inhibition of acid secretion by secretin wasmediated by PGI_2 and PGE release ;

  5. 目的评价雷贝拉唑(RAB)对消化性溃疡患者的抑酸效应,并与奥美拉唑(OME)、泮托拉唑(PAN)等PPI比较。

    Objective To evaluate the acid-suppression efficacy of rabeprozol ( RAB ) on patients with peptic ulcer and compare it with omeprazole ( OME ) and patoprazole ( PAN ) .

  6. 结论未观察到CYP2C19基因多态性对埃索美拉唑的抑酸效应的影响。

    Conclusion We did not find the difference between the two CYP2C19 phenotypes in relation to the acid-suppressing effect of esomeprazole .

  7. 铜(Ⅱ)与明胶络合反应的酸效应研究

    Study on the acid effect of copper (ⅱ) with gelatin reaction

  8. 蛋白质分子量测定过程中的酸效应

    Acid Effects on Protein Molecular Weight Determination

  9. 硅橡胶膜辐射接枝中酸效应的研究&Ⅰ.与丙烯酸共辐射接枝反应

    Acid effect in radiation grafting of silicone rubber ⅰ . simultaneous irradiation graft of acrylic acid

  10. 介质的酸效应、沉淀效应如何影响陶瓷铅溶出量的测定

    How the acid effect and precipitation effect of the medium influence the measurement of the lead release of daily-use ceramics

  11. 采用副反应系数,对在酸效应影响下的沉淀溶解度的计算进行了详细的讨论。

    The application of side reaction factor to calculation of precipitation solubility was discussed thoroughly in this paper , which was affect by acid effect .

  12. 影响石灰沉淀法除砷过程中的沉淀&溶解平衡的主要因素有同离子效应和酸效应。

    The main factor affected the equilibrium system of precipitation – dissolution for the arsenic removal through the way of the lime precipitation was the common ion effect and the acid effect .

  13. 另外N5连锁群上定位到的亚麻酸较小效应的QTL,为新发现的QTL。

    In addition , the less effect QTL of linolenic which was located on N5 was a new QTL . 5 .

  14. 建立了ICP-AES法测定粉煤灰中微量锗的方法,研究了试样预处理、酸基体效应、光谱干扰、等离子体测定条件对测定结果的影响。

    ICP-AES method is used to measure trace germanium in fly ash . The influences on test are studied by pre-treatment of samples , effect of acid matrix , spectrum and plasma measurment conditions .

  15. 调和油中不同饱和程度脂肪酸配比效应的研究

    Study on Proportional Effect of Different Saturation Fatty Acids in Mixed Oil

  16. 葡萄叶面喷施黄腐酸的效应

    Effects of Fulvic Acid Foliar Spray on Growth and Development of Grape

  17. 人鼻咽癌细胞及其不同亚系细胞间缝隙连接通讯功能和维胺酸作用效应的研究

    Studies on the gap junctional intercellular communication of human

  18. 一些人想到了酸葡萄效应。有时候中国一些网民用这个词汇来形容他们眼中西方对中国比赛期间奖牌丰收的仇视。

    Some wondered about the ' sour grape ' effect , the term some on the Chinese Internet use for perceived resentment in the West for China 's sizable medal haul during the games . '

  19. 丙烯酰胺致大鼠DNA损伤及多不饱和脂肪酸的拮抗效应

    DNA damage induced by acrylamide in histiocytes of rats and the rivalrous domino effect of polyunsaturated fatty acid

  20. 光辐射对海洋微藻脂肪酸含量的效应

    Effect of Irradiance of Fatty Acid Composition of Marine Microalgae

  21. 关于固体酸强度溶剂效应的验证

    A check for the solid acid strength measurement based on the solvent effect

  22. 碳酸钠胁迫下羊草幼苗的生理效应及外源脱落酸的缓解效应

    Response of Leymus chinensis Seedlings to Sodium Carbonate Stress and Mitigatory Effect of External ABA

  23. 鱼油长碳链多不饱和脂肪酸的生理效应及其开发和利用

    The Physiological Effect of Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Fish Oils and Their Development and Application

  24. 鸡AIRC基因多态性及其对鸡肉肌苷酸含量的遗传效应分析

    Analysis of the Polymorphisms of AIRC Gene and Its Genetic Effect on IMP Content in Chicken

  25. 应用均匀设计法研究不同酸组合的抗菌效应

    Study on the antibacterial effect of different combined acid by uniformity design

  26. 丹酚酸A神经保护效应评价及机制

    Mechanism with Evaluation of Neuroprotective Effect of Salvianolic Acid A

  27. 三辛胺萃取酸过程的稀释剂效应

    Diluent Effect on the Extraction of Acids with Trioctylamine

  28. 赤霉酸对小麦生理效应和产量性状的影响

    Effects of Gibberellic Acid on the Physiological Reaction and Yield Characteristics of Wheat

  29. 离子注入氧化葡萄糖酸杆菌的诱变效应

    Mutagenic Effect of Ion Implanting on Gluconobacter Oxydans

  30. 石英引起的巨噬细胞微管分布改变及柠檬酸铝的拮抗效应

    Quartz-induced Alteration in the Distribution of Microtubules of Macrophages and Its Inhibition by Aluminium Citrate