
pèi sè
  • Color Matching;colour matching;colour combination;match colours;harmonize colours
配色 [pèi sè]
  • [match colours] 按需要把各种颜色按适当的标准调配

配色[pèi sè]
  1. 计算机配色不准的两点原因及解决方法

    Two Causes of Inaccuracy of Computer Colour Matching and Methods to Resolve Them

  2. 色织涤棉树皮皱织物的组织与配色

    The Composition and Colour Matching of Polyester / Cotton Dyed Yarn Woven Bark Fabric

  3. 这些式样有两组配色:红褐色或蓝褐色。

    The designs are available in two colourways : red / grey or blue / grey .

  4. 从风格上来说,这个名称意味着松散而迅速的绘画笔触,奔放的格调,使用强烈配色。

    Stylistically , the term implies loose , rapid painthandling , large rhythms and broken colour .

  5. 面向对象的配色花纹CAD系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of CAD System for Flowered Fabric on OOP

  6. 测算R∞(λ)的新公式与电脑配色

    A new formula which measuring and calculatingr_ ∞ (λ) and computer color matching

  7. 智能油漆配色系统的改进BP算法

    A Modified Back Propagation Algorithm for the Paint-color Matching System

  8. 应用BP网络的油漆配色系统

    Application of BP Network in the Colour Distribution of Paints

  9. 重要特性:用户可以在由Box发起的项目上使用自己的标识与配色方案

    Killer feature : users can brand box-powered projects with their own logos and color schemes

  10. CCD光谱仪计算机配色系统的总体研究

    The Overall Research of Computer Color Matching System with CCD Spectrometer

  11. 基于ASP的领带设计配色系统

    Color Matching System for Tie Design Based on ASP

  12. CAD技术的普遍应用,给表里换层配色花纹织物的设计带来了技术上的突破。

    The widespread application of CAD to the color-patterned design of interchangeable double cloth brings a great breakthrough in technology .

  13. SN染料在羊毛纤维上的电子配色

    Color Matching of SN Type Reactive Dyes on Wool with Computer Color Matching

  14. 通过实验表明,使用基于RBF神经网络的遗传算法配色模型可以快速提供满足企业要求的染色配方。

    Experiments showed that this model could quickly provide the users with a satisfied formula .

  15. CBR技术在自动配色系统中的应用研究

    Research of CBR in colour - matching system

  16. 研究测试的结果表明:BP改进算法能够弥补原有算法精度速度不够理想的不足,解决了电脑配色的问题。

    The testing result shows that the improved BP algorithm can supply a gap of the old BP algorithm and solve the problem of computer dividing .

  17. 基于PMAC的配色滴液机控制系统设计论建筑环境色彩的配色与协调

    Design of PMAC-based control system for the color matching and liquid dropping machine

  18. SPT电脑配色技术中计算强度的两种方法

    Two Methods of Calculating Intensity for SPT Computer Color Matching

  19. 基于Elman神经网络的织物染色的配色

    Color Matching for Textile Dyeing Based on Elman Neural Network

  20. 本文介绍一个基于MSWindows环境下的测色配色系统的组成结构及内部实现原理,并讨论该系统在酸性染料中的应用方法。

    This paper introduces the implementation of a computer aided color measuring and color matching system based on Ms Windows environment , and discusses the method of its application for acid dye .

  21. 利用GK-02型电脑测色配色仪进行电脑配色研究

    Studies on using color testing and matching system computer model GK-02 in computer color match

  22. 新iPhone会推出一款新的玫瑰金配色,还配备了新的玻璃屏。苹果称之为业内最坚固的玻璃屏。

    The new iPhones will also come in a new rose gold finish , with a new glass that company describes as the strongest in the industry .

  23. 国产GK&02型电脑测色配色仪SPT电脑配色技术中计算强度的两种方法

    China-made GK-02 Computer Controlled Colour Measuring and Matching Meter Two Methods of Calculating Intensity for SPT Computer Color Matching

  24. 文章提出了一种基于Elman神经网络的三刺激值染色配色方法。

    A method for textile color matching with tri-stimulus algorithm based on Elman neural network is proposed in this paper .

  25. 此程序设计已在JK-03型涂料测色配色仪上使用。

    This programme has been put into usage in MODEL JK 03 color test & match instrument for paint .

  26. 神经网络配色算法的研究主要采用BP算法及改进BP算法来实现颜色信息与配方的非线性映射。

    The algorithm used in neural network is mainly about BP algorithm and improved BP algorithm that are used to realize the nonlinear mapping between the information of color and the mixing proportion of different dyes .

  27. 目的:探讨赝复配色颜料及口腔唾液对MDX44210硅橡胶表面白色念珠菌(Candidaalbicans)粘附性的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the influence of pigment and saliva on the ability of Candida albicans to adhere to silicone elastomer used as prosthetic materials .

  28. 此外,您还将利用拖放操作等技术来排序列表项,以及组织页面元素和UI小部件来切换主题和配色方案&一切都能在单独一个Web页面中完成。

    And , you 'll use techniques such as drag and drop to order list items and organize page elements and UI widgets to switch themes and color schemes & all without leaving a single web page .

  29. 该系列有黑、白两种配色,搭载Android4.4KitKat系统,还配有内置式3MP后置镜头和1.3MP前置镜头。

    Each device -- available in both black and white -- will run on Android 4.4 KitKat , and have a relatively weak built-in 3MP rear camera and 1.3MP front camera .

  30. RichFaces有一些内置的配色方案或皮肤。

    RichFaces has several built-in color schemes or skins .