
méi pǔ
  • zymogram
酶谱[méi pǔ]
  1. 玉米C型胞质雄性不育系POD、CAT、SOD活性及POD酶谱分析

    Comparison the Activities of Peroxidase , Catalase , Superoxide Dismutase and Peroxidase Zymogram in C-cytoplasmic Male Sterility Line on Maize

  2. 按电泳条带的迁移率不同,分为三个区域:A区,B区和C区。所有材料共展示了8种酶谱类型。

    According to the mobility , the electrophoresis bands can be divided into three sections : Section A , Section B and Section C. All the materials show eight zymogram types .

  3. 外源DNA导入大豆其后代的同工酶酶谱分析

    An analysis of isozyme patterns in Progenies of soybean received foreign DNA

  4. 用SOD同工酶酶谱鉴定脑多头蚴细胞系

    Identification of Cell Line of Coenurus cerebralis by Analysing SOD Isoenzyme Pattern

  5. 采用酶谱方法检测IV型胶原酶对底物的降解。

    Substrate degradation by type IV collagenase was measured by zymography .

  6. 同一品种(系)或F2代,不同生育期的酶谱变化较大。

    The bands of the same variety or F2 hybrid varied greatly in different development stages .

  7. 但SOD、CAT活性在老化处理未与老化处理种子幼苗之间变化不大。SOD同功酶谱带数目不受人工老化处理影响。

    But SOD and CAT activity did not change much between normal and ageing seedling .

  8. 重症脑血管意外致ECG和心肌酶谱异常的分析

    To analyse 52 serious case of cerebrovascular accidents causing abnormal ECG and myocardial enzymes

  9. 供试材料的SOD同工酶酶谱类型基本相同。

    The SOD isoenzyme graphes of the tested materials were the same in the main .

  10. 青海双峰驼血液LDH和SOD同工酶酶谱

    Isozyme-spectra of Lactate Dehydrogenase and Superoxide Dismutase of Blood in Qinghai Camelus Bactrianus

  11. 三种鹿红细胞LDH和SOD同工酶酶谱

    Isozyme spectra of LDH and SOD in Erythrocytes of Three Species of Deers

  12. 同工酶酶谱的聚类分析结果与形态学上的分类结果出现差异,而RAPD分析的聚类分析结果比较可靠。

    The result of the clustering analysis of RAPD is relatively exact .

  13. 其中对体胚形态建成过程中SOD同工酶酶谱的动态变化的研究是一个创新之处。

    The dynamic study of SOD isozyme spectra is another innovation of this study . 4 .

  14. 目的探讨低钾型周期性麻痹的心电图(ECG)改变与心肌酶谱变化。

    Objective To discuss the changes of ECG and cardiac enzyme spectrum during hypokalemic periodicit paralysis .

  15. 方法对于52例急性期脑血管意外的昏迷病人进行心电图(ECG)及心肌酶谱监测和分析。

    Methods To analyse 52 ECG and serum cardiac enzymes of CVA of acute coma patients .

  16. 水稻属种间超氧物歧化酶谱型研究超氧物岐化酶(SOD)与苹果种间分类的关系探讨

    Interspecific Superoxide Dismutase Zymogram of Genus Oryza THE STUDY OF SIBSHIP ON APPLE SPECIES AND SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE

  17. 目的:研究高功率脉冲微波(HighPowerPulseMicrowave,HPPM)辐照对心肌酶谱的影响。

    AIM : To study the effects of high power pulse microwave ( HPPM ) on myocardial enzyme spectrum of serum .

  18. 结果:A,B2组的症状、肌酶谱和病理改变明显好转,C组有加重的表现(P<0.05)。

    RESULTS : Group A and B became better , group C showed a aggravating trendy ( P < 0.05 ) .

  19. POD酶谱的一致性证明了自交纯化基因型的遗传效应;

    The consistency of POD isozymic patterns proved selfing was an useful way to purify genotype .

  20. Rf值0.78~0.85间的酶谱与大豆锈病的发生发展有着密切关系。

    Besides there was close correlation between RF value ( 0.78 to 0.85 ) and development of soybean rust .

  21. 而酯酶(EST)同工酶酶谱存在较大的差异。

    But there was difference in EST isozyme bands .

  22. 叶片中的POD、EST酶谱在各个生育时期均达到极显著相关。

    The significantly correlations were observed in the zymogram patterns of leaves during different periods .

  23. 88例SARS患者心肌酶谱改变观察

    An observation on the variation of myocardial enzyme spectrum in serum of 88 patients with SARS

  24. 结果:bax基因编码序列及嵌合基因限制性酶谱正确;

    Results : The coding sequence of bax and pSV-CIP-bax-CAT gene was characterized by restriction analysis .

  25. 酶谱:GOT、LDH、CK-MB、HBDH出现高峰时间延迟。

    Enzyme spectrum : the peak times of GOT LDH CK MB HBDH were all delay .

  26. 电离辐射对大鼠胸腺和肠系膜淋巴结细胞LDH同功酶谱的影响

    The effect of radiation on the spectrum of LDH isoenzymes of rat thymus and mesenteric lymphnode cells

  27. 不同生育时期叶片或根部的POD同工酶和EST同工酶酶谱的聚类图都存在着差异;

    Dendrograms of POD and EST zymogram patterns of roots and leaves in different growth stages exist difference .

  28. 观察培养心肌细胞病变(CPE)及心肌酶谱乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)和磷酸肌酸激酶(CK)的变化。

    The changes in the cultured cell pathogenic effect ( CPE ), LDH and CK were observed .

  29. 由PAGE电泳酶谱推断,液体发酵培养过程中,灵芝胞外漆酶是单一酶,并不产生其他灵芝漆酶同工酶,且灵芝漆酶活性的升高与其表达量的增加呈正相关。

    From the PAGE zymogram , it was inferred that Ganoderma lucidum laccase is a single enzyme and there was no other isoenzyme expressed in the process of liquid fermentation .

  30. 酶谱分析法测定MMP-2和MMP-9的表达。

    Expression level of MMP-2 , - 9 protein in placental villi was measured by gelatin zymography technique .